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Would you ever own a Mac?


Would you ever own a Mac?  

91 members have voted

  1. 1. I...

    • already own a Mac.
    • would eventually like to get one.
    • hadn't really considered it before, but after buying an iPod / iPhone, I'm considering it.
    • would only own one if it was given to me for free.
    • might.
    • seriously doubt I would ever own one.
    • had one once before, and have no desire to go back to it.
    • would not buy one.
    • would not take one even if it was given to me for free.
    • don't have a problem with them, but will never use one.

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I said comparable. That Acer laptop has a lower voltage processor, integrated graphics, and a lower resolution screen, all things that are obviously going to increase battery life but at the expense of performance. After reading some reviews, it does seem to put out eight hours of battery life, though again, at the expense of performance. However, if you're just looking for something bigger than a netbook with a longer battery life without having to shell out more than $1000, then I'll concede that the Acer you linked to fits the bill.


Well of course you'll get more battery life if you simply increase the size of the laptop and consequently increase the battery size. But I'm talking about a 15" laptop that weighs around 5lbs, is less than an inch thick and offers good performance.

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7 Mac owners, out of 60 votes. I knew we had a few Mac users, but this is a higher number than I expected. :)


man how did I know you of all people would be the one to make this poll...??? :)
Someone's obviously not been paying attention to the staff forums. Tisk tisk. :P Welcome to the Official, and newly revived, OCC Polls... I'm your host and admin d3bruts1d, and each week I'll be asking a new questions... sometimes computer related, and sometimes not. Check back each week for the new question. ;)



Well, D3 makes all the official OCC polls.....

You should see me bake a cake.

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Ah now this poll exists and here my 2 cents I already spat out. Would only own one if it was given to me for free. Surprised its in second next to don't mind but wouldn't own. Why not take it if its for free.

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Ah now this poll exists and here my 2 cents I already spat out. Would only own one if it was given to me for free. Surprised its in second next to don't mind but wouldn't own. Why not take it if its for free.

well yeah of course I'd *take* it but that doesn't mean I'd keep it.

Just like if someone gave me a ferrari, I'd take it but sell it for the ridiculous amount of money it's worth. (what if it broke on me, the insurance for it, the gas for it etc.)



As for the new macbook battery life, very nice. What kind of battery technology is that?? It has to be some new highly refined lithium ion technology or something, that can't be all hardware optimization. I even undervolted my CPU and my machine still only goes for 3.5ish hours. (then again it's probably the damn 9600GT M that's sucking up all the power and making all the ridiculous heat output). I wish I could undervolt the video card :(, I don't even game on it anymore

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A mac is by no means a Ferrari... Its not like a Ferrari would break either but come on its not like its got a cost to maintain in there.


And yeah my 9800GT M does keep my laptop hot but with that and the p8400 its got and 4gb of ram I can get the battery to last 2hrs in windows and 2hrs and 45min in Linux.

Edited by Compxpert

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Brother gave me his old ibook, picked it up with one hand while it was on and broke something, it wouldn't do anything after that and I was to computer illiterate to figure out what I had done. Other than that I have to use them in my college art classes and I'm not a fan of there gui, everything seems poorly thought out, even after years of use, I know how to use them I just don't like to, and mighty mice suck. Will be a windows user until linux learns to play windows games at the same level as windows, though ubuntu is fun to use on occasion.

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A mac is by no means a Ferrari... Its not like a Ferrari would break either but come on its not like its got a cost to maintain in there.


And yeah my 9800GT M does keep my laptop hot but with that and the p8400 its got and 4gb of ram I can get the battery to last 20hrs in windows and 2hrs and 45min in Linux.

I meant overpriced like a ferrari, naturally the mac won't nickel and dime you like the ferrari would beyond dropping the huge cash to buy one (which would be void in the case of getting them free) though back to the ferrari example. yes it would cost alot to own, think of insurance costs (high priced sports car, and most likely going to come in red), you'd have to put premium in, they may require overpriced fluids (I know BMW's high series vehicles take $17 dollar a quart transmission fluid). If someone hit and run's your mirror, I bet it'd be like $500 dollars for a new one. It'd be thrown up on ebay immediately. In the Mac's case, I already have a computer and don't need one that does less than my does...so I'd cash out and make a big profit on it like Apple does :lol:


How does your computer reach 20HOURS?!?! that's INSANE, did you daisychain like 3 12 cell batteries together (or two of the new macbook batteries) and have the processor severely unclocked and undervolted?? My computer's processor is also one of the "P" series (P9500 2.53ghz) which are 10W more efficient than the "T" series mobile chips and I don't get anywhere near that kind of battery life in windows 7. Even just browsing the net


Brother gave me his old ibook, picked it up with one hand while it was on and broke something, it wouldn't do anything after that and I was to computer illiterate to figure out what I had done. Other than that I have to use them in my college art classes and I'm not a fan of there gui, everything seems poorly thought out, even after years of use, I know how to use them I just don't like to, and mighty mice suck. Will be a windows user until linux learns to play windows games at the same level as windows, though ubuntu is fun to use on occasion.

