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Crucial Ballistix 2x1GB PC4000 kit gone bad (merged)

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So lets see, can most of you run the 1GB modules at 3-3-3-8 250MHz and 2.8v?


These are the settings in the BIOS on the board we have in the lab and the modules are working fine.



Motherboard: DFI Lan Party NF4 Ultra-D SLI

Processor: AMD Athlon 64bit 3200+

Timings: 3-3-3-8

CPU voltage: 1.40v

CPU/FSB fequency ratio: 8x

memory voltage: 2.6v

FSB: 250MHz

LDT/FSB ratio: x 3.0

CPU above VID: 104%

TCL: 3


TRP: 3

TRC: 8


TWR: 2



TREF: 2592

DRAM Response time: Normal


I ran memtest for 12 hours and did not get an error with these settings. Keep in mind what works for the board we have in the lab may not work for you as each board is different and might respond better with different settings.


We do not guarantee the module will run at 1T command rate.


Try not to blow this out of proportion, I realize there are enough of you having some issues so I will try to get this handled.

I hope this helps.

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Thank you for posting the settings and looking into this - good to see that Crucial is helping the users :)


So it's not guaranteed to work at 1T? That's news to me... if it worked at 1T previously but suddenly not appears do any more, then is this classed as a problem?

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Can you provide your settings to me so I can try with mine, I just got them yesterday, now testing 285MHz with 9:10.





Sorry It took so long to post.....Just got off work.


FSB Bus frequency - 290

LDT/FSB Freq. Ratio - x 3.0

CPU VID Startup Value - 1.550v


CPU VID Control - 1.550v

CPU VID Special Control - Above VID * 110%


LDT Voltage Control 1.30v

Chipset Voltage Control 1.50v

Dram Voltage Control 2.80v


Dram Frequency Set (Mhz) - 200=RAM/FSB: 01/01

Command Per Clock (CPC) - Auto

CAS Latency Control (Tcl) - 3.0

RAS# to CAS# Delay (Trcd) - 04 Bus Clocks

Min Ras# active time (Tras) - 08 Bus Clocks

Row precharge time (Trp) - 04 Bus Clocks

Row cycle time (Trp) - 04 Bus Clocks

Row refresh cycle time (Trfc) - Auto

Row to Row delay (Trrd) - 03 Bus Clocks

Write recovery time (Twr) - 03 Bus Clocks

Write to Read delay (Twtr) - 02 Bus Clocks

Read to Write delay (Trwt) - 03 Bus Clocks

Refresh period (Tref) - Auto

Dram Bank Interleave - Enabled


Everything else is Optimal Settings.


Hope this works for you. :nod:



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I am starting to seriously re-think this memory as well. I had a set that seemed to be doing fine then I started having alot of problems as well. I could not pass memtest, so I tested one stick at a time and found out that I had a bad stick. I since RMA'd the memory back to Newegg and got a second set. I put them in today and ran memtest at 2.8 voltage, at 3,4,4,8, 2t @ 250mhz. In the first 2 hours of memtest I had 255 errors. So this would be 2 sets that I got that were bad, i tried them in both the yellow and the orange slots. Since I am not over clocking the sticks I think it would be pointless to test them individually since the whole point is to have 2 gigs of matched memory running in dual channel. I will most likely try them individually though just for testing sakes, but I will be RMA'n yet another set of this memory. Anyone have any other good options for memory? The only reason I got these was because they were supposed to be able to overclock good. I am finding it hard to get a set that will work at their rated speed. I can put the Batch number on here in the morning when I get off of work. I wonder if there was a bad batch that got sent out and if I will keep getting bad sticks from Newegg everytime I RMA.

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So lets see, can most of you run the 1GB modules at 3-3-3-8 250MHz and 2.8v?


These are the settings in the BIOS on the board we have in the lab and the modules are working fine.



Motherboard: DFI Lan Party NF4 Ultra-D SLI

Processor: AMD Athlon 64bit 3200+

Timings: 3-3-3-8

CPU voltage: 1.40v

CPU/FSB fequency ratio: 8x

memory voltage: 2.6v

FSB: 250MHz

LDT/FSB ratio: x 3.0

CPU above VID: 104%

TCL: 3


TRP: 3

TRC: 8


TWR: 2



TREF: 2592

DRAM Response time: Normal


I ran memtest for 12 hours and did not get an error with these settings. Keep in mind what works for the board we have in the lab may not work for you as each board is different and might respond better with different settings.


We do not guarantee the module will run at 1T command rate.


Try not to blow this out of proportion, I realize there are enough of you having some issues so I will try to get this handled.

I hope this helps.

I can run the memory just fine in my MSI Neo4 Platinum/SLI at around 250mhz+ 1:1 with timing at 3,3,3,8 1T and had the memory up to 275mhz+ in my MSI K8N Neo4 with the same timing as the Platinum/SLI. I had a hard time getting it to run in my DFI Infinity SLI even at 3,4,4,8 1T. Raisng the voltage didn't help at all period. Sounds like a motherboard problem more then memory problem. I RAM'ed the motherboard and I went back to the MSI motherboard and running at 3,3,3,8 1T at 250mhz 1:1 without a hiccup at all.


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I guess I definately have a bad stick. Crucial Labs, see my previous post for batch numbers.


My memtest results were pretty interesting, all failures were in first pass:


"Good" stick in slot 1, "Bad" stick in slot 3 = fail test4 at 506.5 mb

"Bad" stick in slot 1, "Good" stick in slot 3 = fail test4 at 1541.5 mb


The above happened at 250 3338 1T and 2T and at 200 3338 1T and 2T except that at 200 it failed at the same addresses but on test 3 rather than 4.


Single stick tests as follows:


"Bad" stick fails test 7 at 253.6mb = half of the 506mb failure in dual mode.

"Good" stick no failures after 5 passes of all memtests.


Guess I'm off to RMA land...

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I have the 2GB Dual Channel kit, all the settings are at default as I havnt changed any since selecting optimised defaults. I just built my below rig yesterday and it was working flawlessly for about 5 hours then I got my first BSODs starting with 0x0000000A then 0x1000008E, memtest then ran for 23 mins before having errors and when I got up in the morning it had infact frozen with apparently 3mil errors (I believe):




This first started when playing CoD2, the whole system froze and after a reboot it was BSODs from there on. However, running each stick by itself has been fine in single channel mode. But in dual, it doesnt last very long, I need to know do I RMA this kit as faulty (even though each stick works on its own) or do I need to start changing settings? Is the 2.68 VDIMM voltage correct? The setting is at 2.6v but the report above says 2.68... forigve me as im knew to this.

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What bios are you using? 704-2bta seems to be the most stable with Ballistix. Are you using yellow slots or orange? Have you tried swapping sticks in the slots. 2.6v should be ok but you're probably ok up to 2.8v if you want to try that. Also Ballistix seems to NOT like tref at 3120...auto seems to be best for tref. Hope this helps but I cant help but wonder if you've set a record at 3mil + errors... :)

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