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Anyone see the Prince of Persia movie? ...if so, is it any good or avoid it?


Never played any of the games, but the ad on tv for the movie actually looks kinda decent for maybe a matinee showing

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it did better at the box office than . and the City 2 if that tells you anything... :)

Uhh... no!


Your post made me curious - Weekend Box Office Results


And btw, I hear this last Shrek really sucks. I know Prince of Persia got crappy scores from the critics but they usually like boring over inflated crap anyways ...and usually hate the fun movies. I go to the movies to have fun, not to think I'm smarter than I actually am. I just want to know if Prince of Persia is a fun enough movie worth some hard earned doughnuts or if it falls flat like the critics say.

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I'd be all for Shrek....I liked the others and I like that sort of thing anyhow...plus the kids love it and isnt that what counts anyhow...?


coarse I went to see UP...and I liked that and I usually go tot eh Harry Potter ones...most others dont interest me...

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Yeah as long as you and kids love it, that's all that matters. :)


Saw the first 30min of Prince of Persia... then we snuck out to go watch Iron Man 2, which was awesome. Still like the first one more though. PoP didn't look bad but not a $10 movie showing. I may check it out when it comes to the $1 Theater.

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"Top Shot" and "Pawn Stars" on History Channel



Top Shot looks horrible, my grandmother can shot better than those people.


That show had a lot of promise.


It shouldn't be a dramatacized series but an ACTUAL tournament like the world poker championship...

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just watched "from paris with love" - not what I expected but it was OK.

also watched "watchmen" and liked it. but 3.5hrs?! good movie though.


and began re-watching V for Vendetta on BD (tremendous quality on my new 1080p monitor, TY xifre.)


*edit* my dad also just watched "ninja warrior" or whatever it's called, and said it should've been called "bodycount" LOL but at least it was entertaining I suppose.

*edit of an edit* i love watching BREAKING BAD - IMO it's the best thing on TV today besides the simpsons.

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