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Any Good Games Left?


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looking for a decent shooter game, NOT MMO, but something tht is a squad-based shooter, like F.E.A.R. or crysis, but unfortunately, i cant RUN crysis.


Anything with mecha's or fighter aircraft is a plus as well.

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BF2 and it's retail mod 2142 suck. Yes, I am bitter. Why? The mod community got screwed over by EA, the game was released with a . load of bugs and issues, and neither were ever really fixed or supported.


Insurgency is a mod for the Source engine (meaning you need HL2 or another Source-based game to play it), and it is simply awesome. I love it. It's all I'm going to play until DCS: Black Shark and Armed Assault 2 come out.


Also, check out Armed Assault. I haven't played it, but many people love it. It is, however, a bit hard on one's computer. I've heard that you need a pretty hefty rig to play it.

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It's not new by any means, but I just picked up Bioshock(yeah for price drops) and love it. Great game! First game since FEAR that has given me the heebee-jeebees! Lot's of really interesting things going on, both graphically and in the gameplay. I'm not too far into it an so far have really enjoyed it.


cod4 is very good too. It gets pretty intense. But there is something I really like about the surreal games like FEAR and Bioshock that I miss in traditional military games. Sometimes I like to remember it's a GAME... Some of these military ones get way real, and playing online gets old when a 12 year old is screaming at you because you didn't have his back.(nevermind I didn't even know where he was, lol)

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Some of these military ones get way real, and playing online gets old when a 12 year old is screaming at you because you didn't have his back.(nevermind I didn't even know where he was, lol)


the only reason I need to never, ever wear a headset while gaming.


@ OP - STALKER is a great game, can get kinda spooky as the game progresses - and with all of the community mods available, the replay value is extremely high.


upok is totally right on about COD 4 being a very good game - excellent gameplay, good story, updated weaponry all make it a worthwhile play. multiplayer is also very popular and quite good.


your system should be able to play Crysis on medium settings, with some less important features (shadows. water) tweaked lower - it's a fun game @ any video quality. I'd also recommend playing at the highest difficulty - the enemies dont speak english, grenades dont have warning bubbles, and in general is reasonably realistic.

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I do like COD4...but I'm a sucker for semi-realism. I love the Tom Clancy game series (vegas, ravenshield, etc). I hate the games where you have to shoot someone 20 times to kill them. So, when playing COD4, I only play on hardcore search and destroy servers.

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Insurgency mod sucks now since it was patch a few month ago, i liked beta 1 but you can see it going down hill..


ghost recon or rainbow six, its the only "real" squad based games. COD4, crysis is just running around with a gun, no teamates, even FEAR has useless mates, everything is left in your hands.


COD4 online is too short, only takes like 10 hours to level 55 and most of the achievements than prestige mode takes around 550 hours (22 days) than you'll never want to pick up the game again.

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