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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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Different monitoring software could use different algorithems to calculate the temp, different monitoring software could also be calibrated for different kinds of thermal sensors. I doubt that it would be more than a few degrees different though.

i think you're onto something because speedfan was showing different voltages to MBM5........................MBM5 seems to be spot on while speedfan was undervalued

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I remember reading that the cold bug was fixed in Rev E. chips. Since the 939 Opterons are based on the San Deigo core, I doubt that they would have the cold bug.


Follow this 2 threads

And you will noticed that qwerty57 suffer from coldbug from all the opterons he got





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Hi all. Some updates and general information about my 175 after two days of testing (stepping, cooling in sig):


1) Primed at least 8 hours at settings in previous screen shots (2.9GHz, 1.44V) before leaving for work. Came home 11 hours later and found that Windows had crashed/rebooted. So I suppose it's prime stable for somwhere between 8 and 19 hours; I'm comfortable with anything in this range. It was a warm day in NYC and the heat was on in my apartment, so ambient temps didn't help matters. I suppose I should be more than pleased at the prospect of running 2.9GHz at 1.44V 24/7, but to be honest I was really hoping for a bit more. Avarice is the right word, isn't it? Or is hubris better?


2) Removing the IHS brought about a mere 5C drop in load temps, a far smaller improvement than with my CABNE (roughly 10C). This was a bit of a disappointment, and potentially important information for others with similar weeks/steppings. Removing the IHS may not be the no-brainer it is with single core Opterons, but this fact obviously needs to be confirmed by other users. Hell, you know you're going to do it anyways.

3) Temperature continues to seem to be the ultimate constraint in my overclock, which may be good news for non-air users. Sustained readings of around 54C and above causes Windows to lock up (and occasionally to crash) while priming, both with and without IHS. (As an aside, I probably should seriously consider reinstallation at this point given the number of hard resets I have had while testing over the last two days. It is conceivable that some of my recent instability is due to OS corruption.)

3) In effort to moderate temperature, I threw on a torturously loud Vantec Tornado on my XP-90. This helped bring temps down another few degrees, thereby allowing more overhead for voltage. It is also driving me insane.


4) All this in place, I was able to boot successfully to Windows at 300x10 at just under 1.5 volts. Fought several hours to achieve prime stability. Unfortunately I repeatedly failed prime blend test after 1-4 minutes during the 1st 1024 FFT run. Increasing voltage did not help. In retrospect, it was stupid of me to have been trying to fight large FFT failures with Vcore - large FFT's work memory, not CPU! Silly rabbit.


Back on track, I then tried a few other sticks of RAM with the same results. After lots of futile experimentation with timings, I finally tried lowering MAL/Read Peamble to 8/5.5 from 9/6. This immediately brought stability to the large FFT tests. Again, I was stupid - this should have been the first thing I tried knowing that Opterons are sensitive to these settings. Large FFT's are now a breeze, even at low voltage. Incidentally, my single core CABNE likes those values too, which got me thinking...


5) Ran prime blend again, passed 1024K test. Moments later, however, I failed the 1st 8K test, indicating that though RAM was now OK, CPU was not. Loosened ram further just to be safe, then incrementally raised volts in attempt to pass small FFT's. Pushed up as high as 1.65V. However, despite increased Vcore, once I went beyond around 1.58V, Windows would consistently freeze during prime as load temps surpassed roughly 53C. 273x11 was no better. This complete instability at any voltage convinced me that temperatures were the dominant variable (I choose not to believe that I have simply found the chip's wall). Also, though one core oftentimes failed before the other, it was inconsistent in doing so, especially as Vcore and timings changed. I take this as a possibly encouraging sign that that core is not just a total lemon since it wasn't always first to drop..

At this point, I gave up on 3GHz on air for the evening. Will give it another go as I learn more; might try that undervolt burn in crap.


I have backed down to 2.95GHz at 1.49V. As a quick test of Vcore, ran small FFT's for 45 minutes without event. Currently priming blend at 42C. Though it has only been like two and a half hours, it looks like it's gonna be fine (certainly so with a little bump if necessary). Might even be able to back her down below 1.49 volts. We'll see.

Final thoughts: this chip reminds me a lot of the early single core CABNE's. It takes off crazy fast out of the gates at near default voltage. Temperature increases outpace voltage increases. It subsequently fails to scale well with voltage as a consequence of this heat. Indeed, in my case, 7% past stock voltage netted a 32% overclock, whereas 20% past stock voltage isn't even stable at a 35% overclock. Methinks it be time to invest in better cooling.


Anybody wanna loan me a prommie? :)




Update: prime = 4 hrs....

