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Occ Christmas Contest


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Dave, I don't remember where it is written, but I know in the past that post counts didn't used to include the lounge and other such places. Is that still true? If so, it would be a good idea to clear this up so that our members realize that a post count requirement isn't going to cause a bunch of spamming, as spamming wouldn't help your post count at all.

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Dave, I don't remember where it is written, but I know in the past that post counts didn't used to include the lounge and other such places. Is that still true? If so, it would be a good idea to clear this up so that our members realize that a post count requirement isn't going to cause a bunch of spamming, as spamming wouldn't help your post count at all.

Yes, that's still the case...and I'm sure they'll realize when their post count don't increase if they try it.

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The reason would be because different manufacturers make nVidia and Ati cards. All the Ati cards come from two companies, Sapphire and Palit...neither of which make nVidia cards.




That's because OCC isn't a mere review site, it's an uber site.


PS. Are staff ineligible? <_>


You are wrong Clay Palit does indeed deliver both ATI AND Nvidia cards Just look through the review listing. I have done a 9800GX2. GTX260, GTX280 and we have done a 9800GTX+

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Oh wait. Is this contest open to non-US residents? Sorry for the newbie question but I can't seem to find that info.
The contest is open to all parts of the world :)

anybody but staff can enter :)

Edited by turophiliac

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