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Alienware Sure Convinced Me!


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Alienware puts out awesome machines. It might be just "too main stream" "too off the shelf" for most of the members of this site, but I still choose them. I did the math; I know I could have put the exact system together for way less. I just didn't have the extra time or the patience to put another system together. And at the end of the day it

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The compare thing says i could get up to a 50% performance increse for only $2000!!

My computer was $300.


=D Note: im building an alienware pc on newegg with all the same parts right now to check the prices. Even tho alienware buys them bulk from factory for way cheaper. Crazy. :)


Here are the results: The one for 2k with dual 6600GTs I made in newegg for $1100. Hmm i might buy something like that =D

Edited by cold_snipe

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one of thier 64bit athlon computers i looked at i cnfigured with 1 gig of corsair ram and a 6800gt, the system came to around $2000. with the same parts ( the audigy 2 was different, tiger didnt have the zs, only oem) on tigerdirect it came to around $1,000. Thats about $700 saved just by making the same exact system at home. right now im configuring one with a msi neo2 and some tornados. also kep in mind alienware's lowest 393 is the 3500. after i changed the 3500 to a 3200 on tiger, the price went down even more. basically your saving like $500+ homemade than buying from alienware ( depends on what the setup is also). and for like 240 you can get a 6600gt with several games from pny at tigerdirect.

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"No matter how much effort you put into perfecting the interior configurations of your self-built system, you could very well end up with a generic and bland off-the-shelf case that poorly reflects all your hard work. This results in you being stuck with a dull-looking system that lacks any sense of style and fails to catch anyone

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Another thing you have to keep in mind, you probably can't overclock an alienware because of the motherboard. My friends alienware had an Intel Mobo so he couldnt overclock worth anything, if at all.


Why do they put PC-4400 DDR in their computer if the FSB is only going to be running at 200mhz? See pic:




What's funny is that computer cost over $5,000. I used their program to compare my PC and this is what I got:




I'm not sure if I can actually beat that rig since it has an FX-55 but If not, i know i can come dang close w/ my overclock :) Plus, my computer only cost me $1900 USD

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Alienware puts out awesome machines. It might be just "too main stream" "too off the shelf" for most of the members of this site, but I still choose them. I did the math; I know I could have put the exact system together for way less. I just didn't have the extra time or the patience to put another system together. And at the end of the day it

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I was just configuring an AMD system at Alienware's site, and I found some crazy stuff. First of all, you're only allowed TWO SATA drives. That's it, just TWO. What if you wanted two Raptors in RAID 0 and then wanted some extra storage space?


"Sorry, can't do it cuz we only have TWO SATA ports on our mobo, and we're too stupid to figure out how to stick hard drives on the IDE ports"


Second, I noticed that it comes stock with a 470W PSU. That's fine for most of us, but what really caught my eye was the fact that it cost close to $300 to UPGRADE to a 510W PSU!!! Wat the hell? You can get a really nice PSU from OCZ or Fortron for less than $150!! And that's $300 for an UPGRADE from a product that's only 50 WATTS less.


Finally, they're charging $50 for a bunch of LED FANS, which should come with the case REGARDLESS. They should only give the option to choose what color the fans should be, not CHARGE you to get them in the first place.


What a screwed up company. Whoever is stupid enough to fall for these retarded marketing schemes, they DESERVE to be ROBBED of $5000 for their stupidity.

Edited by kashk5

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Alienware puts out awesome machines. It might be just "too main stream" "too off the shelf" for most of the members of this site, but I still choose them. I did the math; I know I could have put the exact system together for way less. I just didn't have the extra time or the patience to put another system together. And at the end of the day it

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Hmm... I can buy an Alienware for only $6500! And I only have to wait a little over a month, until something happens and my order is delayed, then it's two months, then, they change something and it's another month... As low as $200 a month?! Wow! Wait, it forgets to say for the next 30 years and that you're price plus interest is actually twice what is originally was! YES! I'M GOING TO BUY IT!

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I have paid around $1000 for my rig. I may have been able to save more, but I was impatient. Check out what I would have to pay for a 13-14% performance increase.


Edit: Nevermind I found it

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