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****FYI: I have recently switched from using Arctic Silver 5 to Arctic Silver Ceramique and I have looked around the forums and there seems to be some movement in this direction.


I am having very good results with it, there is no curing time, Use only a small dot, less than the half BB suggested for AS5. Temp is about 1-2C lower immediately and cleanup is easier and I have even lifted the heat sink off and set it back without having to go through cleanup and purify. There is no problem of capacitive properties either.


I am thoroughly convinced that this is way to go and I dumped my AS5.


I really liked the immediate result; none of this 5 or more hour curing for a hoped lowering of CPU temp.


Just my 10 cents.

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Hi all. I'm new to A64's and this forum. I've been doing a bit of reading and am a bit confused on which memory I should buy for my new system.


I have an Opteron 144 CAB2E on the way which I will be pairing with a DFI Ultra Infinity (trying to cut costs where it seems feasible) and was hoping you guys could guide me to the best memory for me.


I had decided on an OCZ Gold series 2x512 PC3200 kit, but I see lot's of guys using Geil Ultra-X, as well as other brands. Is there something else I should be considering?


It seems like sacrilege to say it, but I'm not really going for extreme overclocks. However I would like to be able to hit... say.. 2.6 with this thing


Any advice would be much appreciated!

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Hi all. I'm new to A64's and this forum. I've been doing a bit of reading and am a bit confused on which memory I should buy for my new system.


I have an Opteron 144 CAB2E on the way which I will be pairing with a DFI Ultra Infinity (trying to cut costs where it seems feasible) and was hoping you guys could guide me to the best memory for me.


I had decided on an OCZ Gold series 2x512 PC3200 kit, but I see lot's of guys using Geil Ultra-X, as well as other brands. Is there something else I should be considering?


It seems like sacrilege to say it, but I'm not really going for extreme overclocks. However I would like to be able to hit... say.. 2.6 with this thing


Any advice would be much appreciated!


Either really. Tccd= lower Vdimm about 2.8 with looser timings 3-4-4-8

BH(5) requires 3.4-3.6 good tight 2-2-2-5


The Geil Ultra-X runs $122 while Premium OCZ Tccd can hit $270. Shop according to your purse but get good chips for good results no value stuff on these boards please.


Make sure you visit the PSU reference for recommended power supplies- wrong ones can cause major troubles.

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No. No value RAM for me. It's just that the price of this thing has been spinning out of control over the last couple days. :(


I know my PSU is not quite the 480w that is "required", but it's a good brand and has +12v@33A, with one of our Guru's tentative blessing.

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right after last night, i decided to test te max of my cpu to seee what it can do.... following the guide, I started doing 290x10 @1.47v.


superPi no probs @32m. prime stable after 8hrs.


cant be bothered to see if it cam do 3ghz just want to get my pc sorted asap.



testing the ram now using the XS guide to DDR600 on nf4 following those settings, i am doing it @ 290Mhz DDR580 instead of the DDR600, using test8 now.


o but after saying I had 66C last night whilst priming. I redid the thermal paste and primed. I also purchaed a digital thermometer, and stuck it to the base of the HSF, as I have a XP120, it was easily ahcieved. whilst priming SG showed temperatue of 57-60C.


now on the digital thermometer whilst primingit showed the temp as 37.7C, not 55-60C as SG said.


so SG is not very accurate. the digitl thermometer is current as tested on myself under the tongue like.


but now testing the ram and its passed test 8, 3 times now.






my ram timings are:


BIOS Settings


Vddr: 2.7v

Tcl: 2.5

Trcd: 3

Tras: 6

Trp: 3

Trc: 9 (12)

Trfc: 14

Trrd: 2

Twr: 2

Twrt: 2

Trwt: 2

Tref: 3072 (200MHz 3.9us)

Twcl: 1


Bank int.: Enable

Skew control: 255 +

Drive strength: 7

Data strength: 2 (4)

Max. Async: 8ns

Read Preamble: 5ns

Idle Cycle: AUTO

Dyn. Counter: Enable

R/W Bypass: 16x

Bypass Max: 7x

32Bit Gran.: Disable

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right now I am currently priming @ 2.9ghz @1.47v @ 2.5,3,3,6 @ 1t @ 2.75v. 10x290 but using the 9/10 divider so mem @ 263mhz.


currently going so hopefully it should be stable. SuperPi was also sucessfull @32m @25sec.




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People please, when you report at what vcore you're running, give the vcore you set in BIOS, ie 1.350@110%, not what mbm5 says. MBM is usually way off. When testing my board I found out that what you set in bios is exactly what the board is getting, I used a FLUKE series77 multi meter.

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