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safe to eat?


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  • 6 months later...

Old threads FTW!


Indeed, most foodstuffs are good here, especially Chocolate.

I like stuff from here, but it's a bit expensive... http://www.hotelchocolat.co.uk/default.asp...CFQaHMAodCD_uMw

This is made down the road from me, and the fairtade milk is amazing! http://www.caleys.com/menu.do;jsessionid=5...D37A5C16CB3D551


Galaxy is alright, but it's a bit too 'processed' for me. Same with all Cadbury's... Divine Fairtrade and Green & Black's Organic are better :)

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yeah... also Hershey's is horrible... it tastes like someone got some of that white semi-hard white grease you get at the bottom of the grill tray, and mixed it with some normal chocolate, and then took out 90% of the cocoa, and replaced it with sugar... bleurgh


Hershey's is worse than Easter egg chocolate, and about the same quality as cheap Christmas chocolate coins

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