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Cant Decide Which Thermal Paste, Want Opinions


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artic cooling mx-2


on my wc'd quad


:edit: i only list these two because thats what is sitting in front of me.

if there is something FAR far superior please tell.

Edited by cirro

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All been said, but I agree the differences are really not worth it. AS5 just has the popular vote, but not sure why? (I use it , but it's no better than the compound that came with my ZEROtherm HSF).

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considering you have both in front of you, MX2 is the obvious choice.


most people seem to be concentrating on the incredibly minor temp difference and not taking into account the fact that MX2 is non conductive.


i know it doesn't matter if you apply it correctly, but one drop in your socket and you're potentially looking at a dead CPU - i've seen it happen.

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I prefer the Zalman grease due to the fact it's got the brush in the bottle and makes for very thin applications....


I dont like AS5 because after a year it seems to be chunky/flaky when the heatsink is pulled off...and has in some cases turned brown from heat...


as far as temp differences...if you do it the exact same for each TIM you use you wont see any noticable difference...

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