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New DFI Lanparty UT NF590 SLI-MR2/G

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A decent passive sink will win out with me over a cheap fan/sink any day. The oppurtunity to replace it is open, and a nice low RPM fan aimed towards will yeild just as good if not better temps than a stock active heatsink.

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Now I am really getting confused. It seems there may be another version of the nVidia motherboard.


However, I digg the layout of the SATA ports, well except for the random 2 mid way up, unless those are capable of supporting optical drives. They look to be on a seperate controler chip, if they can support optical drives then all the more reason to get that board.


picture from madshrimps



Oh wait!


Is it possible that they are the various versions of the nVidia and ATi Chipsets?


The one pictured above could be the 590 SLI, with the first picture being a 570 SLI. While the other pictures might be the ATi boards with the RDS600 and ULi south bridges.


Edit: now that I think about it, it actually makes perfect sense.

From nVidia alone there are 4 variants of the 5xx series


590 SLI

570 SLI

570 Ultra



So I guess it is possible that there would be 4 (maybe more) versions of nVidia based AM2 motherboards from DFI. There MIGHT be more if there are various features used or not used (kind of like the DR vs non DR boards).


Then there are the ATi Boards so that leaves 2 (possibly more, maybe less) more motherboards.


Then again this is all just a guess I have no idea what will happen. I must say that I can't wait to see the real thing though :D

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The digital voltage management is AWESOME. No more crappy capacitors to worry about, and heatsinking things will be MUCH easier.


I personally see this is as a MASSIVE step foward.


Gogo DFI, keep the air clearance at max :)

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people gotta stop moaning about chipset coolers

i usedboth vc-re and the stock cooler and find no damn difference. in fact i use the stock cooler then my vcre

bad chipset temps? get a better case and stop whining


anyways. the new boards are nice

but wih the current amd offerings... just doesnt justify me to buy it .

a 3% difference in performance aint worth my 4bills. my 2cts

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Guest caffeinejunkie
people gotta stop moaning about chipset coolers

i usedboth vc-re and the stock cooler and find no damn difference. in fact i use the stock cooler then my vcre

bad chipset temps? get a better case and stop whining


anyways. the new boards are nice

but wih the current amd offerings... just doesnt justify me to buy it .

a 3% difference in performance aint worth my 4bills. my 2cts


The biggest problem with the stock chipset cooler is the stock TIM appplication


if you reseat the stock cooler w/ some as5 then you'll get some decent temps out of it and that means you can run it slower which means less noise


Simply re-seating w/ as5 can fix all the problem with the stock


so your right people should stop complaining


you guys are doing some good grunt work w/ speculating about these boards


oh and Elaruwan do you have any links to any articles about the digital voltage management because id be very interested in reading more about that?

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Looks pretty, and simple... I like it, yet who knows how it really will be :P


In a non overclocking board the use of heatpipes to cool stuff like chipsets or mosfets is acceptable, I like the idea of a computer with those things... however, in an overclocking rig a heatpipe that runs from one end of the motherboard to the other is, umm not practical since the use of a regular copper heatsink would be better. If I wanted heatpipes I would go to the specialists, Thermalright, and install a heatsink with them myself.


I have read a lot about certain problems of the Expert boards. I am not sure if these are real or of a real concern, but I believe this is because DFI tried to build a very complex motherboard. I am sure it is still better than probably any other brands out there, however what was done to the old NF4 SLI-DR made them unique. I hope the new DFI boards are as good as these: robust and tough and near perfect, yet simple and with not too many gadgets.


Simple = easy to obtain perfection

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Hmm, Looks about the same as the other 64bit amd dfi boards to me.


If you wanna talk about heatsinks...

A single "copper" heatsink of decent size and many fins(probably square ones) wold doit for stock, many would be happy with it, and if it was replaced, it would actually have use for somehting use other then those little aluminum ones.


That black one would have use if you cut it up maybe, but the other no.



The idea, to wacked out though, man I wish though...

Is to extend the board.


Make it so the chipsets are'nt behind the slots.

Make 4x 16x pci-e slots.

Not just 16x, 8x 1x, etc etc, I don't get that.

At least 4, because think if it, 4x gpu's.

Then you got sata raid card in pci-e, most only in pci-e these days.


PCI-e shoudl of been compatible with pci....

Then either we could plug in pci cards, or have slots next to the pci-e slots like how isa and pci went together.


We need 6-7 pci slots...

Room, pick and chose resource by slot.

And the ability to upgrade somehting lol, you can add maybe 1 pci card to those boards, maybe 2.

