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Everything posted by greengiant912

  1. I like Chick-fi-la, but their comments recently are just not needed. I respect that the company is a Christian organization, but I don't stand for people being hypocritical by picking and choosing in the bible to support their arguments. If the CEO is a true Christian he wouldn't support people who "wear clothes made of wool and linen that has been woven together" Deuteronomy 22:11 or women who wear pants according to Deuteronomy 22:5 "A woman shall not wear a man's apparel, nor shall a man put on woman's garment: for whoever does such things is abhorrent to the Lord your God." Its one thing to believe in something, and as a private business I respect that, but don't be hypocritical by doing things only half way... Especially if you believe that the Bible is God's Law.. By the way I just filled up my tank $30, should have enough to get to the new job on Friday YAY!
  2. Start out small and work your way up. I know it sucks, but you will likely have to get a low-end entry level job to build that work history back up. Try applying for positions that you might even be overqualified for. For me I have a College degree and am almost finished with my second. I just got a full time position in the retail world, but it is an excellent position, and is offering more benefits and $$ then what I was making elsewhere. I don't want to sound rude or anything, but employers aren't going to care about your IQ tests and the stuff you took when you were a child. They want to see your recent history. Another thing you could do is go back to school. Federal financial aid is pretty good right now (likely to change pretty soon) and you would likely qualify for it. Even if its taking a class a semester, at least your building towards something. www.fafsa.gov, I dropped out my first semester in college, and at 25 I am now almost done with my Bachelors. Never to late to go back to school. Even if its just community college or a technical school. Just stay away from for-profits with their false promises of finding you a job. It seems to me you have a lot of knowledge about various things and what not, the only advice you can really give to someone is that they should pick what they are passionate about. IF your passionate about computers and IT go that route,, or maybe something entirely different. To be successful in any career you need to be passionate about what you are doing otherwise you won't be really successful imo.
  3. I played the first episode as it came with my B2TF BluRay set... It was a fun point and click
  4. these types of systems are not really meant to be gaming power houses. With that said for a $150 it would be a nice server setup. The gtx 260 is an older video card as well... Workstations such as the 690 are more for rendering/cad and other business stuff.. http://www.dell.com/us/dfb/p/precision-690/pd
  5. Wish I had the money, if I did I was going to blow a ton of money on steam for the sales. So if anyone feels like helping out a broke gamer
  6. How about a game of Global Thermonuclear War?
  7. From what I understand Windows doesn't have a DOS foundation anymore. Instead it emulates DOS commands in the command prompt.
  8. I would research basic linux commands if I were you then. Linux is a OS that is more powerful if you know the CLI, you can have the best GUI in the world, but it is still important to have those CLI skills. SUDO is basically an elevated prompt in the UNIX world. It gives you root privileges without you logging into root. It basically ups your privileges temporarily to root level. after you use SUDO you will be prompted to type in your password wget is a way of retrieving packages via http, there are also package managers that use repositories where you can get packages from I forget what Ubuntu uses but centOS uses YUM. The other major one is RPM. chmod is changing the permissions of the directory or file. In the windows world this is done by making something read, read/write, etc... http://survietamine.tumblr.com/post/2541184050/chmod-x The guide I posted is pretty straight forward as far as what commands to use. Just open up a prompt and copy and past them in one by one and it should work for you. sudo sh ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-295.49.run is the command that will run the package. If you already have the package, there is no need to use wget, just point the path of this command to where you have the driver located. sh is a command interpreter. *** You don't need to boot into console mode, you can just open a console (terminal) window from the GUI. No need to burn to a CD...
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCMt69GbHzw&feature=player_embedded#! BF4 beta access official w/ MoH Warfighter purchase.
  10. Like I said its all about the multiplayer, they put the single player in imo to try and win over some of the CoD peoples.
  11. Oh sorry my mistake, I read BF2 my bad lol... I guess I will explain why I think DICE is more focused on quality. CoD games while action packed and intense, they are generally done with limited technology and are pretty much all scripted. Which is sad. They are basically the Micheal Bay of the gaming industry. CoD still uses a modified version of the Quake 3 engine, which is pretty sad. They can do some amazing things with it and have hacked it all to hell, but to be honest they are just heavily scripted to give the illusion of quality. Its like walking into Transformers 2, I mean when you watched the movie you were like OH THAT IS FREAKING AWESOME!!! A few days later however you realize that Micheal Bay is terrible and Labeef and Foxxy are terrible actor/actresses and the movies plot made no freaking sense at all... Transformers 2 mad a shiz load of money, and the CoD games make a shiz load of money. The reason for that is that people like explosions, and really don't care if there is a plot lol. DICE however focuses more on the Multiplayer first. They have always been a multiplayer studio. BF1942 was a 100% multiplayer game. They build the Multiplayer first, then focus on story and stuff more as an afterthought. Which I think is great, because your going to spend more time in multiplayer than single player...
