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Everything posted by greengiant912

  1. I would disagree with that. Apple has done a fantastic job at providing customers with amazing products, and they back those products up. I think other companies keep failing to draw a user base because they don't put as much care as Apple dose into their customers. Windows phone might be amazing, but Microsoft dosen't have the same experience as Apple dose when it comes to the consumer and the product. They have been trying to copy Apple's retail stores to build that sam quality of service up, but it is only in very limited markets right now. To Microsoft they are trying to reinvent the wheel all the time, with Apple they are just improving on the wheel. Apple likes to build relationships with products for the long term, with their support. If Microsof was able to provide that same level of service on its smartphones, I could very well see them taking on the iPhone. I guess what I am trying to get at is that they are not just popular because of a good fan base, but that they appeal to the general consumers. I mean hell, PC and Windows has one of the largest fanboi bases on the planet, but yet iPhone is dominating the markets. Apple is able to sell the iPhone like they do because of several factors imo, yes they do have a dedicated fan base, also amazing customer service, support. Any owner of an Apple product can walk into a retail store and get help on using their devices. With Microsoft your lucky if you don't get transfered half way across the globe on a 1800 call... Personal I think its more about customer service than anything else, and Apple here is clearly the superior. **Oh btw im not biased even though I just accepted a job at Apple :S, I still own both PC as well as a Mac and have also used windows phone.
  2. http://www.neoseeker.com/news/19865-battlefield-4-confirmed-by-ea/
  3. Unemployed right now, I was working at a Networking Consulting firm. We would also do installs and configurations. It was fun work, but the lead engineer and I didn't get along very well which made me kinda dread going to work.
  4. greengiant912

    Diablo 3

    I wish they would let you search for more than 3 properties. There are items with 4 and more on them...
  5. It dose, its obvious though that some of them did vote along party lines, as it was a narrow 5-4... Now I think the republicans need to focus on changing aspects a little at a time. It is going to be very hard to repeal the whole bill as it is, but if they make small changes its much more likely to pass both the house and senate. Some things in the law are good, like insurance until 25 for college students, pre-existing conditions, and making it so that it is illegal to charge more for women to be insured... Outright repeal is just dumb, and is a lot of work and wont make everyone happy, if you work on changing somethings the chances of coming to a middle ground are more likely imo...
  6. I find it interesting that the most conservative justice, Chief Justice Roberts, upheld the law... The Supreme Court is supposed to be above the political party divide in this country.
  7. greengiant912

    Diablo 3

    I thought it was only 15% damn... They get ya with the $1 and a 30% blah... Might just stick to gold, I really need the gold anyways...
  8. This conversation is falling onto deaf ears I am afraid. d3 and myself have tried to explain the workings of international business along with patent, and copyright laws but nobody seems to care. Apple is a big giant overlord in everyones eyes here it seems. When it was only a few years a go, people complained at how Microsoft was doing business... The only reason why you guys are even complaining and talking about this is because Apple is one of the biggest companies in the world right now, and commands a huge market share. You guys are reading to much into these "bans" and "rulings" thinking they are some rare occurrence that never happens when a company dose its business. I personally think you all have to worry about other companies rather than Apple. Big Oil, Medical and Pharmaceutical, Insurance, etc... These are all industries that sue someone every single day. Apple is doing nothing really wrong as was already stated. That whole 4G thing in Austrillia really didn't hurt Apple that much, sure they had to pay a few million, and change their branding. Apple has $100 Billion Cash on hand, its really not a big deal, not factoring in the net value of the company which is worth half a trillion dollars, bigger than most countries GDP...
  9. greengiant912

