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Dream Job


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Am I the only one that wants to get paid to sit on his a** all day and surf the net? :lol: Like what I'm doing right now, only with money. :P


But if I actually had to have a job, I suppose it would be as a computer/electrical engineer. One of those guys that designs motherboards or CPUs or something. Then I could finally build an amp worthy of my headphones (and be able to afford an X-Fi :rolleyes:).


Actually, now that I think about it. Modifying and racing BMWs would be pretty fun too.

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already have my dream job. a father


Awesome answer man! :D


Since I am not yet a father I have to choose something else. I already have pretty darn close to my dream IT job, now if I could just figure out how to get my dream salary out of it lol.


I would have to say a pro athlete in either basketball, football, or baseball. Before I had a career ending injury in HS I actually had a long shot chance at my dream job in one of those two sports. The first one to guess which gets an e-cookie. lol :)

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Does mega lottery winner count?


My dream job would have to be a pro athlete. I'd probably choose baseball first, as it pays the most and has less probability of major injury....then hockey, then football. But unfortunately my allegiances to my favorite teams are too large where I would never be able to play for someone else. heh



I would have to say a pro athlete in either basketball, football, or baseball. Before I had a career ending injury in HS I actually had a long shot chance at my dream job in one of those two sports. The first one to guess which gets an e-cookie. lol :)
I'd say football, because I can see you as a 350lb linebacker :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I'd say football, because I can see you as a 350lb linebacker :lol: :lol: :lol:


350lb? Heck no. I am not tall enough to weigh that much lol. Maybe a 250lb LB. ;) .....btw, it's not football so no cookie for you :P

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