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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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D*mn what was I talking about? OH yeah the bios and it be here in beta by Tuesday hopefully or one day next week dang sure does not mean board as slow as DFI moves to bring a board out. Bios right. Been up too long. See AG did not even come and say anything because he is too whipped out to say RGone meant bios and don't know what old faht hit for keys on his board.




Does this mean another revision?

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Rgone no offence but it wasn't really made clear with that statement to what you actually meant when you said that you had asked for "11 major changes to the board".


It really isn't OnDborder's fault if you say it like that, rather than if you said that you has asked for "11 major changes to the BIOS". I hate to get into a war of semantics, but seriously, going off at him because you clearly didn't say what you meant just isn't fair.


I'd rather not see this thread go as well, along with the numerous threads on the board that have been locked in the past.



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@ DeNs, you see where I went off on that guy? Nope you thought I did but you did not know. I went off on RGone... What did I say? I said "D*mn now where was I? Indicating what in the H*ll was I doing? Forken Up is what " I " was doing by thinking fast and typing ahead of my brain. Did I say @OnDBorder, which is normally what I do when I mean to speak to someone as I did to you? Nope I did not. I made the mistake of word swapping. I spoke of and to myself as if I had made the mistake and that even AG did not come and say the old faht has lost it. So you really do need to get a little thicker skin or quit trying to say what I said to someone else when he was not given the heads up @ like I just gave you.


Now since I made the forkup of swapping board for bios with my typing and you don't like how I scolded my onself; I will just shut up again on this board and you can ride with the original statement that AG and I agreed on that we were not tuning or buying new parts until we saw a bios=BIOS revision that fitted the board.


Thank you and RGone... :dog:

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@ DeNs, you see where I went off on that guy? Nope you thought I did but you did not know. I went off on RGone... What did I say? I said "D*mn now where was I? Indicating what in the H*ll was I doing? Forken Up is what " I " was doing by thinking fast and typing ahead of my brain. Did I say @OnDBorder, which is normally what I do when I mean to speak to someone as I did to you? Nope I did not. I made the mistake of word swapping. I spoke of and to myself as if I had made the mistake and that even AG did not come and say the old faht has lost it. So you really do need to get a little thicker skin or quit trying to say what I said to someone else when he was not given the heads up @ like I just gave you.


Now since I made the forkup of swapping board for bios with my typing and you don't like how I scolded my onself; I will just shut up again on this board and you can ride with the original statement that AG and I agreed on that we were not tuning or buying new parts until we saw a bios=BIOS revision that fitted the board.


Thank you and RGone... :dog:


wtf. I can barely understand what you've actually said there, like for example when you've said:


I spoke of and to myself


A simple "Oops, meant to say BIOS revision" would have sufficed, but you've gone and made illegible posts which i'm sure wouldn't be too plesant on the recieving end.


Look, the last thing i've wanted to do here is make an enemy with a mod, but hell, you sure don't make things easy. Needless to say this isn't the kind of response i'd hear from a "Super-moderator". I could understand why mods and the like got pissed when people kept asking when the board was gonna come out, but this is all for a .ing typo.


I won't be responding to any rebuttle you may have, as it'll just move this thread closer and closer to being locked. If you must have the last word, so be it, but don't expect me to respond to it.



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wtf. I can barely understand what you've actually said there, like for example when you've said:




A simple "Oops, meant to say BIOS revision" would have sufficed, but you've gone and made illegible posts which i'm sure wouldn't be too plesant on the recieving end.


Look, the last thing i've wanted to do here is make an enemy with a mod, but hell, you sure don't make things easy. Needless to say this isn't the kind of response i'd hear from a "Super-moderator". I could understand why mods and the like got pissed when people kept asking when the board was gonna come out, but this is all for a .ing typo.


I won't be responding to any rebuttle you may have, as it'll just move this thread closer and closer to being locked. If you must have the last word, so be it, but don't expect me to respond to it.




how bout we just drop it and be happy :)

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D*mn what was I talking about? OH yeah the bios and it be here in beta by Tuesday hopefully or one day next week dang sure does not mean board as slow as DFI moves to bring a board out. Bios right. Been up too long. See AG did not even come and say anything because he is too whipped out to say RGone meant bios and don't know what old faht hit for keys on his board.




Thanx for the clarification.

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wtf. I can barely understand what you've actually said there, like for example when you've said:




A simple "Oops, meant to say BIOS revision" would have sufficed, but you've gone and made illegible posts which i'm sure wouldn't be too plesant on the recieving end.


Look, the last thing i've wanted to do here is make an enemy with a mod, but hell, you sure don't make things easy. Needless to say this isn't the kind of response i'd hear from a "Super-moderator". I could understand why mods and the like got pissed when people kept asking when the board was gonna come out, but this is all for a .ing typo.


I won't be responding to any rebuttle you may have, as it'll just move this thread closer and closer to being locked. If you must have the last word, so be it, but don't expect me to respond to it.




Dude....just hang out awhile and learn to deeeecipher Rgonian speak. You will soon come to find that when he chooses to speak you should pay close attention as you will find a wealth of information in what he has to say...


If he comes back to clarify something and you still have issue with the way he says it then I don't know what else to tell ya. I haven't seen one lil issuance of any malice on his part so I really don't know what yer trying to pick a fight for...


And one other thing........


I love my new board and Sandy combo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta keep some positini around here :D

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