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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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What exactly is preventing more nuclear powerplants from being constructed in this country?

americans remembering 3-Mile Island (and then Cherynoble) along with crazed activists claiming how dangerous it is and how all of our children growing up near it will have 4 arms and 9 legs etc

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HG, I think the word "now" in the written above was intended to make that same distinction.

ya i took it that way...I wasn't trying to bash him, just stating that as much as troops might be thugs most of the time these days, they are useful and necessary and taking another human life is sometimes all that stands between you and chaos.

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Hmm. I wouldn't expect some activists with (most likely) incorrect notions of nuclear power to stop our government from getting things going. Perhaps there's still too much money in fossil fuels to end a major need for them.


I want my nuclear power! :mad:

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I was in germany during the Chernobyl disaster, quite scary; we weren't allowed to drink any tap water or eat local produce. We were also told not to go outside during rain, because of rainwater contamination.

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Guest Timmay


i honestly think nuclear power is the way to go


look at France...something like 70% or more of their power comes from nuclear power and I can't remember the last nuclear accident or cancer craze they had because of it...


Agreed, And with all the waste (or what ever is left over) we can slap in a space ship and launch at the sun :P

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Yupp same here, its a good use of technology. If treated right there is very little impact on the enviroment apart from the water that cools the rods been pumped back into rivers.

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Yupp same here, its a good use of technology. If treated right there is very little impact on the enviroment apart from the water that cools the rods been pumped back into rivers.

There are two types of commercial Nuclear Reactor systems.


Boiling Water Reactors and Pressurized Water Reactors.


Pressurized Water Reactors are the most common in the US. These units use a closed loop inside the containment building to heat water then pass it through a heat exchanger. The water on the other side of the heat exchanger then drives the turbine and generator.


Boiling Water Reactors pass the steam from the Reactor right to the turbine and generator. Because of this they are built to a higher standard than the PWR units.


Some older reactors use river or lake water to cool the steam back into water so it can be used again. Others use large cooling towers to cool the steam. These towers are the iconic symbol of the nuclear power industry much more so than the actual reactor containment buildings were all the dirty work takes place.


Due to safety constraints, no nuclear plant puts water from the reactor back into the environment.

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i'm asking this question in this particular thread because i'm afraid it might be terribly stupid....


I recently picked up an old air conditioner, and am wondering if i can mod it into a phase change cooling system... i will definitely keep the hot coils outside of the case, but am wondering about how feasable this might be.


i hope this idea isn't as dumb as the constantly resurfacing, "can i put it in my freezer?" question

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i'm asking this question in this particular thread because i'm afraid it might be terribly stupid....


I recently picked up an old air conditioner, and am wondering if i can mod it into a phase change cooling system... i will definitely keep the hot coils outside of the case, but am wondering about how feasable this might be.


i hope this idea isn't as dumb as the constantly resurfacing, "can i put it in my freezer?" question

make a thread in teh Modifications & Cooling section

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