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***Scrambled Boot up.

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when i boot up the computer everything is scrambled and you can not make out anything. there r lines going down the scrren and blocks that flash.

I have tried the following:

Tried 1 stick in either slots.

flashed to another bios 704 i think it is


what is going on??? help

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I got the weird blocks that would flash as well. I tried a plethora of different settings, and found it odd that I would get the same blocks flashing (and unable to boot into windows) with the same settings that previous worked. Turned out one single memory setting was the cause, of 1) Me not being able to run my ram on a Divider 2) not being able to boot into windows 3) getting the strange corruption blocks at the boot screen 4) not being able to OC the CPU with settings that were fine previously with a diff mobo and memory... I thought I had fried the CPU.



I tried almost every individial memory setting on this board until I found that switching max premble from 5.5 to 6 made all the difference, didn't matter if I had really loose or tight timings as soon as I set max premble to 6 I could set everything really tight and be able to boot into windows, go back to 5.5 and I get those blocks and it wont post windows. These boards are finnicky and extremely time consuming.

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ok its not the video card but cause it has done it before and then it stops. and it works fine.


how can i change the setting without seeing it? would you be able to tell me how many times down from the top in the dram bios settings?


could it be from not enough power from the psu? i have to kinda JUMP START IT EVERYTIME...


soon i will find out i have an ocz powerstream 520 in progress to my house

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i get the same problem too! i have alreayd made a thread about it on these forums in this section is you want to look it up. i labeled it as particled and choppy but its the same thing you guys have. i notice we all have the geforce 6800 GS. im guessing that might be the source. my power supply is not inadequate by any means, and this problem occurs alot less frequently then it used to, but it still happens every so often and i really never found the source of it. im guessing its our vid cards though since we all have that in common. keep up to date on anything new as to this problem please!!


edit, we all dont have the 6800 like i thought, but i still think it could be the source. one day i tried to reseat the vid card while power was still running to the computer while it was off( i know it was dumb of me), out of no where when i kinda pushed the card, my computer started up. scared the crap out of me, and there was no reason at all that should have happened just by trying to push the card in.

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