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OCC Articles / Reviews Poll


OCC Articles / Reviews  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. What topic would you like to see more articles / reviews on?

    • Ram
    • Video Cards
    • Sound Cards
    • CPU's
    • Mice
    • Keyboards
    • Speakers / Headphones
    • Monitors
    • Motherboards
    • How-To Guides
    • Overclocking FAQ's / Guides
    • Air Cooling
    • Water Cooling
    • Alternative Cooling (Pelt, DICE, etc)
    • Hard Drives
    • Cases
    • Games
    • Fans
    • Bay devices (fan controllers, HD coolers, LCD screens, etc)
    • Other

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This week, our OCC Poll is going to focus on you!


We'd like to know what you'd like to see more of on OCC. Want more CPU reviews? Want more overclocking guides?


Then vote!


As always, this Official OCC Poll will run for one week. It will then be closed & a new Official Poll will be created. :)

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Hey, well I put games because I'm always looking for a new game to play, but I never actually want to go out and buy a game until I know it's good; probably why my game library is so limited! Not sure if this is the forum for that kind of review, so more specific to this forum I'd say any new overclockable hardware and such would be great!

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Hey, well I put games because I'm always looking for a new game to play, but I never actually want to go out and buy a game until I know it's good; probably why my game library is so limited! Not sure if this is the forum for that kind of review, so more specific to this forum I'd say any new overclockable hardware and such would be great!


Your wish just may come through in the next few weeks :)

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I'd like to see more reviews on "budget" components. I really can't afford to buy all high end parts, but I would like to know what "mid-level" parts are the best. Maybe some more reviews on the $150 mobos instead of the $200+ mobos. Things like that.

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I voted for "Games" simply because I've never seen one game review here, however, I'm wary of anyone's ability here to properly review a game if they've never done so before; it's very different than reviewing hardware. Personally though, I subscribe to PC Gamer, and visit Gamespot every now and then, so I don't think I'd really give much weight to a game review on OCC anyways...maybe to further substantiate my prior expectations for a game.


On the hardware side of things, I'd vote for video cards.

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I voted for how-to guides, cause modding/improving your PC is always fun and usually doesn't include spending lots of money on components.


sounds interesting there bosco, I'll be looking forward to news on that :thumbs-up:

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I voted for "Games" simply because I've never seen one game review here...I don't think I'd really give much weight to a game review on OCC anyways.




sounds like you just should've voted for video cards :bah:

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sounds like you just should've voted for video cards :bah:

lol :P. Well I mean, I would like to see games reviewed here, but I don't know how many staff members are actual gamers and can devote 40 hours to play a game, let alone be able to form a proper review. Hardware is more straight-forward...you test functionality, run a few benches, and wala. Games are a lot more subjective. You have to be able to assess how a game will appeal to different types of people, you need to explain your likes and dislikes without giving too much away, you need to have experience with other games in the genre, etc etc. Sure it's easy to review when a game is buggy as hell and crashes to the desktop constantly, but otherwise, it's a little more complicated than that.

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I voted for how-to guides, cause modding/improving your PC is always fun and usually doesn't include spending lots of money on components.

I was going to post that I couldn't decide, but then I read this ^^^. I didn't even notice how-to's on the list when I skimmed it, but after seeing it mentioned, that's how I voted. I love reading as many how-to's and worklogs as I can get my hands on. (But how can you get your hands on an e-article?... n/m :P) Reading over peoples' work and ideas helps spur your own, and I love that.

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I was going to post that I couldn't decide, but then I read this ^^^. I didn't even notice how-to's on the list when I skimmed it, but after seeing it mentioned, that's how I voted. I love reading as many how-to's and worklogs as I can get my hands on. (But how can you get your hands on an e-article?... n/m :P) Reading over peoples' work and ideas helps spur your own, and I love that.


I voted for how-tos for the same reason. They are always entertaining, even if your not going to do the project.

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I'll agree with that.

How-To's and worklogs also have greater potential for innovation and getting across peoples personality.

That kind of thing helps you to feel connected with what's going on.

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How tos. Every time I need something I have to google it and then go to other OCing sites to find what I want because this site does not have it. I mean look at some of the post, we have to link to other sites constantly. People here do not even know what cores are what on the C2Ds

Edited by road-runner

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