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Everything posted by greengiant912

  1. Your getting that from the dates that Amazon and gamestop posted right? Those are not official dates a lot of resellers guess release dates just so they can sell preorders. From what I have seen and played of the game it is very close to being a release product. I imagine they are hammering out alot of the single player story, multiplayer is rock solid, granted they will have a public beta soon. But Blizzard has had tons of professional eSports players testing the game for almost a year now. At the end of the day though ya cant really take anything I have stated or others have stated as fact, it is all just rumors and speculation. I just think the game is very close to being finished.
  2. The drive heads stopped spinning. Not much you can do when a drive fails like that. I guy I know who has been in the industry for a long time said sometimes if you tap the hdd with a hammer lightly that it could knock the heads back and it starts working again. I tried it tonight no luck , there goes a 500gb hdd .
  3. Def get one that is full duplex (double sided printing) I think dell's full duplex printers are ones with 'dn' after the model.
  4. I am installing it on an old school laptop of mine. I am getting a black screen, it has been here for quite awhile is that usual in the install?
  5. yeah I looked it up hehe, thanks though anyways man. I don't have the 64 bit copy of it though I will have to download it hopefully tonight, from my MSDNAA account.
  6. Thanks for the warm welcomes. It seems like the site really is doing well. I like to see a lot of the old faces around. I don't know how much I am going to post around here. I lead a busy life now, but I will likely have questions from time to time btw the A+ is lame now, its no longer hardware and software. You got essentials and then you gotta take the specialty such as depot, technician, or remote.
  7. Hey I have a ISO and license of Vista (legit) and I was wondering if there was a way to slipstream RC1 or any other updates onto the disk for the install. From what I have heard is that Vista handles updates differently then past windows versions. I haven't done much with vista, but I happened to have a license sitting around for Vista Business and figure I would play around with it. Also dose Vista Business include Aero and the extra features? I know its not going to contain all of ultimate but I am just currious what features it dose.
  8. That is because you forgot to smoke up before watching it. We all know where you hide you bong! And Hi Celtica guess who's back! Now a funny movie with Seth is Zack and Miri make a porno it is flipping hilarious! much watch!
  9. nah im not joking, theres serious issues with it but I don't have the time to really fix it. That and I have been backing things up slowly... I am looking to start fresh but I want to order two new drives before I do so I can replace some of the older drives. Then it goes back to the being a broke college kid thing lol. I literally cashed in my piggy bank for drinking money the other night o.o. Knowing me I will wait till it finally dose give out on me and then have to fix it :\... It all started when I had a brown out about a month ago.
  10. idk if that is supposed to be a compliment or insult o.O lol. Yeah I know I was quite hot headed from time to time. But reality finally sit in and I have done a lot of growing up. But yeah its cool to see some people from back when I was a regular. It looks like there has been a lot of changes to the site as well. But yeah If I had money for a new system I would be buying a mac book pro right now hehe I know mac boi. I love both platforms though. I do need to rebuild my main rig though pretty soon, hard drive failures, running on a XP install that takes 20 minutes to boot up yeah o.o lol. I have just been so busy with work and school that ya never have anytime for it anymore it seems. Thats why I kinda lost interest in the whole 'overclocking' scene. We will see though I got some money coming back from taxes I might really be investing that into some certs, I am schedualed to finally take the A+ exam in a few weeks o.o I know I have put it off for years but I figured its time to finally get that shiz done. I will be also taking server+ and the network+ exam soon, with my CCNA coming maybe summerish as well. Going to try and start getting on my MCP in fall. So yeah its coming along in terms of education but ya never really have time for the fun stuff when ya are craming for the next exam hehe.
  11. Could be this year. From what I played at blizzcon this year the game was pretty rock solid from a multiplayer view. They said they were working on most of the single player asspects now. btw the game is being split into 3 different games if you haven't heard. The first StarCraft II Terrans: Wings of Liberty. The second will be StarCraft II Zerg: Heart of the Swarm, with the third and final installment of the main trilogy being StarCraft II Protoss: Legacy of the Void. Which is good and bad, we gotta wait for all of them but the good news is that each campaign will be as long as the original starcraft . They have mentioned that the beta will be out this year. I am sitting on my beta key. I cant wait 11 years without a starcraft update is far too long!
  12. Woops FPS games nm o.o. I am looking forward to some Wolfenstein and singularity. both are being produced about an hour away from me hehe.
  13. Hey all, I have had a few hard drives fail on me in the past month and I was wondering what everyone thought about the myths out there to try and recover your data. The few I have heard are. Putting your hdd in the freezer to expand the read heads, and tap it lightly with a hammer to try and knock the heads loose. I have heard that the hammer trick works from time to time but its really hit or miss. I was just wondering if anyone else had any ideas. I have been running backups for some time now as I have learned from past mistakes hehe however I was just currious about what everyone else thought and what rumors or myths you have tried. I was hoping to get a few more hours out of one of my drives as I am a poor college kid now lolz.
  14. I just did a fedora VM install this week as well. Are you using a mounted ISO to install it? Let me give you the instructions from my VM lab. Hopefully that helps gl! I think the trick is that you have to mount the image after you created the Virtual machine. give it a shot. This is with Fedora 6 however, I have not tried it with 7 however it should still work for at least mounting the image.
  15. god the freaking ATI guy made us eat this . at Everlan a few years ago. Nasty stuff...
  16. So yeah some of ya guys might remember me from way back when... Maybe form my controversial forum posts and the fights I started lol. I know d3 will remember me he and maybe a few others. I am of course the original general (general912). Wow so yeah its been quite awhile, I really got out of the overclocking thing some years ago and have turned around to start perusing my education in IT-Network Specialist. I am also a very huge gamer still, and have been playing video games in my spare time. Some of you might remember that I was huge into Wow. I still am, I have a lvl 80 Resto (server first) druid on Uldaman, I am horde at heart however I have devoted time into this Alliance character as there was a great opportunity for me raiding. I have also been doing a lot of traveling, for awhile I was working at a LAN center, and I would follow one of the local eSports teams around (verge gaming) that was some years ago. However I got to attend various eSports events from Everlan in denver to Digital life in NYC. I also attended the past two blizzcons in Anaheim California and am planning on going back this year. As for my computer well its getting time to rebuild soon and I haven't been really keeping up with the new and hip stuff in the community as my focus has been really on the IT networking stuff, working with various hardware and software such as Cisco routers, Windows server, server hardware, linux, etc. I am really learning a great deal, I am hoping to have my degree done in a year or so. But I basicly stop by as I saw that d3 which has remained somewhat of a efriend for the past few years has taken a bigger role here again. That and I am interested in getting my rig back up to par hehe. But yeah I will likely be trolling the forums here and there. I have a few websites that I am running too that take up a lot of my time along with a part time job and full time school. So yeah hopefully I wont get be ran out of town again this time. I know in the past I have had some out there ideas and might of pissed some people off. But time passes and we learn from our mistakes. So yeah thats about it I guess hehe.
  17. greengiant912


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