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Battlefield 2 and Overclocking


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BF2 is very demanding..


I just finshed testing another config which ended up being primememtest3dmark stable but BF2 would crashfreeze.. I loosened up some ram timings and its been fine..


Sometimes you can count on stability testers.. I mean they are a start but then you have to tweak for game stability sometimes..

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I consider the BF2 as one of the best stability tests. Even if all other stability tests pass. this one will shure show you its teath if somethign is just slightly out. And its more fun :D Just make shure you play a local game, to stress your system even more by hosting server and bot AI.


As for not liking OC'd CPU's Had my Venice 3200 running at 2.8 and played for a few hours without issues.. ITs more picky about stable systems. Wich is good.

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should add it to the A64 overclocking guide..





haha.. You need play 8-10 hours of BF2 non stop.. then your stable.. :)


Whats up with the SD THunDA ?

I got greedy one night and tried to stabilize 290x10 with 2gig's..lol..

I think I made the memory controller mad and she only runs fully stable with the memory on a divider running @ 200mhz..


I have a 3200 venice on its way so I can test and confirm the sandy is shot..


** sniffles**

She lived a good 2 months.. :(

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I have even installed BF2 when my rig was running @ 2.47Ghz (275 HTT speed)

and it installed just fine.


And it also runs just fine for me on 1024x768 with all details on high.


Heavy duty game I have to admit, at that setting it can pull it, but not much heavier I think.

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I got greedy one night and tried to stabilize 290x10 with 2gig's..lol..

I think I made the memory controller mad and she only runs fully stable with the memory on a divider running @ 200mhz..


I have a 3200 venice on its way so I can test and confirm the sandy is shot..


** sniffles**

She lived a good 2 months.. :(


bad news :mad: Hope it just needed some "rest"..... Never heard of issues like that before, good luck.

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I disagree. BF2 is an awful way to test for stability. The game itself is unstable, and there is no way of telling if instability is down to your rig setup, or down to a disgruntled EA employee putting in a few lazy lines of code.


I used to crash to desktop a lot with v1.0, now on 1.2 I never crash when playing, but persuading the game to start up might take a few tries.


It might be my overclock that's causing the application launch instability; but given that everything else is rock stable, I doubt it.

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