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Think I Burned My Rig Up


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My 3870x2 got here today so shut down my rig unplugged the 110v Ehium pump that is cooling the two 2900s and removed them and set them aside. Put the 3870x2 in and had to activate windows again etc. Ran a few 3DMarks and I could not get as high as the 2900s, tops was 20,5xx something at 4100mhz. I did not really have time to mess with it today so I shut the rig down and put the 2900s back in swapped drives to my crunching drive and fired it back up and started it to crunching (forgot to plug the pump back in). My rig sits on the kitchen table, about 15' away from the kitchen sink. I started washing dishes by hand because the dishwasher broke yesterday. I had been washing maybe 15/20 minutes and heard a noise like water spraying at high pressure, I looked over and I could see no water in the loop for the 2900s. I ran over and grabbed the power cord and jerked it out, the machine had done shut down and was rebooting or trying to when I pulled the plug. I could smell that smell of like a hot radiator on a car, one of the lines popped of one video card and water went everywhere. :(


Edit: Got it all apart and used all my cans of air, going to get a real air compressor to get all the water of everything...

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What is bad I have a brand new 12v pump DDC w/petras top that I did not use because of dependability. I figured if the pump quit the cards would burn up because they do not shut down like Intel's cpus when they get hot so following a few suggestions I used the Eheim 1250. I also have a pci control card for 110v pumps so it will come on and go off with the rig but I did not have room for it as the crossfire cards are in the way leaving one available pci slot in which I had a wireless card. So far I can see the back of the MB where Pcie slot 2 is is marked so I guess the MB is gone, unless it will happen to work with one slot for a folding rig or something. I am going to use a hair dryer also and let everything site and dry for a few days and then put it all back together. Man I cant believe I forgot to plug it in. The spot looks melted but not burned....



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ugh, sorry RR - hope everything turns out OK after it dries. :(


not to pour salt in the wound, but could you tell what failed and caused the hose to pop off the video card? info like that would be useful to those of us who are considering water as a cooling platform.

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ugh, sorry RR - hope everything turns out OK after it dries. :(


not to pour salt in the wound, but could you tell what failed and caused the hose to pop off the video card? info like that would be useful to those of us who are considering water as a cooling platform.

I Failed to plug in the 110 volt pump for the VC loop and started the rig up and went to washing dishes. The reason it poped off was it got so hot a built up pressure...

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