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OCZ Prime Stable Database (updated 2/06/2006)

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Yo Gino - try Tony and Andy's thread over at bleeding edge forums...VX and DFI..sorry - link is on my other PC (its also on Andys first or second post in this thread on page 1).

Same thing with my new VX. No beeps but stopped dead at 3 LEDs.

Used an old stick of 256 400MHZ to change the BIOS settings. Stuck in one stick, booted to Windows, then added the other.



Question for Andy - if the VX is not TCCD, what is it?

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I got my new comp a wek ago, and everything seemed to be working fine, but when I started playing cs:s (and other games) it crashes after 5-30 mins of play.


Here are my specs:


DFI Lanpary Ultra-D



450w ocz

OCZ 1024mb Premier with heatsink.


With 1024megs installed in slot 2 and 4, I cant install wow neither. I get an error no matter what I do. With only a single ram lot in 2 I get less crashes and it works. But why cant I try to have them in 1 and 3? I get an error if I do so

Then i could have seen if its somthing wrong with the slots...


Please help me!

I am dying here!

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I got my new comp a wek ago, and everything seemed to be working fine, but when I started playing cs:s (and other games) it crashes after 5-30 mins of play.


Here are my specs:


DFI Lanpary Ultra-D



450w ocz

OCZ 1024mb Premier with heatsink.


With 1024megs installed in slot 2 and 4, I cant install wow neither. I get an error no matter what I do. With only a single ram lot in 2 I get less crashes and it works. But why cant I try to have them in 1 and 3? I get an error if I do so

Then i could have seen if its somthing wrong with the slots...


Please help me!

I am dying here!


As suggested, you must post all of your BIOS timings. The Premier RAM works fine in my board. Try upping the DDR voltage to 2.8v in BIOS and see if that helps.


With that video card you might also have been better off wioth the 520w Modstream PSU. Please list ALL of you components and timings.



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Ok I finally got my OCZ Plat R2 RAM. So far it's unbelievably excellent, up to 290mhz so far and I'm still testing higher. However I do have one small problem which *may* be related to the RAM, or it may not. The problem is when I put the new RAM in I did 2 other things which may be the cause. You don't think of some of these things at the time.


What's happening now is the PC will go into standby (power light flashing) but when I power back on, it does a cold boot. It doesn't seem like anything's crashing upon the attempted restart, and usually if a failed suspend restart happened with my Corsair RAM it would just lock up on a black screen (increased CPU voltage fixed this I think). The cold boot is consistent and happens quickly as if it always intended to do that.




Ok, I just quickly went back to stock speeds and tested standby mode and it worked! Thanks for the Reloaded function here to make this testing much easier. So anyway it's obviously something to do with the BIOS settings. But standby mode worked with my Corsair RAM at 250 and 260mhz (couldn't tweak it enough to get any higher) so I'm not sure what's going on. Am I just destined to never have a working stand by because I refuse to run at stock speeds? :) It's a price I'm willing to pay.


(original text that followed the cut/edit point above, just so you can see how I wasted my time typing it up instead of just doing the bloody 2 minute test in the first place)

Since I didn't shut down my PC for a good few hours after doing a bunch of stuff, I think the problem could be one of 2 other things. Firstly, tweaked bios settings. I don't think that's it though because I just did a blanket copy from someone else's post, and all the settings are slower than what they were on my Corsair RAM. But it could be something like drive strength I guess? This problem happened from the start, when I was running 250Mhz. Since my RAM is running at 290 with the same timing settings, I highly doubt it's just a simple case of the RAM not coping with the bus speed. I will attempt to go back to a default bios setting and speed when I have more time tomorrow (where did he get the time to write this post you ask?)


The other thing I think it could be is I did a defrag using Diskeeper, but on top of that, also increased the MFT setting as per Diskeeper's suggestion. I don't know how this could interfere with suspend mode, but it's the only other thing I think I did that could have been significant in this.


Does anyone know if OCZ RAM has any issues coming out of suspend mode? And if there are any workarounds? Unfortunately I don't have my old Corsair RAM anymore so I can't put that back in and see if the problem is still there.


Memory cannot affect suspend mode. More than likely you just need to turn suspend off nor switch the type, I am not sure as I never use it. :) . Running the board at 290mhz is cool, but some "features" do get flakey and this may be one of them. A different BIOS might help.

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for ram sky is the limit.my mobo and proc were unstable(all default while fsb was at 240) while watching divxes.i uped cpu vid to 110%,and ltd something for a notch,chipset for a notch, ram on 2.7 just incase,and x3.0,some setting on 3120,some drive setting on 1 or 3(cant remember)and other at 7(writing from my moms comp coz i dont have internet at home).now i can go 280/290 fsb(and have to drop down multy coz my proc craps at 270x10, 260 x10 is ok didnt try inbetween).seems to me my proc comes unstable around 2700,and ram seems ok on high settings(290,2.5,3,3,7). there is so much things to go over so im a little lost.im going for a stable clocked system with minimal voltage upping and would be hapy with 250 or more fsb :sweat: dfi and ocz rocks :D:D:D

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i just bought this OCZ rev2 ram yesterday and after an hour of memtest, i started to overclock it. I am very impressed with its performance. I manage to hit 300fsb 2.5-4-3-10 1T @ 2.9vdimm. I'm pretty sure i can go higher than it since i still can run it at 2T.

Btw, I'm not sure whether it is stable for daily use but at least it is stable for some benchmarking. :)

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I have a question on OCZ VX Gold EL pc 3200.(The ones I have = OCZ4001024ELDCGEVX-K) I understand that these are not TCCD Chips. I Think I was recommended the wrong memory for this board as I am having difficulty getting started properly.

I did a quick Memtest from the Bios when I first put the bits together (no errors) on stock settings.I then set up Win Xp on 1 IDE hdd. Win XP installed ok booted up about 3 times did not install any other software as I wanted Raid.

Went to set up Raid O with 2 new drives and after a few problems got this working ok and installed XP,formatted addition partitions. Booted up twice no problem,Then went to install DFI drivers but now fails to load Xp, just black screen after getting to point where Xp starts to load.


Your settings and statements for Ocx VX indicate that these work best in oc environment and voltage at 3.4V (I have only tried at 2.9V and lower)to get more I need to do the jumper trick.

My question is , Do I need 3.4v to spur the Vx'S into action. I cant understand why the setup started to work ok then just packed in as I was getting started without altering anything.

I have not yet tried "Andy T's settings" for Winnie 90nm and VX . Next stage is to clear cmos pull out battery and start afresh.




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