I hate mighty mice with a passion. (and loved that the classes where mac use was required, all the computers had nice TWO button logitech mice with scroll wheels)

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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The first one after a quick Google: http://www.acer.com/timeline/home.html


With bigger batteries there are tons of laptops that'll run 8 hours or more; they just don't come with them 95% of the time because they're a bit bulky. Hell, my old Dell ran for nearly 11 hours when I replaced the CD drive with a second battery. :P


The Acer Timeline is great, but it's hardly in the same league.


Now find another laptop with similar performance, size, weight, LCD quality, build quality and battery life. Right... to my knowledge that other laptop does not exist. Lugging a second/third battery is not a viable solution. I could carry 10 batteries for my netbook and get over 50 hours off it, but it completely defeats the point.


Apple uses superior battery technology. Plain and simple! I'm far from a Mac fan, but I can still admit they have their advantages.

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As for the new macbook battery life, very nice. What kind of battery technology is that?? It has to be some new highly refined lithium ion technology or something, that can't be all hardware optimization. I even undervolted my CPU and my machine still only goes for 3.5ish hours. (then again it's probably the damn 9600GT M that's sucking up all the power and making all the ridiculous heat output). I wish I could undervolt the video card :(, I don't even game on it anymore


It's a combination of hardware/software optimization and lithium polymer batteries (as opposed to your usual lithium ion).



I meant overpriced like a ferrari, naturally the mac won't nickel and dime you like the ferrari would beyond dropping the huge cash to buy one (which would be void in the case of getting them free) though back to the ferrari example. yes it would cost alot to own, think of insurance costs (high priced sports car, and most likely going to come in red), you'd have to put premium in, they may require overpriced fluids (I know BMW's high series vehicles take $17 dollar a quart transmission fluid). If someone hit and run's your mirror, I bet it'd be like $500 dollars for a new one. It'd be thrown up on ebay immediately. In the Mac's case, I already have a computer and don't need one that does less than my does...so I'd cash out and make a big profit on it like Apple does :lol:


How does your computer reach 20HOURS?!?! that's INSANE, did you daisychain like 3 12 cell batteries together (or two of the new macbook batteries) and have the processor severely unclocked and undervolted?? My computer's processor is also one of the "P" series (P9500 2.53ghz) which are 10W more efficient than the "T" series mobile chips and I don't get anywhere near that kind of battery life in windows 7. Even just browsing the net



I hate mighty mice with a passion. (and loved that the classes where mac use was required, all the computers had nice TWO button logitech mice with scroll wheels)


Your Ferrari analogy still doesn't make sense when it comes to Macs.


If you read his post carefully, you would have realized that he meant 2 hours and not 20 since he specifically stated that he gets 2 hours 45 minutes in Linux. Reading comprehension FTW.


I also hate the Mighty Mouse. That was definitely an instance where form took precedence over function. Apple seriously needs to redesign its mouse, the MM is just horrendous.




I'm referring to comparable systems from fellow retailers. The only exception to my statement would probably be the 17" Macbook Pro. However, the 13" and 15" models along with the Mac Pro are priced in accordance with their competition.

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It's a combination of hardware/software optimization and lithium polymer batteries (as opposed to your usual lithium ion).


Your Ferrari analogy still doesn't make sense when it comes to Macs.


If you read his post carefully, you would have realized that he meant 2 hours and not 20 since he specifically stated that he gets 2 hours 45 minutes in Linux. Reading comprehension FTW.


I also hate the Mighty Mouse. That was definitely an instance where form took precedence over function. Apple seriously needs to redesign its mouse, the MM is just horrendous.


I'm referring to comparable systems from fellow retailers. The only exception to my statement would probably be the 17" Macbook Pro. However, the 13" and 15" models along with the Mac Pro are priced in accordance with their competition.

Oh to the polymer battery, I wish i could pop one of those into my laptop but I doubt I'd ever be able to get one since my laptop company isn't one of the big names.


My Ferrari analogy WAS a bit flawed but to put it simply, I meant that I'd rather take the huge profit to be made on the sale of either the free Mac or free Ferrari. For the money would be more useful to me than the products themselves. Sorry if I kind of got confusing there :)

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