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Headset purchase time...


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Happy made me post this here instead of starting a new thread :)


OK, so I got about £30-40 budget, and need a pair of headphones for:


Listening to Music late at night!

Playing games like CS:S and perhaps BF2 if I get it


Now, I also need a mic for chatting (just over MSN, although I might get Skype later on), and also for the odd recording of music (I play both electric guitar (Bass) and acoustic, so need to be pretty sensitive, whilst not distorting at high bass levels )


Would a separate set be recommended? I'm not really that needy for a pair of headphones, but really want a mic and thought I might as well combine these needs.


But if a separate mic's going to be better/more effective for my needs then I'm more than happy to save money


Please remember I live in the UK, so links to UK shops would be great if you can be bothered - if not, Newegg links are fine, but bear in mind that model might not be available in my country....


And remember... £30-40 max!


P.S... I always thought BIG headphones looked silly... but always willing to look at new things

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just buy what HG buys. He's researched and got opinions from everyone else :D




after taking a look through the thread, here's what I've sorta narrowed it down to:




HD485 (out of stock...plus the Zalman mic...though I sorta want it to be an all-in-one unit)


E-Dimensional FX


IceMat 10062


the IceMat is interesting because it has just the jack (for phones and mic), or you can run it into the controller thing which is USB


the only thing I want to make sure of is that the USB is NOT producing audio or converting audio or anything like that. USB audio is weak. I want my audio coming through the sound card's jacks....but if the unit uses USB to power something that is ok, as long as it is not using USB as an audio device/channel.


anyway, those are the ones I am taking a real close look at.


What say you?


Going by your picture and your earsize I suggest making sure the earpiece is larger then some of the models you've shown. If the earpieces are too small its annoying!! I've heard bad reliability of icemats, a lot of ducktape usage and one ear going out of commission. (usually the left) weird I know.


I suggest SENNHEISER PC160SK or the EDIMENSIONALS, you'll have the ability to relax and yap away like you wanted. Just my two cents

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wtf is a 'can'? lol


A moment ago: i though happy is god to anything regarding comp that include headset...



NOw: OMG, happy is mortal too, hes has no idea wat a can is lolz. @@/ Its a slang for headset and happy u might wanna check whether it would be comforty with glasses on(noticed that u wear spec like i do). Some can is awesome.... but if only u dont wear glasses, something minor like that only ppls like us(with spec) would notices...

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i think I'm gonna try the PC160SK first...if I hate it, I'll sell it or give it away (to momma) and try something else


After having a little time last night, i read a few things that swayed me in this direction also. I also saw that NCIX has 3 in stock just down the street from me so after i cash my cheque after work, im gonna pick me up a set of those PC160SK's and see how they go. (along with a %^$( toque!! It was *&^*^@# COLD this morning!!)

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So i picked up a set of the PC160SK's today. I havent had a chance to test the mic yet but im listening to music on them atm and all i can say is wow. (rockin out to Easy All Stars - Dub Side Of The Moon :cool: , some funkified Pink Floyd...well, maybe more raegge :)

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Let me chime in again and make the world crazy.


My last post (post#38) was purely about headphones no amplifiers or others (i think you got me wrong there).


Now i can see you have a hd485 in your potential list. Then I will make 4 more recommendations for your price range:


1) Koss KSC-75 for $13: http://www.amazon.com/Koss-KSC75-Portable-...8&s=electronics - unbelievable sound quality / performance for its size and cost... i have one, i am using it, I never regret paying $12 when they were on sale at radioshack - it might seem like a joke but it is better than all "headsets" you linked IMO. Small conversation: http://www6.head-fi.org/forums/showthread....light=porta+pro



2) koss porta pro for $50: http://www.headphone.com/guide/by-headphon...ss-portapro.php - very comfortable, great sounding cans (also higly recommended - little bit bassy)



3) AKG K81DJ for $70: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00...ct-20/ref=nosim here is another small review for ya: http://www6.head-fi.org/forums/showthread....light=akg+k81dj - one of the best cans under $100 but again it depends on taste. Likewise, alessandro ms1 can be find for $90



4) senn hd580: can be found a used one around $110. (a great step up than your linked $80 hd485).


Good luck!


EDITED for K81 (totally forgot about it)


1) oh god no! I have a pair, sound great! But for wearing all day, I dont think so. Not very comfortable.


2) some peeps complain on headfi about comfort w/ these also.


3) come on, they have a very tight fit...havent you tried these before, its like vise grips lol


4) awesome but needs an amp, and way out of the price range.


The HD485 is a very good all around can for $65! Unlike the grado/alessandro ;) but lets not get into that... this is a hardware forum and not a headphone forum. :eek:


If these are for work then it sounds like comfort should be the up most important factor? I'd go w/ these... Audio Technica A500's, $89 http://www.audiocubes.com/category/Headpho...Headphones.html

and probably the MOST comfortable cans one can buy. They are closed so they dont hear sound from the outside. There are big but ultra light. I own many cans and these are by far the most comfortable, Ive even fell asleep once wearing them. Oh and ps the sound for gaming is almost like cheating due to their awesome sound stage and 3d positioning. I can wear them day without any ill effects (neck pains etc.) But they are headphones so you'll need to get a clip on mic.


If you choice to go w/ the headphones w/ the built in mics: the Senn PC160 are better then the Plantronics, I've had both and the PC160 are better. The plantronics break after 3-6 months. I've went through 2 already, not buying a 3rd. And the sound quality is really crap on the plantronics.

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So i picked up a set of the PC160SK's today. I havent had a chance to test the mic yet but im listening to music on them atm and all i can say is wow. (rockin out to Easy All Stars - Dub Side Of The Moon :cool: , some funkified Pink Floyd...well, maybe more raegge <-- spelling?)


hmmm.... now image how the music will sound using better cans? visit headfi.org for more info, though once there there is no coming back. Say goodbye to your savings! You've been warned. DAC -> AMP -> Grado SR225/AKG K501/Senn HD595 > Senn PC160 :drool:

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