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Official CASE pic thread! 56k BEWARE!!

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Here's revision 3 of my old case. It's still a work in progress, but has some really cool stuff to it. I made the hoodscoop by hand. I made the basic shape out of styrofoam, then covered that mold in masking tape. then I hand laid fiberglass on the mold, and finished it out with bondo (fiberglass resin gets harder than I felt like sanding). Inside, the radiator has a fiberglass fanshroud with 2 120mm aluminum frame fans mounted at an angle. That shroud is slid over a 1977 pontiac bonneville heatercore, and it does a pretty good job getting rid of the heat in my rig.


All the diamond plate is real aluminum.... not the contact paper stuff, even though they are getting the contact paper stuff looking pretty real these days. I have the side panels painted, but I am changing my mind about them right at the moment. I will ditch the flat look for a couple of fiberglass ducts towards the top. i think I will put a 120mm in each door inside the soon-to-be ducts, with the vents blowing towads the back (exhaust). Then, I think I am going to make some gauge pods for the bottom of each side panel, and mod a Musketeer to put two of the round gauges in one side, and the 3rd round gauge in the other. I'll keep it looking even by modding the fan control sliders onto a round faceplate (same as the other gauges), and put it in the side that only has one gauge.


like I said, this is a work in progress, and it's my main rig, so the wiring is a mess. Also some pictures are a little older than others. I have the power and reset buttons mounted on the front now, even though some pics don't show that. Also, the yellow thing above my DVD burner is the hard drive cage.... still a little rough, but I was in a hurry. It mainly consists of the original cage from the case (the removable kind with the lever-lock) with the top, including the lever, cut off to fit the space above my DVD burner. Then I made a fan mount out of plexiglass, and heated it up to bend around the front of the cage. It actually has flames cut into the plexi.... but you can't see that while it's in the case.


picture009mu1.th.jpg digital121mx8.th.jpg sspx0224db4.th.jpg sspx0225hf4.th.jpg sspx0226iu2.th.jpg


As you can see, I still have to move the waterpump. I am gouing to make a bracket that will mount it right behind my bay res, upside down. and the wires need cleaned up.... I said that once, but it is nasty enough to mention twice. :D And don't mind the mess, I am a slob.:)

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I think my next project would be water which is about the only thing i have not attempted yet.The case for it would be the Lian Li G70.What do you guys think? OK for water?Have to do away with the plus fans in front of the mb tray.


Looks pretty sweet, What's your budget for a case? Also are you looking for a full or mid tower? I recommend checking the Thermaltake Armor and Armor Jr. they are built for fan, fanless and water cooling.

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The thermaltake armor is a great case for watercooling. Plenty of room. I really like my armor and the only thing at this point that I regret is that at the time I didn't have enough time for a really nice Lian-Li (I absolutely love how they have a compartment for drives/psu and another for the motherboard), but my Armor has performed very admirably.


If you do consider the armor, be warned that although the black one looks way cooler than the silver one (in my opinion), its made out of steel and is heavy as HELL. If you have the scratch for a Lian-Li try to look into a V2000B. Thats my dream case right now.

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Not so much a case, but sorta. More pics once I get everything ready to go.


But anyways, I happened to be bored as hell today and started setting up my Infinity 975X/G today, then realized I hated setting it on the box it came in. I mean, it works and all...but it just doesn't feel solid at all.


So I remembered I had some unused 1.5" MDF in the garage that I had glued together for my sub project a couple months ago, and I also happened to have a motherboard tray from an Aspire X-something-or-other case that I had yet to throw away. Combine the two (along with some felt pads), and this beast was born.


It also doubles as one helluva shield, should anybody ever attack me with a sword or something...


Anyways, I was going to mount some random brackets to tie fans and whatnot to, but I decided I'd keep it clean for now, and attach things as necessary as time goes on. I also though about making two levels of sorts, with the motherboard on top and the psu, hard drives, and cd-rom drive on the bottom. That sorta fell through though when it started raining. Meh.





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Haha, great idea. I might have to do that myself.


*Thumbs Up*


Thanks. When you do it though, don't use felt. I think rubber would have been a better idea so it wouldn't slide around as much. A well, live and learn. :)


Edit: My friend Chuck helped too.




I think I need to rig up something to support PCI cards, I don't like the way that X1800XT fits there. Plus I'd rather have the whole bit stand up anyways, so if any of the block fail the fluid won't just sit on the motherboard. So anyways now I'm drilling out the rivets over the plate on the back of that Aspire case...we'll see how it turns out.

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Okay, so I think it's better now. And now she's packing some sweet features - like front-panel USB ports, audio ports, and dual temperature display!


I coulda done a lot better job attaching the rear panel if I had planned it out better I think. But it's pretty solid, more than strong enough for my puroses anyways. *shrugs*


Just doesn't look all that nice from the back. (to me)







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rofl - It also doubles as one helluva shield, should anybody ever attack me with a sword or something...


That is some cool little overclockers desk thingio. Are you going to run it like that forever more or is it just for when you take it out of it's case to 'fix'

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