That's just not cool.


This would make the baord a bit bigger then the standered, but maybe the standered should be re-thaught hmm?

This also makes room to put both seial ports back on(who cares though about those).


Makes room to put the lpt port back on.

Some hate the lpt port, some NEED it.

I need it or my psx controllers, ow some say why not go usb, well I would say NO!

That does well for xbox, not as well for psx.


For example if I got the board, I'd have to buy a lpt port card.

Now that fills up one pci slot.

Now if I were to buy an audio card, then that sorta screws me over if I wanna add a modem or any kind.

Stuff like that.

What if I wanted to add a pci video card, for temp use, or to have as an addon for certain tasks?

Or rom pregramming card?

Disgnostic card?

Lol, hd controller card?



All they'de need to do is either make the atx case a few inches wider.

Or make it a few inches taller then the smallest case, so it could fit a full sized board such as that and a psu.

This woudl make room for a few more pci slots at the very min.

They should bring the chipsets up by the cpu and memory, so it's a whole section away from the cards.

If they have to, make the io on the back taller so it can have more things like an lpt, fiber and coax audio in's and outs, full audio analog jacks, game port(who uses this?, I dn but still).



I don't like how they removed the ide ports...

Makes it nessesary to have more pci cards from the get go.



Sorry about my ranting.

I'd just like to see a good "looking" nf4/nf5? board show up someday.

It'll probably never happen, so it means I need another rig just to do normal things, that nf4/nf5 stle is only good for certain purposes, like a single use sort of thing.

You would'nt even beable to get on the internet(dialup, or other, like pci cable or dsl) with it if you added a lpt, ide and pci vga card.


A baord like is garbage to alot of people.

You can't do that much with it.

I'd like, but I'd only beable to do a small amount of things with it.

They keep taking stuff off the board that people still need absolute.

Plus only a small amount of pci slots, small pci-e slots instead of all 16x.


Anyways can't wait to see the bios as always :).

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Regardless of what the production product will be there will be unhappy users. As long as the bios options are wide (and OC's well), im a happy consumer.


Copper costs about or more than $3 a pound USD.... Doubt we see OEM/Stock copper heatsinks.

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Regardless of what the production product will be there will be unhappy users. As long as the bios options are wide (and OC's well), im a happy consumer.


Copper costs about or more than $3 a pound USD.... Doubt we see OEM/Stock copper heatsinks.

DFI should only build motherboards for people who think like you do :)

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When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.




What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups and were eyeing each other's cups. Now consider this: Life is the coffee, and the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and do not change the quality of Life. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided."

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I thought DFI motherboards were diferent because they overclocked more, plain and simple. In the last year DFI was the ONLY brand which made motherboards for the only purpose of overclocking, something MSI, Asus and Abit stop doing since the end of 2004. If you want a motherboard filled with gadgets and "options", I suggest you buy a motherboard from those three brands... however if you want the best overclocker I then suggest you buy the DFI motherboard.


Also DFI motherboards are the harder to configure: while just grabing ANY A8N SLI and installing ANY brand of PSU and RAM an using AUTO settings on everything works, the same thing can't be done with the DFI. DFI requires high performance RAM and high performance PSU, failure to meet these two simple facts will end up in system not running perfectly. Then you need to adjust a ton of settings no other motherboards till the 3/4 of 2005 had, and failure to adjust these would probably result in the system not being 100% stable.


All these complications using DFI motherboards didn't come from having a "too complex" motherboard, instead they come from having a top of the line performance motherboard. I know these because I have owned Abit, MSI, Asus and Gigabyte socket 939 motherboards, and to be honest nothing came close in overclocking abilities to the DFI... yet all of those motherboards had more gadgets and were prettier.


This is just my opinion, I want DFI to keep doing their job: BE THE #1 OVERCLOCKING MOTHERBOARD MANUFACTURER. Failure to be #1 would make me start considering other brands. If this means the DFI LP motherboards are going to continue being ugly (yellow??), don't have pretty lights like the Abit Fatal1ty, don't have pretty heatpipe heatsinks like the Abit and Asus, don't have pretty boot logo image like all the others... I just don't care, for me the only reason is to have the best functionality and overclocking motherboard in the world, something I am pretty sure I have right now with my nF4 SLI-DR :)


More PCI slots? Well that is a good thing, but not for a 100% gaming motherboard; thats why I keep my ugly/bad MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum, LOL :D Wireless LAN + HDTV card + Audigy4... could be more, but my TT Tide Water is blocking two of them :P


Thanks :)

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