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Socket 939 Discussion Thread

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so I got my 7950X2 in the mail, popped it in and the freaking thing freezes at 3d benches and goes into a BSOD :(

I had to lower my OC to 336x9 for it to be 3d stable but I suspect it's my memory holding it back but my problem is getting this munskin to settle on the 150 divider. anybody got any input? I got the sticks on the orange slot and the old card "7900GTX" was able to run at my usuable 345x9 166 divider setting. anyone with Munskin PC4000 wanna tell me what color RAM SLOT you got yours on? I just know that if I lower the divider I can finally continue on my mission to push this chip to it's limits as I know it will hit 3.2Ghz on a TEC block :)


by the way, at 336x9 this 7950X2 does pretty well, I get 15K on 3dmark05 and 9K on 3dmark06 but that's just at 3Ghz, at 3.1Ghz it will probably give better scores, so far I'm happy with this card other than it idles at 50C :D

P.S those scores where on stock settings 500/1200 iirc

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I wanna to post my oc database, but..

Err i had a very weak graphics card.. it is shameful..

Am i alone using gforce 6200tc 256mb here??

Arghh its painful shame..

Don't worry what the 3dMark scores are. That's not what the database is for. The entries are to share stable settings. I doubt your scores are going to be lower then a SSDB entry I did. I did that entry to post the bios settings. The 3d scores are of no consequence.



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Guest viking
I wanna to post my oc database, but..

Err i had a very weak graphics card.. it is shameful..

Am i alone using gforce 6200tc 256mb here??

Arghh its painful shame..


yea dont worry about ur score iv seen 3ghz and 6600gt whit lower score than my mobil 2500+barton @2.44ghz whit a 9800 pro in 3dmark01

im still woundering how thats posible

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Nice catch.... THough I can up my voltage to 1.6 and still can't prime at 332.... I hate this chip... HATE IT!


don't hate it or it will not do what you want! make love to it, now go pop that IHS and rub the core on your chest for good luck. ;)

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Question: How important is it to have 3DMark 2001 run in your OC posts ??


Reason for question: I just upgraded to a 7950 GX2 and had previously removed the 3DMark 2001 program. I'm running the 91.47 driver with the GX2 and every time I try to reinstall 3DMark 2001, I get an error that it can't build the D3D whatever. I go to Futuremark, look up the fault and it says the fault is related to Voodoo 3 vid cards. My understanding is that Voodoo 3 cards were dual gpu cards. How important is this benchmark, given that it's 5 years old, every new card that runs it spanks it at around 33K. I know that you want to see 3D stability, but I'm not reverting to an older driver just to run this program for an OCDB post. Can AquaMark be used instead ??


From Futuremark site:

"Q: Why do I get a message that says: "Could not create Direct3D device"?

A: The texture conversion in the installer requires Direct3D. On some 3D accelerators like Voodoo3, Direct3D can not be initialized in the required mode if the desktop is in 32-bit color mode (as the 3D accelerator can not render in that color depth). Try changing the desktop to 16-bit mode, and start the installation again."


Tried in 16 bit mode, still no go.


Thanks ahead for any advice from a site mod.

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