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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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So far I've tried:





Mine is the "DB" not the "DP". Only difference is the heat spreader color (polished black instead of platinum)

PQI Turbo results - All memory settings on auto except setting 1T








Only real problem I've had is with the OCZ running 1T. Just doesn't run stable at 1T regardless if it's one stick or 2 in dual channel and stock speeds. It is also the only TCCD in the bunch and it's rated and tested for 2T DDR600.


The Corsair works fine at 237mhz at 2-2-2-10 1Twith one stick. Didn't spend a whole lot of time with it but initial results are good.


The Kingston works fine at stock with one stick at 2T. Spent very very little time with that cuz it was a bit dicey trying to push it around. Like I said though it works fine at stock.


Currently priming the PQI. So far I like this memory considering the price I paid 129.00 at Fry's/Outpost). running dual channel at 236mhz 1T. I'll check that in a little while when I go home for lunch.


The next one I'm gonna try is either the Mushkin Redline XP3200 or XP3500. Don't really have anything to push the XP3500 beyond it's rated 3.1v-3.2v. I think the XP3200 will probably run the same or better with a little extra voltage (ie the XP3500 is warrnateed to 3.1-3.2 and the XP3200 will probably do the same just without the warranty)...Flawed logic? Feel free to chime in ;)


So far I'm liking this board very much. The chipset fan is buggered as it sometimes seems to get off balance and sounds like it's rubbing against something. No biggy as I'll be replacing it anyway though with what I don't know. ATI sliencer Rev 2 is right on top of it as it is...


Any thoughts on the OCZ TCCD 2T? Works fine at 2T in dual channel in the 250-260mhz range. Anyone else had similar problem with TCCD?

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for the TCCD, try setting hte drive strenght to weak, that helps a lot of TCCD problems. Also, as I'm sure you are already doing, pull the RAM, clear the RTC, then put RAM back in different slots and try it again. High voltages can cause TCCD from hitting high clocks, but with an SD core and only 2 sticks, 1T should be a breeze clean through 350HTT+.


Definitly set it to weak, try diff slots after clr cmos, and then maybe see if putting the cas to ras up o 3 makes any stabiliy difference. Just becasue OCZ says that RAM is good to 3.0v, it is stil TCCD, so too much voltage can hurt it's clocks/stability. Switching slots for me bought me an extra 30Mhz on this board. Good luck, keep us updated.

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for the TCCD, try setting hte drive strenght to weak, that helps a lot of TCCD problems. Also, as I'm sure you are already doing, pull the RAM, clear the RTC, then put RAM back in different slots and try it again. High voltages can cause TCCD from hitting high clocks, but with an SD core and only 2 sticks, 1T should be a breeze clean through 350HTT+.


Definitly set it to weak, try diff slots after clr cmos, and then maybe see if putting the cas to ras up o 3 makes any stabiliy difference. Just becasue OCZ says that RAM is good to 3.0v, it is stil TCCD, so too much voltage can hurt it's clocks/stability. Switching slots for me bought me an extra 30Mhz on this board. Good luck, keep us updated.


Thanks for the tips. Not real worried about it at this point. All my tests have been exclusivley in slots one and two. I'll be doing the dimm slot dance a bit more over the holiday. We'll be shut down for a week so I'll have ten straight days to go completely insane testing this sucker :nod: It's a bit of a classy lady to try some new settings and or ram and get to bed before midnight with only so many hours to play after work. Damn Job!!! Keeps getting in the way :P

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im without a computer right now(using local colleges at the moment) i got my socket A together without a prob but this one is givin me a lil problem. i put everything together with my dad and its not powering up. i referred to the manual but that wasnt to helpful lol, its 5.18PM est time if u can help pls respond or contact me as i probably will only be on this campus for 10 mins or so after i post. all cards are in and monitor is hooked up but when i power on nothing happens, i cant even open the cd-rom even tho it lights up. now my question is, i have the enermax 600w noisetaker... do i use BOTH the 20 pin AND the 4 Pin or just 1? right now i just have the 20 pin hooked up

