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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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Hey General Septem nice to see you are going dual core. You will be hooked once you try it:shake: You might want to check your cpuz version which might be why it is reporting wrong. The 38C idle temp is a bit troubling.


Yeah I was using a really old version of CPUZ, I downloaded the newest one and it reported correctly.


I also placed a 90mm fan (which I was planning to use with an HR-03 but that whole situation got bollocksed - but that's another thread) right on top of the stock HSF. Right now I'm running at 2.5 GHz and idling at 30C which is pretty good. :D


I love it already. :nod:

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Now running 2.7 GHz at 1.5V. I had trouble getting it to boot at 300 MHz FSB but I believe this was the motherboard and not the CPU as I lowered the multi and it didn't change anything. So I lowered the HTT/LDT ratio and it booted fine. Right now I'm running Super Pi 32M, and running around 48C load. It actually just finished.


Right now the FSB is so high that I've got the RAM on a 1/2 divider and I'm not noticing any lagging. :D


Seems to be idling around 34 C now that I've gotten it a little higher, with it dropping occasionally down to 33 C. Long as it keeps taking what I throw at it, I'm going to keep throwing. :D


I can tell already I'm eventually going to want a good heat sink or even watercooling, but a good tip for the mean time, for those of you running stock Opteron coolers, is to just place a 90mm fan over top of the heat sink. My motherboard is lying horizontally right now but if it's vertical I'm sure there are ways of mounting it. It lowered temps by about 10 C, and is about as good as you can get with the stock cooler.

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see if you can find and adaptor 70 to 90mm assuming the stock fan is 70mm...there are all kinds of 80to90mm adaptors...


or make your own.....I'd like to play with the stock heatpipe cooler and if some ever hit the forsale thread I may pick one up to play with....;)

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see if you can find and adaptor 70 to 90mm assuming the stock fan is 70mm...there are all kinds of 80to90mm adaptors...


or make your own.....I'd like to play with the stock heatpipe cooler and if some ever hit the forsale thread I may pick one up to play with....;)


Actually I still have the stock fan on there, with the 90mm just sitting on top of it. So basically I have two fans. :D


It's a little loud but actually not bad.


I haven't a clue as to what kind of fan it is, though, I just went to a local store and it's the only 90mm he had. I think it's an Ultra-Cool or something. Black frame with translucent blades.

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I got it up to 2.8 GHz on 1.55v (although I'm not sure it's necessary to be up that high) :D


I'm excited needless to say. I'm about to run Super Pi again.


But I've been having trouble just getting it to boot with such high FSB speeds. It's not the CPU, it's the motherboard. I had to lower the HTT/LDT ratio all the way down to X1.0 and raise chipset voltage to 1.8v. Anyone have any other tips for helping the chipset out a bit?

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I got it up to 2.8 GHz on 1.55v (although I'm not sure it's necessary to be up that high) :D


I'm excited needless to say. I'm about to run Super Pi again.


But I've been having trouble just getting it to boot with such high FSB speeds. It's not the CPU, it's the motherboard. I had to lower the HTT/LDT ratio all the way down to X1.0 and raise chipset voltage to 1.8v. Anyone have any other tips for helping the chipset out a bit?


:eek: no way you should need chipset voltage of 1.8v. Try putting your memory on a 5/6 divider,LDT=3X, and see if the CPU is stable. You can start testing with superpi, but it only test one core. I have been using Orthos SP2004 by Jonny Lee which test both cores equally.




If you are stable with mem on a divider, put memory back on 1:1 configuration, and lower the CPU multiplier to 6x, LDT=3x, and test again @2.8Ghz to see if you are stable. Run some 3DMark2001SE as well to see if it is 3d stable. If you don't pass this test there is instability in your memory. You will need to tweek them.


Looks like you have a nice chip their though, just needs a bit of tuning to get the most out of it. I'm still messing with 2.9Ghz, more volts is not helping yet:(

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:eek: no way you should need chipset voltage of 1.8v. Try putting your memory on a 5/6 divider,LDT=3X, and see if the CPU is stable. You can start testing with superpi, but it only test one core. I have been using Orthos SP2004 by Jonny Lee which test both cores equally.


Oh the CPU is stable as a rock, it's just the motherboard wouldn't boot.


I already actually had the memory divider all the way down to 3/5 and the HTT/LDT ratio down to X1 but I still couldn't boot. It would get almost past the BIOS and then reboot. The last thing I did in the BIOS was lower the divider all the way down to 1/2 (which I know wasn't causing it as it was already lower than DDR400) and raise the chipset voltage to 1.8. Before that I'd been running at 1.7v. The chipset is still running pretty cool, though, at ~37C.

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I was able to lower the chipset voltage back down to 1.7V and it booted fine.


I'm currently running at 320*9=2880 MHz. I got it just past 2.9 GHz by raising the FSB to 323 but it wouldn't pass Super Pi. I probably need to up the voltage more to get it higher (currently 1.5v) but I'd be too worried about temps. In the mean time I am very happy with 2.88 GHz.


Damn, when I had my Venice I thought watercooling and removing the IHS was overkill. Now it's in the definite future. :D


It's currently OCCT stable. I'll be priming overnight to see if it's completely stable, but not before lowering the RAM divider so it at least runs DDR400.

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just put my Opteron 165 @ 2.7ghz in the database: http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showpost.p...3&postcount=353


Stock 80mm 2 heatpipe cooler, stock voltage :)


This processor is definitely very capable of higher, but I might start running out of board (I haven't really run many tests that high). I'm waiting for my Evercool VC-RE chipset cooler to come in before I really start playing. Not till monday though :mad:

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just put my Opteron 165 @ 2.7ghz in the database:

If you want it to stay there you should probably look at all of the entries above yours and make the necessary changes.

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