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The DIY Gentoo Linux Guide


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The 64bit LiveCD now has a Gnome Desktop and the graphocal based installer actually works. You don't get the latest packages though..


Alright, well I'll try Likewhoa's link just to avoid confusion as much as possible.

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I smell guinee pig...I am certainly curious to get to it...I will devote a spare rig just to this...I got hooked from the XGL video...(hint which should be linked in the guide)


but this is a pretty thorough guide...I am just overwhelmed by the amount of information...the 1st time will be the hardest...once I have some one hold my hand while I walk thru it...the next time will be a cake walk for me...;) I hope



Well this guide is for getting the base system setup, I will make individual guides for XGL and other stuff :) don't worry those guides will be much smaller than this one.

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I figured it out and I'm pretty much software illiterate, it just takes a little time and the willingness to experiment. I do love the experiments, only fubared my install once but I needed a little more practice typing anyway..

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The most difficult thing you will run into when first starting out with Gentoo is configuring the kernel for your hardware. If you get to this point and are not sure how to proceed there are a couple of options. One is genkernel which will build a generic kernel that is capable of detecting pretty much all hardware. Not the optimal solution but it gets your system running and it can always be reconfigured later as you learn more. Information on Genkernel can be found in the Gentoo Hanbook under configuring the kernel.


The other is, I can offer up a little help through sshd and logon to your rig to help configure your kernel while you watch so you get a better understanding of what needs to be done.


I'm no expert at Gentoo but LikeWhoa has helped me out a bunch so I'd like to help him out with some of problems others may run into.

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I would have mentioned genkernel but my mommy told me i can't or else she take away my playstation :(


don't you want to know your hardware and have a Linux tailor to it, this is the best way to learn the Kernel's configuration and the benefits and knowledge you'll gain

not to mention the satisfaction you'll feel when your system finally boots up and doesn't "kernel panic". If all fails I guess try Genkernel but if you grow a third nipple (males) or

start to grow hair on your breast (for the females) then don't come classy lady to me. :P


Thanks CPDMF I can use your help I know this thread will eventually be have some people in distress who will need assistance and I won't be around most times, really appreciate you giving back to the cause. You were born a contributer to all that have questions. :)


here is a nice tip for you Linux Users.

run this in your terminal while in X, it's pretty sweet. I use it to tail my logs.


/usr/lib/misc/xscreensaver/phosphor -program bash -window -scale 2

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Where's your sense of adventure Redbeaver? All that work on that fine OC and a little typing (OK a lot of typing or copying and pasting from this guide using putty) and you aren't willing to streamline a killer OS in there.. :)

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