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The HUGE BIG-BIG Windows Vista Thread


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I prefer using Uxtheme changer v5.0 and Aero Glass 52xx. It doesn't have transparency, but is much easier on your system than using Window blinds and trying to find one of the good Vista styles, which most of them got yanked by MS. There are Icon System patches and Vista sound schemes (which even Vista doesn't use yet) Google is you friend.


Using System patches can be dangerous and can kill your installation if you don't know what you're doing. Sometimes things can go wrong even if the directions are followed correctly, so you're pretty much on your own with that. Definately set a restore point before patching system files.

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Macromedia Flash ver8,0,24,0 is working for me in Vista x64.

I'm making the changes. Thanks mang.


Google Vista Transformation Pack as well for the Vista look on XP.

Real all the warnings about using it.

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Is anyone else finding their graphics performanc sucks? I have it installed on a Sata drive, and I'm always getting asked if I want to turn off the WDM or whatever. Also, even SOLITARIE has graphical lag. This sort of kills the whole AeroGlass Experience TM, and surely my GFX card is not too weak. The driver from the nvidia website is even worse. Solitaire is virtually unplayable.

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Is anyone else finding their graphics performanc sucks? I have it installed on a Sata drive, and I'm always getting asked if I want to turn off the WDM or whatever. Also, even SOLITARIE has graphical lag. This sort of kills the whole AeroGlass Experience TM, and surely my GFX card is not too weak. The driver from the nvidia website is even worse. Solitaire is virtually unplayable.


The graphics, inability for RAID, and gaming performance is partly why I went back to XP, d wait for RC1

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being limited to stock clocks makes it bench worse for sure.

Certainly some new drivers wil help.

This IS a Beta 2 release so expect some issues.

I actually won 4 games of 5 last night and it worked pretty well.


try and get more definitive on the driver error displayed.

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If you've started to like the Vista theme but feel the need to go back to XP, check this theme out. It's called Vista Transformation Pack 4 and includes transparency efftects etc

It is available here http://www.jcxp.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=7006

it really looks quite a lot like beta 2 without the sidebar. It also doesnt require you to install a third party theme pack like stylexp or stardock, everything you need is included in the pack.

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If you read the entire thread, there are several posts mentioning examples of what can go wrong and even some screenshots. My warning stands.


To get back on topic, has anyone found any new bugs, that are not driver related? I've been relaying a lot of info to Microsoft, and haven't found anything in a few hours, which is pretty cool. I actually forgot that I was using a new beta OS for a minute. I haven't even booted into XP or Media Center in days. It's going to be weird having to use XP when I have to fix someone's machine.

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