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Everything posted by greengiant912

  1. Something tells me even if it was the same voice actor, that Valve would still own the rights on the manipulation of the final product... idk wonder what Valve will say about it.. I am going to send gabe an email!
  2. Daddy needs a new SSD! I will throw it into my macbook pro!
  3. The cake is a lie... Check out GlaDOS' new role as a giant robot fighting monsters, you monster!
  4. So far: Max Pane 3 Saints Row The Third w/ all DLC Limbo Dishonored The Walking Dead Skyrim DLC packs Borderlands 2 My wallet is hurting...
  5. I got double pay and didn't even have to work today
  6. Just bought the Walking Dead series for $12.49, and Limbo for $2.50
  7. Bah Halloween bites, just another reminder that I am a year older
  8. Hey guys, I am looking for a good affordable NAS where I can do a few things. I have looked over a few from different manufactures. Drobo, Lacie, WD, etc.. I just cant make up my mind... I am looking for something that is flexible with drives, be reliable, network ready, iSCSI would be nice, Hot swap ready, redundant, etc... The nice thing about the drobo is that it is very flexible as far as what kind of drives you put into it. Not so much with the other guys. Drobo lacks though decent iSCSI support so idk... I just want something where I can get my storage off my main machine and only have a drive for applications and stuff... I thought about building my own but it would cost just as much to get a decent build, so I figured its likely easier just to buy one, saves time too... Anyone have any thoughts?
  9. Leinenkugel's is wayyy better than Sam Adams... Sorry you cant enjoy good beer
  10. Just bought a new muffler for my car sounds sooo much better now...
  11. Tried to purchase my iPhone 5 today, decided to wait a little longer.
  12. Are you running 6.2? I am also going to try building another machine from scratch to see if I have issues even running something.
  13. Here are the options currently... Why is the boot partition on a separate disk from the swap, and data partitions?
  14. Memory 1024 (have 8 gigs physical), VMCI device - restricted, SCSI controller0 - LSI logic Parallel, hard disk 1 virtual disk, hard disk 2 virtual disk, cd/dvd drive, network adapter 1 - vm network. omg I am wondering if the converter took my swap partition and put it on it own hard drive...
  15. Well, I am using an old HP Celeron system that I salvaged to just bring up this tiny server. There is is only one application running on the server, but it was kinda a hassle to setup which is why I was hoping to p2v it, since I already have it the way I want The hardware on my ESXi machine is 64bit. The SATA controller works (its an nvidia controller), I was able to create a datastore and everything seems to be transfering fine to the datastore. The motherboard is a ASUS P5N32-E SLI. The nic is an Intel http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833106123
  16. refresh my memory. Thick is where you have a set partition size? where as thin you can adjust it as needed? If so I believe I am doing a thick p2v. edit just double checked and from the options I have selected it looks like I was doing a thick provision.
  17. Yeah tried reinstalling grub multiple times. If I have some time tonight I might play around with it a little more... Theres an option I havent tried yet, and thats doing a manual move, which is something I was trying to avoid, since this server took forever to get the way I wanted it lol and I really don't want to build a new server again...
  18. So I am trying to p2v my physical centOS 6.2 machine, and well it goes threw the process well but when I start up the virtual OS i get a kernel panic during the boot process. I have been reading this guide http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1002402 and well I notice that the 2ndish step is to edit the /etc/modprobe.conf file, but there is no such file...
  19. yeah rtr more for my lab environment... I got two older ones right now, which do the job for testing and what not.. I really would like a layer 3 switch which is why I mentioned that first
  20. I was actually going to see if anyone had some suggestions about that stuff , ideally I want to get a decent layer 3 Cisco switch and a fairly decent rtr at some point...
  21. Success! The NIC did the trick! Hopefully I don't have any issues with the SATA controller now... I have a hard drive hooked up locally until I can afford a decent network solution
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