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im without a computer right now(using local colleges at the moment) i got my socket A together without a prob but this one is givin me a lil problem. i put everything together with my dad and its not powering up. i referred to the manual but that wasnt to helpful lol, its 5.18PM est time if u can help pls respond or contact me at 908-489-2595 as i probably will only be on this campus for 10 mins or so after i post. all cards are in and monitor is hooked up but when i power on nothing happens, i cant even open the cd-rom even tho it lights up. now my question is, i have the enermax 600w noisetaker... do i use BOTH the 20 pin AND the 4 Pin or just 1? right now i just have the 20 pin hooked up



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Alright, you pessimistic moron
Dude what the hell was that kind of response for....I wasn't attacking your post at all and you gotta return being a straight up butthole...Go home with that kind of attitude child.


220x10=2Ghz? 40 seconds Pi times ?!?! And you picked MY post apart. You had better not try to reply because I eat kids like you for breakfast. That RAM and mobo hate you for not being able to overclock them if you had a gun to your head.
I didn't pick your stupid butt post apart......I will reply to idiots like you all I want....I don't know why you come off high and mighty when all I asked was what was up with your info as you seem to have had WAY better luck than most anyone here and you go and take it like a tampon up your butt and go on this pissy little rant.


I don't know why you felt it completely necessary to go off like you're some hot . when I did absolutely no flaming towards you or anyone else in this thread for that manner.....1+ with VID Pass through IS enough voltage when I'm finding the absolute lowest voltage per clock.


I know the limits of my RAM, but not the CPU or this board since as we've all come to know, this board can be very picky so I'm not making extreme leaps and bounds in one step until I can get a feel for it simple as that.....


Why don't you stop trying to be a conceited wannabe 'MASTER OF OCing' or whatever it is you're trying to perceive yourself as and quit trying to come off all high and mighty when someone didn't even 'Pick your post apart' in the first damn place


If you read my post without looking for something to pounce on, you might have seen that I said I was going to take the fan off of it, and put it on a old Socket A heatsink, since the passive cooling was so bad on this motherboard
Yeah I DID read that...and as I said...the chipset has a damn fan on it which = ACTIVE cooling.......yeah you are infact a bright one aren't you.




Freakin grow up dude....I wasn't bashing your OC or anything, and simply made a comment about the chipset being actively cooled currently and you go on this rant like you're a 13 year old girl having her period for the first time....I made no comments about your overclock whatsoever so why you think you have to go with this freakish attitude of yours is beyond me....and then going beyond that to try and pick my OC apart when I damn well blatently said it was nothing spectacular, I was simply posting my current results and experience with this board.....I know how to freakin overclock, just like "My post count doesnt reflect my IQ" neither does a name like "nubius" in which congratulations your the 1,000,000th person to come up with the BRILLIANT idea of combining n00b in there.....good for you








Anywho......I wanted to ask what everyone else was getting in Sandra with a memory bench......everyone pretty much getting 72% efficiency or what? At 2-2-2-5-2T it's only getting 4650mb/sec which seems awfully low to me.....I think I saw one guy posting already who said he got 5200mb/sec with 1T timing, but his efficiency was also like 73% or so.

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lol doh, that prolly the culprit for nothing showing up or opening? wanna make sure b4 i go back home!


You may wanna edit yer last post and remove your phone number :) Most every active member in here is pretty good people but you never jnow who's lurking. Same goes for email addy's...don't post personal stuff on the internet ;)


I swapped out HSF's a month or so ago and forgot to plug the 4 pin back in. Worked okay for a few minutes until I started running prime :P"Gee, what's going on with my 12v rail????" :eek: No harm done thankfully...

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look people...Rgone and I are VERY busy and we DO NOT HAVE TIME TO BABYSIT YOU.


Get along, and be mature, and refrain from attacking/flaming each other.


I won't issue any warnings anymore from this thread, i will simply take action.


get it through your heads. We are working hard to get some bios updates on this 939 board and we are working hard to support ALL of our customers...that leaves us little time to babysit anyone and any thread. This is about the 6th time this thread has started to degenerate into a problem and is why we closed about 4 other threads on the 939 AGP before.


I've lost patience for this sort of behavior in the DFI-Street forum.


get with it or go find another place to hang out and flame because I'm tired of it and so is Rgone.

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