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[Giveaway] 4 Steam Games


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Hey OCC! I have left over prizes from the LCG contest (some people didn't claim their steam game) So I'm giving away 4 steam games from the list below.



Bioshock 1

Bioshock 2


Red Faction: Armageddon



Dead Space 1

Dead Space 2


The Darkness 2


Rules are simple.


1. SAY why OverClockersClub is awesome

2 LIST the game you want from that long list, if two of you want the same game, I'll give based on winning order.

3. MUST have a steam account (otherwise this is pointless)


I will pick using Random.org based on post number. so say 30 people post and your post is #25. That number comes up, you win!


Contest ends in a few hours...lets say 3... so (4PM MT)


Good luck!



3. dr_bowtie - Bulletstorm

7. ClayMeow - Claimed Darkness 2

10. bp9801 - Claimed Dead Space 1

2. Midnight Rider - Dead Space 2


each has been PM..well about to me.

Edited by hornybluecow

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Overclockers Club is awesome because we are a very close community and it feels like we are part of a "family" here unlike other large places where things feel so impersonal.

I would love Dead Space 2

I have a Steam account

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OCC is awesome because of its members. The content produced in the reviews, the discussions, the helpfulness of the population for any and all computer related concerns. I know Nyt already said it but OCC is a lot closer than most online communities. It's one of the only places I still frequent for this very reason.



I would enjoy a bulletstorm


I have a steam account.

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The Overclockers Club is awesome because everybody is welcoming and are quick to answer to threads, the mods/admins are really quick to respond to everything. The site is just generally great :D

I don't mind which game, and I do have steam :cheers:

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As others have said, OCC is awesome because of the community. It sounds cliche, but we seriously wouldn't be anything without the members. Although there have been some bad seeds over the years, they've been few and far between.


As for the game, that's a toughie between Darkness II and Red Faction: Armageddon...how does Darkness II play on PC?


And yes, obviously have a Steam account!

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I love OCC for all you idiots :P haha

the smaller community that keeps on rewarding men era I'd fantastic. A community where nearly everyone knows everyone.

Sure we argue all the time but that's half the fun of it :D

Darkness 2 would be sweet to have loved the first haven't tried the second.

Steam of course :)

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Like everyone else, I love the OCC community because of just that, the community. It feels like one big family with different arguments and opinions on things, but in the end everyone gets along. Well, mostly. :lol:


As for a game, I'd be cool with any of these: Bulletstorm, Nexuiz, Dead Space 1, Dead Space 2, Homefront, The Darkness 2. I own the others, so don't want to take something away from someone if I win.


Steam name is Troy25.

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OCC is awesome because... soda. :popcorn:


Without trying to sound like a broken record, community, everyone here is pretty awesome. I mean just over the past few months we've had several contests put up simply for and by the community members, I don't know of too many forums where that sort of thing happens. :cheers:


Only games I'd like to have are Risen, Bioshock 1 or 2, Dead Space 2, or Darkness 2. Dead Space 2 being my preferred choice.

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