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Help Improve Waterblocks!


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Heat spreaders don't have enough contact space to be effectively cooled by water without a block on top of them to distribute the heat :(. This is why the inside of a water block isn't flat - the increased surface area is worth more then the water being closer to the die.


Its been tried, similar to how TECs cool processors better with the IHS left on then delidded chips.


Oh, I did take the survey for you anyway, and basically said I wouldn't mind what it does or how it looks as long as you could make it perform well :lol:.

Edited by Puck

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I'm not taking the survey because as far as I am concerned closed loop watercooling systems are the best. Radiators outside the case keep heat out there, where it belongs. One more thing that keeps some of the water away from the electronics.

A thin contact material will always buckle when heat is applied. Not good for CPU's.

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I'm not taking the survey because as far as I am concerned closed loop watercooling systems are the best. Radiators outside the case keep heat out there, where it belongs. One more thing that keeps some of the water away from the electronics.


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IBM tried using Direct liquid immersion cooling 20 years ago, and had issues with flow boiling, then went to a Liquid Encapsulated Module with Internal fins to condense the vapors and remove heat from the liquid. and prevent cavitation in the pump and high vapor pressure. So Freon or chlorofluorocarbons might be something to look into. Good Luck! :nyea:

Edited by Braegnok

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For me having to drain the system to swap cpu's is a deal breaker.



That right there sums it up for me. I normaly buy thick wall tygon tubing with clamps so i can remove the block and swap cpus without draning the loop.

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I'm not taking the survey because as far as I am concerned closed loop watercooling systems are the best.


Best? naaaah



Easy to install, hassle free etc.. but a custom loop craps all over them it has to be said.

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Other way around actually...

Custom loop = Closed loop.....


Ummm forgive me for not seeing the difference because to me = is == and the order of closed and custom make no difference to me haha


So what am I missing besides how the op thinks his leaky waterblock is a good idea. I am still interested to see some more but get the feeling the OP is worried about their design being stolen.

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