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Any Good Games Left?


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Re; Deus Ex...I remember buying it quite a while ago, and for some reason, didn't like it, or just couldn't "get into it", but everytime i see this post makes me more curious as to why i didn't like it. I remember the graphics were good, And at the time i had a hi-end vcard. Maybe I'll give it a shot. I'm just too picky. I don't like having to control other team players, or be responsibly for anybody else, or have to make deals, trade, modify my character, or make magic potions and crap.


I like it when it's just me and my gun and the enemy, FPS games. 1/2life2 was an example of a perfect game for me. Very long single player campaign, great story line, great graphics, not too hard on the system, (Crysis comes to mind), and any teamates were easy to control....just point your cursor to where you want them and left click. If anything they were more a pain in the ...."follow freeman".


That is a nice looking shot...that's what's making me curious...lol.

Edited by jaz

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Be that someone.

lol, nice. Maybe I'll see if I can find my CD and reinstall it. I don't think I ever finished it because I think my computer fried and I had to reformat or something like that.

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I got COD4 and Crysis but I'm still playing Joint Operations Typhoon rising because I like large maps, nothing better than having a good shoot being from 400m to 1000m apart from each other. Thats why I hated Battlefield 2 and not really into COD4 because you restricted in the size of the maps, plus with JO you can have up to 100 players on the same server.

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I'm a sucker for huge open maps. Anyone remember Delta Force 2? I used to be obsessed with that game. Run 2.5 km out onto a mountain and snipe those suckers shooting eachother at close range :P. Looking at the graphics now, I didn't remember them being that bad, but indeed they are horrible. Fun multiplayer though.

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