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Socket 939 Discussion Thread

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As Happy says "if you want to continue using Everest in your entries, that's cool too."


You can post it in your 3D2003, 3D2005, or 3D2006 screenshots.

What we DON'T need are a whole slew of separate screenshots showing everything from a 32M superPi run to a graph of the "last time I had . vs overclock".

I'm as guilty as the next guy of posting e-penis info in the past but that isn't the goal.


The OCDB and SSDB are to help people see what others have used successfully with similar equipment.

Keep entries lean. mean, and clean :)

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Sorry that is was not clear enough in my previous post.

I know that normally 180 is faster than 160.

I thought that the 180 divider with ODC enabled was faster than the 166 divider.

I might try this weekend if my system with 180 9:10 without the ODC will be prime stable at 255MHz memory.

It is UCCC memory and i did read that they seem not to like a higher voltage or OC.

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You can post it in your 3D2003, 3D2005, or 3D2006 screenshots.

What we DON'T need are a whole slew of separate screenshots showing everything from a 32M superPi run to a graph of the "last time I had . vs overclock".

I agree with that completely, and i would not share with you guys at the street how often i have . :cool:

I only was thinking about posting pics of all my ex-girlfriends. :P:) (just kidding)

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I thought that the 180 divider with ODC enabled was faster than the 166 divider.

I might try this weekend if my system with 180 9:10 without the ODC will be prime stable at 255MHz memory.

As for as the computer is concerned 180 with ODC is 166 so the results will be the same. Your memory should run at 255. I was going to suggest that earlier and forgot.

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Guest LithoTech

Ah K, thanks for the clarification re Everest. I missread this:




I see now that it is concerned with screenshot clutter so to speak. Fair nuff, lean is good, lean . is good, lean penis I dunno. :P I still might pair them down, I'll have a look at what I did later. I like Everest's suite of memory benches for the reference comparrisons as well as the User results. I always do them for myself, real easy and fast to run them from a report and then save the results, super handy to compare to previous results when trying to dial in for optimum performance and not necessarily maximum speed. I just wish the results would automatically save with a custom name (I always name the results quite specifically with the particular settings so I know exactly what setup got the result: Opteron 2.7ghz OCZ Plat 2225-7-10-0211-166div-2.8v -- or some such.


The end result is excellent when you view "Manage User Results", allows you to study and pick the best combination for the particular system:




My only beef is that it gets tedious once you've had to add these 50 times, even if you do paste the bulk of the info in. Also, with Everest updates, you loose previous data so I tend to keep multiple copies of everest on my main system and have to run an older version if I want to compare to older results.


I might fire off a suggestion to Lavalys, hopefully we will see functions like this in future versions.




Thanks for the info on the The Odd Divisor Correct setting!


Makes perfect sense now, I can see where it would come in handy. In fact I was having a divider problem a couple weeks ago with a ddr2 system, I think it had an ODC setting. I may be revisiting that system soon, I'll note to check and try it.

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Guest LithoTech
Just a quick question.......


Does everybody else's vid fluctuate in cpu-z/speedfan?


At the settings I'm currently trying out (1.450 +10%) my vid fluctuates between 1.584 & 1.600. Is this normal, or does it indicate that perhaps I'm pushing my PS a bit too much? (12v line reports dropping down as low as 11.72, but that's just a software reading... I leave the voltmeter at work..... :) ).


Not me atm, not in vcore anyway, but at stock right now. You might try taking off the special control, would be clocking back a bit but that's ok because you just want to see if the vcore settles down.


And yes, a dmm would be more accurate but if both a dmm and the mobo sensors show fluctuation then it doesn't really matter.


I get more fluctuation when not under load. The system usually dual folds@home, and when it is I get nearly flat lines in WebTemp charts. When it is idle, I get much more variation, although it is still only .02 or so spread in any except the 12v rail which gets a .07 spread.


Here is the last 8 hours:




And here is the last 7 days, you can see two spikes in temperature for the PWMIC, where the CPU temp also lowers -- that is where folding was turned off, and probably idle or gaming. You can see in these areas, the voltages start fluctuating.




Because the HSF isn't running nearly as fast or as much, the PWMIC heats up. I really need to get around to putting all my fans back in place with the fanbus. I had the system stripped down weeks ago, and only have the basics back in place fan-wise. :eek:


Anyway, the fluctuation is normal to a degree. I was a little concerned when I first got this GameXStream, but after I had WebTemp set up on my old Enermax Liberty and saw the same sort of trend with a socket A mobo, I was quite unconcernerned. Then, installing another GameXStream in another Ultra D system I built my brother, his data looks identical to mine, I was seriously content. :D


Looking over his charts again, I see he did have fluctuation, 1.32v - 1.40v. I'm sure if I check some older charts of my system, I'll find fluctuation. I'll come back to it, got to run.


FYI: here are some live charts, updated by WebTemp auto:


8 Hour Chart


7 Day Chart



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Thanks for the info...... (Going to have to look into this "webtemp").


I was a bit concerned as I'm pretty sure this OC is close to the ragged edge (It seems daily use stable and with 1.475 +13% it'll run anything in the OCDB requirements) and if the fluctuations weren't normal I would have made my next purchase a higher watt PS.

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Water cooling got me an extra 100Mhz with lower temps, but I'm a bit leery of pushing more volts into it for daily use. (Might take a fit in a month or so and try to sqeeze 3100 out of it, but I doubt I'd keep it for daily use).


I definately think I'm getting to the point where any extra VID will result in an exponential increase in temps (CPU & PWM).

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