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The HUGE BIG-BIG Windows Vista Thread


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Guest obvious

I must have tried 10 different driver combinations trying to get spdif output in Vista 5840.


Has anyone had an luck?

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That's good news for people with entry level - mid range amplifiers.

On a 7.1 system with it's own decoder ,spacial acoustics would be thrown for a loop though. I use a Marantz 7300 with discrete 7.1 input (leaves the sound unprocessed) and any equalization disabled, which I feel gives me the sound closest to the way it was meant to be heard.

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I have equalization disabled, which I feel gives me the sound closest to the way it was meant to be heard.


That is exactly how I feel as well. The audio engineer and producer went to a lot of work polishing the album for final listening and someone wants to chuck a happy face EQ on there? Not in my household :D EQ the room and nothing else.

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If the album is mixed right then there is no need for EQ other than for tuning the room to compensate for deficiencies in reproductive equipment (amp/speakers) and environment.

What you have to understand is that the studio has tens of thousands of dollars (if not hundreds of thousands) of gear that is specially designed to alter elements of the mix without adding unwanted aspects.

For example, if your reproduction system is lacking in bass then you have to turn up the bass to compensate for that. If your system can reproduce the sound exactly as the final mix should sound then anything else you do is going to clutter the sound.

Take bass as the perfect example; many people will just crank the bass on their systems but the eq on home stereo's is the equivalent of a big stick to the studio's sniper rifle. The "Q" on a home stereo EQ is set so that when you boost the bass it will boost a whole bass range, not a specific frequency (which is what your ear is really after), and you end up with what I call the "fart sound". You know the "fart sound", it messes up the balance in the mix, makes vocals less audible, and whenever a certain frequency pops up in the song you will hear what I can only describe as "gaseous" (think of just about every boy racer sub you've ever heard, the bass ain't a punchy sound, more like a soft fart).

I guess it comes down to the level of appreciation which you are able to take from musical recording. From my years as an audio engineer I am able to appreciate the balance in a good mix as well as other elements (mainly compression) and it adds a whole new element to the recording, almost to the point of making the actual music redundant.

I don't live my life with pieces of rags stuck in my ears and I don't listen to music that way either.

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Guest obvious

for sure, EQ the room and then listen to it how it was intended a couple of times....you might learn something....then mess with it. :P


bit like OC'ing ;)


but to drag it back to Vista, if anyones had any luck with SPDIF using nforce or Realtek drivers then it'd be good to hear about it.

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Hey guys and gals first let me say thanks to rgone and angry both of you guys have been great help, angry through forums and tuts, rgone through tech support. I have been most pleased with my DFI purchase and have become a DFI fan.


that being said


I am have a few questions about vista,sli,and DFI mobo


1. Anyone here have vista RC1 build 5600 and running sli?


2. When i start pc, to get to bios I have to take monitor off the 2nd card(from the top pcie slot) to see bios, then i have to switch it back when vista starts to see windows screen, I have read around that rc1 does not support SLI??


3. Can I oc with all 4 ram slots populated? I have read here in forums that the orange slots work best for OC ??


any more tips or tricks similar to my setup will be a great help





I also have done the evercool vc-re fan upgrade (with one step added had a metal worker sandblast the top with fan removed to create turbulence so air absorbs the heat before disapating. Also run Kingwin Aquastar AS-3000 on cpu only.


Thanks in advance to anyone that posts and thans again to DFI who uses real techs instead of call center workers you have earned a liftime customer!

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