    Diablo 3

    I have only found 1 legendary... Sold it for a quick 2mill I have put a bunch of decent items on the RMAH for pretty cheap $1.25 w/ a few dollar buyout, and have yet to make a dime... :\ its ok though because paypal is lame and I would have no way of cashing out...
  10. Generally if you don't work together its not a whole lot of fun, and you end up loosing a lot... I don't buy a lot of items, there are a few I have bought, but nothing of a huge fortune spent on the game. The items that are for sale can be also found just by playing the game. The store is just a place where you can get that one item if you want it right away...
  11. neither. Save the money and buy a decent used daily driver. Or keep your current car. I have a few friends who own/owned fairly new Mazdas and they all hate them. The cars are built like crap from what they tell me...
  12. Why would Samsung want to limit their potential sales? Another thing too which people forget to talk about is the counterfeit and the Chinese companies that are not bound to the laws and international trade agreements. The Chinese copy everything. Popular cars, phones, computers, etc... My buddy was in China recently and he found a phone that was pretty much exactly like the iPhone but counterfeit. We have these laws for a reason, sure they are not perfect by any means. But they are there to protect not only shareholders, but also employees and jobs in my opinion. How would you like it if you invented a new tablet technology only to find out Google, Microsoft, or even Apple copied some small feature? Why do people sue for malpractice? or discrimination? Because its their legal right to... Sure there might be a lot of wastefulness/abuse, and the system is far from perfect, but companies and people in general should always have the right to seek out legal actions...
  13. TF2 SC2 DOTA 2 HON LoL Skyrim Rage Batman Arkham Asylum/City Borderlands Assassin Creed Fallout 3 / New Vegas Short list of some of the games I have played that are good... Why no Diablo?
  14. When you do give it a shot, try all the game modes. The other thing TF2 has added over time is a ton of new game modes. Also customized servers can be a ton of fun too. There is this one I goto that has a dice system that gives you random powers, its a blast when one time might be winning and you get that uber power from a chance roll that puts the game back to even...
  15. What a lot of people forget is that often times these companies aren't suing based on just the product itself. Often times it is a piece of unlicensed hardware, software. Other times, like it is with the galaxy case, the product looks a lot like the product another company has. Even things such as hand gestures on a user interface have been patented by Apple. Which is another on going thing... In this case they patented their user interface, which many companies have copied, but they have done so with slight alterations to avoid legal issues, or have licensed it from Apple...
  16. http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=ATF005T Sweet
  17. At one time they were patented, but after so long those expire and cannot be renewed. Thus why drugs have generic versions after so long. If you went to the Library of Congress I am sure you could find hundreds if not thousands of patents for tires... http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-bool.html&r=0&f=S&l=50&TERM1=tire&FIELD1=&co1=AND&TERM2=&FIELD2=&d=PTXT The way companies get around this is that they add one tiny little new thing to their product, in drugs it might be a simple additive. Thus it is a new "thing" and they can apply for a new patent. BTW I am no copyright or patent expert Exactly what I was trying to say with my post...
  18. Seriously? IMO its the best F2P game out there. As with seeing behind the mask, I think they did the smart thing and left the face hidden but showed you what the world looks like through the pyro's eyes. It left a bit of mystique still around the character. To many times characters like that are ruined because so much is reveled about them. Let the person playing imagine something for once...
  19. IMO we really don't need another Apple bashing topic... Like I said before, Apple is doing just as every other company in the world dose, protecting their intellectual properties. Lawsuits like these happen everyday in the business world, its just the world we live in. People make a big deal about Apple's because well they are Apple one of the biggest companies in the world.
  20. I think its the best one yet personally...
  21. greengiant912

    Diablo 3

    Even with 5nv they have been dropping little to no rares...
  22. greengiant912

    Diablo 3

    And they drop little to no loot... Crap I say... Be honest I liked the way the loot worked before 1.03.... But all the kidz out there had to QQ to blizzard that the game was tooo hard...
  23. My sleep has been all screwed up ever since I lost my job :-\ I should really get into a better habit...
  24. I tried setting it so that all vlans were available there is an option to force from what I read. Didn't work anyways. I think I will just pick up a better NIC card once I find a job :-\ this whole not working thing has me pretty low on the funds...
  25. greengiant912

    Diablo 3

    I spent a lot of money on a MF set, and now I dont have monies for resist set The logic was if I spent money on MF gear Resist gear would come naturally... Now with repairs costing so freaking much I have only like 5k in the bank :S Cant really even play now....
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