  12. You can do whatever you want to your phone once you have purchased it. Apple isn't going after you for doing so. They frown upon it yes, but they are not forcing anyone to stop. They will make it increasingly more difficult, but the fact of the matter is that they wont be able to stop it. If you want to jailbreak your phone go right ahead, you lose your warranty if you bring it in jailbroken though, just like every other phone warranty out there. They make the same decisions as Microsoft, Google, Exxon, American Airlines, and every other big name company. The only reason why people care is because they are Apple and it is pure fanboyizm. I do not live and breath Apple. I am defending them because nobody else will (and because they are my employer now hahaha). Apple has a lot of good qualities that a lot of PC manufactures and other mobile device manufactures lack. The same can be said vice-versa, I am not trying to say that your complaints are invalid, I am simply trying to tell you is that just about every company on the planet dose what Apple dose, Apple just dose it better. I am a technologist, I consume all forms of technology. I have no favoritism toward any one company. Google has some amazing ideas, Microsoft is a enterprise and business Juggernaut, and Apple has their quality. If this were a Apple site I would likely be defending PCs, androids, etc more... I don't think they are sheltering their products intentionally, I think it comes as a byproduct of trying to create something that anyone can use. The biggest downfall about openess is that it is so much easier for someone who doesn't know what they are doing to break something. While its great for people like you and me, its not so great for the soccer moms, the baby boomers, grandpas and grandmas, etc of the world. I just sat down with my sisters Galaxy and wow it took me a minute to figure out how to wake the damn thing (granted her case was hiding the sleep/wake button a bit) and I am not one of those people who might not be uber computer geeks like you and me lol. Apple wants to create a product that is maintenance free, a product that can't get infected, corrupt, crashes, etc, etc... They are focused more on the "It just works" no matter what, and I don't have to worry about it. Granted this isn't the case, but I think its what they aim for when developing products. Google/Android has its flaws with slow updates across all the products. Fragmentation has been killing the platform. So many manufactures have been creating phones for android, and there are some who feel like certain phones don't need to be updated to the latest release. Microsoft is still struggling to find their place in the world of mobile devices. The Zune was a flop, Windows XP tablet failed, they got a new tablet coming out that looks pretty interesting, Windows phone has gotten pretty good still could improve a lot though. To be honest I think Microsoft should stay at what they do best, Software and Xboxes Apple has all sorts of issues, their closed environment, the issues with the manufacturing and Chinese workers, the biggest legal team in the world suing for anything that they don't like, etc... I am well aware of all the issues, I just think that Apple shouldn't be bashed alone, I think all the above deserve equal bashing
  13. I had my fun with BF2, and it was worth the purchase for me. Sorry if you felt otherwise.
  14. There is a difference though, DICE has always remained loyal to quality. Even when they released BFV, BF2, etc within a few years of each other...
  15. Siri was an application, they heavily integrated it into IOS. It uses some private APIs that other apps cant use, and there are some hardware things that are pretty minor. I think the 4S has a better mic, and the processing power for 4S is a little more. You gotta remember that Apple is insanely crazy about their CPU usage on the IOS devices (as well as battery life) especially for applications that run in the background. Apple has a dedicated community as well for older devices. People are jailbreaking all the time.... Just some thoughts. People are so easily ready to hate on Apple just because they can, even when their arguments are invalid, or they are clouded by biases. I still have the original Siri app on my iphone 4. It doesn't work but I keep it around for nostalgia.
  16. Yes they do. They just have different versions of their OS. Ice Cream Sandwich wont work on the first Nexus. http://www.engadget.com/2011/10/26/nexus-one-denied-ice-cream-sandwich-becomes-official-relic-of-a/ Also Apple went away from the paid upgrades for iPods. Back in the day their thinking was that hey its like upgrading your OS on your PC or laptop (upgrading to windows 7, Lion, etc). They gave the update free to iPhone users as they were paying a monthly service fees. This hasn't happened for the past few IOS releases though...
  17. Companies work on a variety of projects all the time. I wasn't saying that BC3 was out of the picture totally. I was just saying that it would probably be in EA's best interests to capitalize on the success of BF3 and release a sequel asap but not too soon as to devalue BF3 (as it is still a widely popular and pretty new game). I would agree with the futuristic setting as well. Activision is doing it with Black OPs 2. I dont expect to see games like BF2142 where it was in the way off future though. I think that we can expect to see games in the not too distant future setting.
  18. Then you can't play. It requires a constant connection because the game runs on a client / server model. There is an auction house, along with a real money auction house. It would be to easy to hack the game and dupe items if it was an offline game. Blizzard is pretty good about their system requirements. They are trying to reach a broad variety of customers with their products, and limiting themselves to high end PCs is something that they really have never done.
  19. Siri is only a feature on the iphone 4s, and is coming to the newer generation of iPads. Using Siri on other devices requires you to jailbreak the device at the very least. If Apple only wants the feature on newer products power to them. Its a selling point. It be like oh hey I want to install windows phone 7 on my phone from 2005. Sure it might work but is it supported by the manufacture, or the software developer?
  20. The nice thing about Blizzard games is that they are designed to run on just about any modern computer. As long as you have a fairly decent video card you should be fine. Here are the system requirements http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/diablo-iii-system-requirements The one thing to note is that Diablo 3 dose require an active Broadband internet connection.
  21. I think EA is trying to take on CoD head on. BF 3 was a great start at moving towards that. Activision continues to slave drive their employees to keep pumping out CoD games on a yearly basis. I wouldn't be surprised if EA wanted to at least make regular installments. I don't think BC3 or another BF would be in the works (right now anyways), they want to take advantage of their success with BF3. Its not like BF4 would be coming out tomorrow, its likely a few years away yet.
  22. Try this - Ubuntu 32-bit (i386): cd ~/; mkdir nvidia295.49; cd nvidia295.49/ wget -O NVIDIA-Linux-x86-295.49.run http://goo.gl/1f9kc chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86-295.49.run sudo sh ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-295.49.run - Ubuntu 64-bit (amd64): cd ~/; mkdir nvidia295.49; cd nvidia295.49/ wget -O NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-295.49.run http://goo.gl/hg4Kz chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-295.49.run sudo sh ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-295.49.run http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/05/how-to-install-nvidia-linux-display.html If you already have the driver installed you should be able to just do an apt-get update on the package, like is said in that article. Make sure your using sudo, and your chmods are right.
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