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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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Wow, wtg Before! Stunning!


1.680 volts! Poor porr core! lol :sweat:


And this on missmatched ram, man you got some sort of gift? :nod:


Thank you! 1.68V is very low...


3632.84MHz @1.84V - Cascade: CPU core @-7°C









Great speed, especially for those temps! Any reports of cold bugs with that stepping? And what liquid are you using? I have found that ~2/3 denatured alcohol, ~1/3 H2O provides me with the best temps thus far.


Thx dude! The liquid used here was Glycoshell...


This chip isn't so much cold-bugged, but actually its very difficult to run it under cascade.


23.875s - 3505MHz @1.84V - BH5 2*256Mb @250MHz 1.5-2-2-0 @3.7V



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I'm looking at getting a 170 for my next rig, right now I know its a bit late to jump on the band wagon, but still the 1mb cache is tempting me for another $50NZD over the 4200+ x2.


All the stores here are listing Denmarks only - has anyone had good results with the denmarks? I'm guessing that the week will be sometime in 06, havent verified this with any company yet tho.


I want to get the max possible OC out of it (3.0ghz would be legendary, but I understand that its an unreasonable expectation, especially on air - even with an xp-120, and given that the "magic revision" week 0530 is most definitely not available anymore...well...2.7 would make me happy enuf ;) ).


I did a search in the forums, and it showed up this thread, among others, but couldn't find anyone talking about Denmark's so thought I'd ask straight out ;).


Right now I have the rig in my sig - planning on moving to CFX3200-DR when it comes out in NZ, and getting G.Skill BHZ 2x1gb kit.

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Getting an Ultra-D this week. Which BIOS will it ship with?


This is my first DFI board(I've had 1 Abit and 2 Asus'-both 939pin) and am kinda leery of the BIOS options. Anything I should know before I just start setting everything manually?

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Guest LithoTech
Just emailed our cheapest store here, they said that they actually have the Toledos with the stepping/week of:


ccbwe 0550upmw


Any idea about how good these are?


From one of the first posts in this thread:


Dual Core Steppings: At this time, the single most important factor determining the strength of dual core Opterons is the week number. As of now, there are two steppings: week 0530, and everything else. 0530's have the potential to flirt with 3GHz, though most have fallen shy. Non-0530's thus far tend to clock between 2.6GHz and 2.75GHz. Some interesting new steppings with weeks later than 0540 are now coming out; results pending.


I think you can't do bad, really. You should pretty much get an easy 2.5-2.7 stable, even on air. Small price to pay for a second core.


If you really want the magic 3ghz mark, you will need to go single core.


My Opty 146 is rock solid stable at 2.7ghz (270x10) at stock 1.4 volts and stock HSF air, load temps were in the low 40s.


I've verified that I won't get 300htt easily, but yet to actually find where she will top out at. I'm mainly at 2.7 because that is what my ram would do.


Once I've finished testing this other ram, and entered both into the database, I'll clock it back to 2.5ghz and leave it there for 24/7 operation. From there it's all about uptime for me, most computers here are rebooted only because of a power outage or an update or install that requires a reboot.


The difference performance wise between 2.5 and 2.7 in the games I play is rediculously impossible to notice: 225fps as opposed to 270fps in GTR Racing for example. Not gonna see it. And that's with a lowely 6800GS! No, I'd rather not stress the ram for the life of this system, leaving that to evenings of trying to squeeze more out of it, or playing with new sticks.


I'll get into dual core in a year or so, once some games support it or I really get into Vista etc. By then the cost should be much lower, and I'll be able to afford more speed for the same cost.


Good luck! No matter what you decide on, I'm sure you'll have much fun experimenting and finding the ceiling!

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@PL4YD34D: yeah row cycle time is @0 clock ;)


@loc.o: Very difficult to have -7°C while average core temp is -60°C with my cascade... BTW this chip won't do anything good at -60°C; it seems to be cold-bugged at 355HTT @-25°C so with SMP mutli CPU enable, extreme vcore and no thermal compound between the evap and the IHS, I can get some nice benchies :) BTW I'll turn my chiller into direct on die unit for benching A64 chips. :nod:

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From one of the first posts in this thread:
Hmm... I've really neglected that first post! I will update in a few days - sorry about that all.


170 0550UPMW is a very good stepping! I have one here that will do 2.85GHz+ on 1.42v on air with the IHS on, and has more room for increase in it! I would go for it if I were you.

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Done and done, already ordered before looking back at this thread - saw another user of the forums had hit 3ghz. They have sent in out by courier already - should be on my door in the next day or so (the store i bought it from emailed me well after they had closed, at like midnight, lol.)


The sales rep i was dealing with said he has one also - and it does 3.0ghz @ 1.525v, so i'm hoping for at least 2.7 :).


Just wondering if i need to update my BIOS to support the chip? (my RAM may not like that - took me a while to get the right BIOS for it in the first place - running the 510-3, i think).


Downloaded the latest BIOS (beta release one) just incase. Thoughts?


I had to update the stock bios to what it is now, when i first got the SLI-DR so that it would recognise my venice. Don't want to be stuck updating it from dos (would rather use winflash here and now).

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