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I've downloaded and installed WarRock. Unfortunately there are apparently a couple of critical updates that can only be downloaded from their server (which happens to be down right now). Guess it will be sometime tomorrow before I actually get to try it out. I get an error message whenever I try to launch the game "cannot find file" yada yada yada

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Here I am about 12 hours later and still cant get WarRock to run right. It looks like all of the patches have been downloaded and applied, but whenever I go to connect to one of their servers I get a "disconnected from server" error message.


I'll play around with it a little bit more tonight, but honestly, any game I have to spend 3 or more hours trying to get it to run doesn't bode well for that game staying on my computer.


Also, don't like the fact that it doesn't natively support higher wide screen resolutions.

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Van anyone tell me how do I know when somebody is using a wallhack or something?


Experience I'm afraid, its very difficult to be 100% sure that someone is cheating but, the more you play a game, the more you will become accustomed to what is and isn't attainable within its limitations.


Btw I hope you are asking so, that you can spot cheats rather than as a prospective cheater - no offense intended :)


Beta testing Enemy Territory:Quake Wars atm so, not much time for anything else, well apart from a few hours of BF2 of course :D



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I tried them but I don't like em' cheats.I was asking because sometimes I get shot even when the other person shoots trough a wall.And sometimes it is do able becasue in CS 1.6 (the game I'm talking about) if you have like the AK-47 you can actually shoot trough doors and walls.But the reason I ask is I was wondering if i can distinguish a shot to check if someone is hiding there or a shot because he knows I'm there.I eman sometiems I even get a headshot in situations like this.

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Cheats and hacks. Ah the life of an online gamer. Just play fair and know that you are playing the game as it was intended. That way when you win, you know you have won fair and square, and because of practice, experience and talent. Not because you have a hack that no one else does.

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I uninstalled WarRock tonight. I tried for hours to get onto a server, but just kept getting disconnected. Spent forever trying to configure my firewall, then just turned it off completely. Still the same thing. "Server Disconnected".


It's not worth my time to pursue it any further. Good luck. If you get it running and find the secret, let me know and I may try again. I saved the installation files to a backup CD.

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I tried them but I don't like em' cheats.I was asking because sometimes I get shot even when the other person shoots trough a wall.And sometimes it is do able becasue in CS 1.6 (the game I'm talking about) if you have like the AK-47 you can actually shoot trough doors and walls.But the reason I ask is I was wondering if i can distinguish a shot to check if someone is hiding there or a shot because he knows I'm there.I eman sometiems I even get a headshot in situations like this.


Although im a gamer to the max sometimes and i do understand how tempting it can be to go cheats and hacks, lets not forget we are on a forum with strickt rules on this subject :)

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Yes but is there any ways that these tricks can be identified?Cause to be honest I tried them wall hacks just cause at the time I was playing on a server w/o admin. and I was sick of getting over the corner and as soon as I show my a** I got a headshot.Now I don't see that kind of happenings that often.

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