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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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I think i made a big boo boo with this asrock

currently im at 2500 on my x2 at 1.35...

I was going to get a nf# 939 ultra-d but after reading all problems here I decided to go with a good review from websites and now this :(


This would be a great board if they had a vcore bios :(


Looks like RMA time to the egg and get me a Ultra D like I should have :)

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usually says that if u havnt installed nvidia gart drivers, try the ones in the 5.10 (i had probs with the 5.10) or 6.37 beta nforce drivers (which work perfect for me), you can get both of them from guru3d.

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usually says that if u havnt installed nvidia gart drivers, try the ones in the 5.10 (i had probs with the 5.10) or 6.37 beta nforce drivers (which work perfect for me), you can get both of them from guru3d.


omg you are right, how could i missed that ! wel thnx anyway !

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I think i made a big boo boo with this asrock

currently im at 2500 on my x2 at 1.35...

I was going to get a nf# 939 ultra-d but after reading all problems here I decided to go with a good review from websites and now this :(


This would be a great board if they had a vcore bios :(


Looks like RMA time to the egg and get me a Ultra D like I should have :)


Great mobo this one...if ya bag a good one and combine it with decent RAM and CPU. Im waiting on a Opty 150 hopefully next week to test on the NF3 UD. The Asrock SATA2 scares me with its pathetic bios options, but tempts me at the same time with its apparent performance. Hopefully Asrock can get some decent bios support happening in the near future before DFI pick up the ULI chipset and stuff it.

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First post says run LDT voltage @ 1.75 or over for 300+ HTT, well I suppose the lastest BIOS does not offer LDT V adjustment :rolleyes:


New set of Geil One and was hoping for 300 +, they are capping out at 280 the same as Ultra-X.


Some memory configs this newest BIOS (and maybe others) is lacking .


-TCL only goes to 8, I need 7 for best TCCD performance


-There is no Bypass Max setting at all in BIOS, 4 is not right for best TCCD clocks


-Tref has an incomplete list and would be much better if it listed Mhz & us rather than the cycle number


This things goin bye bye if I can't get over 300 HTT 1:1. I don't care about the other issues or undervolting, I just need a stable fast board.

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Whats the status on this board now, anybody know? Doesen't seem to be

a bios problem (none of them work). Anybody tried to flash a NF4 bios on this

puppy to see if it works? I mean, the bios is mostly concerned with regulators,

sensors, etc..., not really the chipset. Thier NF4 boards work pretty good.

If anybody can test a nf4 bios on this nf3 board and see if it works .......

I mean if you don't care about what happens, that would be alot interresting

you know.

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Anybody tried to flash a NF4 bios on this puppy to see if it works?
That is a FASCINATING idea!!! RGone, Angry, any thoughts on this?!?!


Maybe someone with a BIOS savior (or whatever it's called) would be willing to try it out? I have a dead board lying around (gashed the PCB, cutting through and exposing some of the copper wires). This means I have an extra BIOS chip as well. If someone could provide me with information on how to physcially exchange the chips in the case of disaster, I would be willing to give this a shot!


What do you think RGone/Angry? Complete foolishness?

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Not being able to use the board afterwards is this > That is a FASCINATING idea!!! Oh well I guess different strokes.




That is a FASCINATING idea!!! RGone, Angry, any thoughts on this?!?!


Maybe someone with a BIOS savior (or whatever it's called) would be willing to try it out? I have a dead board lying around (gashed the PCB, cutting through and exposing some of the copper wires). This means I have an extra BIOS chip as well. If someone could provide me with information on how to physcially exchange the chips in the case of disaster, I would be willing to give this a shot!


What do you think RGone/Angry? Complete foolishness?

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So I see that the 824 bios are posted on DFI site. Are these now fully working or is there still issues with this bios rev.? I'm planing on getting one of those new s939 opterons for my NF3 Ultra-D. If the 824 is still not working correctly I'll stick with the 705.

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So I see that the 824 bios are posted on DFI site. Are these now fully working or is there still issues with this bios rev.? I'm planing on getting one of those new s939 opterons for my NF3 Ultra-D. If the 824 is still not working correctly I'll stick with the 705.

Why not get Dual Core? It is rather pointless to spend good money on a cpu and not get dual core at present. Dual core rocks dude.

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