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Top 5 Things That Piss The Hell Out Of You!


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1. Know it alls - ie, my friend who told me to purchase a soltek mobo because they are the best, and the freakin thing died on my 2 times, now, i have a gigabyte and all is well. this was when i knew crap about computers and took his advice to build a new one.


2. people who see me with all that I have and think im a rich snot nose punk. I work for a living dipshits!


3. New computer products that cost 600 bucks when new, then are like 150 2 months later, they should just be 150 from the start, that's all they are worth.


4. jealous people, backbiters, and people who use you to get something they want. too many people to name.


5. MAC OWNERS, you would'nt know if they had a computer that could actually do more stuff than a pc. jesus, there is not even a dealer here in newfouldland......

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8. HP, Emachine, Compaq, Dell, any of those. Why would anyone waste their hard earned money on crap like this.


Agree wholeheartedly, but a whole lot of other crap too. Are the computer world growing, or are the crap just continiously "improved" at a price ?

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1) People who become anally retentive about efficiency and cost over performance (Namely, a person I know who thinks PCs should never have more than an AC '97 with two 10 watt crap quality speakers, just because they're $5.)


2) People who brag about performance increases that don't make any different (I overclocked a Duron 700 to 705!)


3) Pentiums and their seemingly low overclockability. *Pats his little 950 Tbird, which can go all the way to 1566 and still be stable.* Show me a pentium that can overclock 40% above default and still be stable.


4) People who immediately assume that MHz is the only measurement of speed, and completely disregard what parts of a processor are actually made fast by a higher clock frequency. (IE, Cache) [FSB excepted in this rule]


5) People who don't bother to learn squat about their PC. Namely, "I have a Dell!" It takes all of 5 seconds and 10 brain cells to right click My Computer - Properties and get some information on your PC. Why the hell is this so hard for some people?

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Refering to page 8


Are you guys being redundant? Bigred hates all the free OC's that arent Microsoft or Mac, and the other guy complains about all the M$ softwares because its too expensive.


My conclusion comes to a start. We all need these OS's and different companies so we will all be happy and get along.

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Finaly I have Compiled My top ten list:


Number 10) People who think I will repair their computers for free

Number 9) People who think I will provide Free Support and Advise

Number 8) People who call you a hacker even though you never really hacked into the schools computer and never changed anything but got caught for trying to take the person who set you up down.

Number 7) The Dumb School thats with holding my Junior Relese until i pay the fine for something you didnt do.

Number 6) People that tell you that a ATI Radeon 9000pro is a great card, And then I went and got it and IT SUCKS!

Number 5) People that Cut you down because you dont know as much as them and when you ask a simple question that you wana verify they Cut you down even more.

Number 4) David Lettermans Top Ten reasons why...

Number 3) Your bratty sister who want you to fix here computer even though theres nothing wrong with it.

Number 2) Having a part that was made over seas and cant get a dumb RMA on it because the shipping costs more than the part.

Number 1) People who turn on a computer and ask wheres the 'Any Key'.

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  • 2 months later...

1) People who think o/c'ing is bad...<_< (c'mon, its just voiding the warranty! :P )

2) The TCPA (including intel)

3) Macs (Sorry to burst your bubble, but they just ain't that great)

4) Microsoft

5) User friendly junk (dells, macs, gateways, emachines, compaqs, windows xp, mac os x, etc.)

*6) Companies that clock-lock their hardware

*7) Non-techies (sometimes)...and people who think nerds are losers...<_<


Thanks for the chance to vent Mecury...boy I needed that. :P


And for everyone else who submitted a nice list: :withstupid:

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PPL who bring up topics that resurrect dead topics

PPl who start these topics

Myself cause i need a life this is pathetic

My GF cause im gonna be alone this weekend

And the evil mokies that are controlling us as we speak

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