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Upgrading For Pc Gaming


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I haven't played PC games for well over 10 years. I recently built a powerful machine primarily for video editing, (mostly converting family camcorder tapes into fancy DVDs.) This past weekend I decided to buy Doom3, to try out a good game on my new machine.


The next day I decided that the onboard sound system on my motherboard was no good.... Did a little research, and bought the Creative Labs Sound Blaster Audigy2 ZS Gamer. It was $109, but it came with 5 games, so I now have a total of 6 PC games. I still need a good set of speakers, a game controller, and perhaps upgrade my video card. Can anyone recommend anything on the following?


- For speakers, I mentioned to a friend I felt like paying around $100 - $125 for a good set of 5.1s, 6.1s, or 7.1s. The only advice I have gotten so far has been for that price range, I should consider getting the 4.1 Logitech THX Z-560s, which looks like they run around $90. or I could pay around $200 for the 5.1 Z-650s. I'm in the price range of $100-$120, although I am open to go higher if there are any serious cost/benefits. Any advice here?


- I don't know anything about PC game controllers. All I know is I never really liked playing action games on a computer keyboard, or is that how PC games are supposed to be played?


- My video card is an ATI Radeon 9200SE, 128MB. When I first ran Doom3, it was severely distorted with red and green snow. I discovered it will play acceptable if all my Windows applications are closed. For Halo, it plays OK, but the movement seems a little choppier than what I remember from the computer store. Is this not a very good card for games, or am I just being picky?





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For speakers. I would suggest a headset, you get much better sound quality out of a good heatset. Senheiser 150's are great, and less than $100. For video card, it depends on how much you want to spend. At the 200 range, is a 9800 pro. 300 and up range is nvidia 6800 Gt, Ultra, or a x800 xt, or xt pe. The 9800 pro will give you great fps in game, and it wont kill your wallet either.

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The Logitech Z-640s are probably the best speakers for your price range. They are full 5.1 and sound very nice.


You definately need to upgrade your video card. The 9200se is pure unmitigated garbage for gaming. Like was said, the 9800 Pro is a killer card. If you are wanting more state of the art, I would suggest a Geforce 6800 It's only a little more and performs much better than the 9800s do. If you've got the cash to drop, then the 6800 Ultra or X800 XT PE are the way to go. They are to find, though, so good luck.


And the mouse/keyboard are the ONLY way to play shooters. It is blasphemy to suggest playin a shooter with a gamepad.



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yea, the logitech z series are all good, the 600s are like $200... I got a set and replaced my 1000w sony sterio!


I would take and come to a $ value on what you want to spend on all your upgrades. Then look at what you realy want.


Good speakers rule, but if your married with kids the late night gaming is out, head set is better! Bose head set is the best I have heard, 2.1 for $100.


I suggest a good video card, x800 are great but new, their cost is high... the 9800 line you can pickup now for around $200 and will be good (but not great).



Without a budget I would recomend top of the line head sets($120) and the x800 card!


With a budget I would get a headset ($40) and a 9800xt ($200).

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Game Controllers:


Aw man... I spend 50 hours a week hunched forward on a keyboard and mouse for my job. If I play a game, I want to sit back in my easy chair with a controller over my gut. However, these games are the first "shooters" I have ever had, so I guess I should learn to play them right.


Video Cards:


Looking at Radeon 9800 prices on Pricewatch:


9800SE 128MB $120

9800 128MB $130

9800Pro 128MB: $157

9800 256MB $202

9800Pro 256MB: $245

9800 All in Wonder: $264

9800XT 256MB: $325


I am just completely overwhelmed... I looked at Radeon's web site, and I am not really sure what the 9800 does that the 9200s and 9600s don't do. Also not too sure what the Pros, All in Wonders, and XTs do that the SE doesn't do. I guess more MB means a better card? :O


It seems my 9200SE seems to play DVDs fine on my 19" Mag flat panel monitor. I don't need a powerful video driver for video editing and DVD creation. I guess I just want a card that will show my 3D games the way the programmers intended for them to be seen. Do you think the 9800SE 128 will handle Doom3 the way it was intended to be played? Do the $300 cards improve game performance, or are the more powerful card for other applications?




Headsets would be ok, but this system was built to be shown off! That

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For speakers. I would suggest a headset, you get much better sound quality out of a good heatset. Senheiser 150's are great, and less than $100.

I got a pair of those about 2 weeks ago for $35 on amazon.com. Great headset.

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In terms of speakers, the Logitech Z-560s are an outstanding choice for a 4-speaker set in a decent price range. Trust me, the 560s go louder and bassier then you would ever need, AND they sound outstanding (read the reviews, they are top notch). I have had the 560s for over two years and am EXTREMELY satisfied with them - I've never had a problem.


For a 5.1 setup, the Z-680s are where it's at.


For the video card, as mentioned, the ATI Radeon 9800 PRO (128 or 256 version, not much difference) is a good choice, or a 9600XT would do for you too. Slightly higher end would be the Radeon 9800XT...it'll do just fine with Doom 3.


And in terms of controllers, for first-person shooters such as Doom 3, the universal setup would be using the keyboard/mouse combo (keyboard moves forwards/backwards and strafes left/right, while the mouse looks around and the left button fires, etc....). Look at the standard key config in Doom 3 to get a feel for what is used by everyone :)

Edited by Cyberfury

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