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Right and wrong is an abstract concept.

Tada - this is exactly what's wrong with our society and the world in general. You could apply that same concept to a plethora of horrendous atrocities that mankind has committed against one another through out history. Right and wrong ARE NOT abstract concepts. At the very least most of us can agree that the Golden Rule and the Ten Commandments clearly define things that are right and wrong. I don't see anything abstract there.

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Boinker Stabs the Thread with a Butchers Cleave and Shouts "YOU DIE NOW"


Noooooo !!! The Darkness wont let it die ... *as you can see, I've been playing too much of the Darkness II ...*

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You got part of it right. But today's global melting pot isn't anything like the melting pot of yesteryear. The first century of our country's existence and well into the mid '50s of the second century, when immigrants came to the USA they acclimated to the ideals, purpose and expectations of our country. They learned English, some even insisted their children speak nothing but English - even if a second language was spoken at home. It was an honor to serve our country in the military. Regardless of ethnicity or race. Children were spanked regularly, in public, at home, at school - wherever and whenever the need arose. The majority of the population had some sort of faith and regularly attended church according to their religious beliefs. You're parent's dragged you to church whether you wanted to go or not. Not because it was expected, but because there was a keen awareness that the human species requires acknowledgement of something greater than the individual. Kids played outside from dawn to dusk, and childhood obesity wasn't an epidemic. When you met a younger boy or girl in public or in private you were greeted with a Sir, Miss or Ma'am. When your parents told you to do something the proper response was yes sir or yes ma'am. Marriage between a man and a woman was respected as the holy matrimony and life long commitment that it was intended to be. And it was perfectly ok to pray in public, in private, in the halls of congress or in the oval office.


Instead of being the laughing stock of the entire world, the USA was the envy of most of the world. Now we aren't much more than a joke, because we've lost our way. We've thrown out anything and everything that requires a commitment or accountability. We are for the most part self centered, self absorbed, lazy and selfish. Everything is relative, and God forbid you do anything politically incorrect.


This is both a retort to your post and as well has application to the original topic. While everyone here has differing opinions on the acceptability of this father's response and actions, one thing is for sure. He was convicted that his daughter had wronged he and her mother/step-mother, and accordingly made a very strong stand when he drew the line in the sand. I applaud the guy. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure that he probably learned the value of respecting elders from his parent/parents, who in turned learned it from their parents.


you can thank this to people, Lawyers and a Sue Happy Nation.... WTH is wrong with People?

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Hey if he could put his fishing pole down long enough I'd vote him for President :)

I'm too honest to ever hold political office.

I did inhale

I did have sex with that woman

I have spent a few nights in jail sleeping one off

I've lied

I've cheated

I've stolen

I hate homosexuality - although I have gay friends, both male and female - love the sinner and hate the sin

Abortion - my views have changed on this as I've gotten older

EVERY American who hasn't been convicted of a felony or suffering from mental illness HAS the right to bear ARMS, as many as they want, auto, semi-auto, single shot, pistol, rifle or otherwise

The legal drinking age should be 18 - old enough to fight and die for our country, old enough to vote = old enough to make a decision about alcohol consumption

Pot should be legalized

The war on drugs is a failure

The USA needs to quit policing the world and concentrate on issues right here at home - if it doesn't specifically affect national security on our shores or at our borders we should just stay the hell out

The Keystone Pipeline should be constructed as quickly as possible

The only two world hot spots that I think immediately affect the security of the US and her citizens are Iran and North Korea

Space based weapons - HELL YES!


My mini-manifesto :)




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I'm too honest to ever hold political office.

I did inhale

I did have sex with that woman

I have spent a few nights in jail sleeping one off

I've lied

I've cheated

I've stolen

I hate homosexuality - although I have gay friends, both male and female - love the sinner and hate the sin

Abortion - my views have changed on this as I've gotten older

EVERY American who hasn't been convicted of a felony or suffering from mental illness HAS the right to bear ARMS, as many as they want, auto, semi-auto, single shot, pistol, rifle or otherwise

The legal drinking age should be 18 - old enough to fight and die for our country, old enough to vote = old enough to make a decision about alcohol consumption

Pot should be legalized

The war on drugs is a failure

The USA needs to quit policing the world and concentrate on issues right here at home - if it doesn't specifically affect national security on our shores or at our borders we should just stay the hell out

The Keystone Pipeline should be constructed as quickly as possible

The only two world hot spots that I think immediately affect the security of the US and her citizens are Iran and North Korea

Space based weapons - HELL YES!


My mini-manifesto :)

We're pretty much on total agreement minus the homosexuality thing. I don't understand why it bothers anyone. Is it because of marriage stuff or what?

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Hey Waco - I don't really want to open up the HMS discussion here. We'll just let that one lay on my religious beliefs and a life shattering personal experience in my pre-teen years.


Back on the subject of whacked though - here is a perfect example of where our country is;



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We're pretty much on total agreement minus the homosexuality thing. I don't understand why it bothers anyone. Is it because of marriage stuff or what?


Uhm because God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. Depends on your religion I suppose and because I am a Christian, I dont approve of it.

But lets not get side-tracked here ...

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Breaking news...........................


This father, after having viewed video of another man shooting his daughter's laptop as a form of punishment, decided that he could go one better. After repeatedly asking his 3 year old son to fold the laundry;


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Nuggets: Are you .ing kidding me? :pfp: . I think Fox spun it a bit with the title though. Title says they took the lunch and gave her nuggets. Story seems to impy they gave her nuggets WITH her home lunch and then charged them. Still rediculous though that anyone would think that lunch wasn't healthy enough but some frozen nuggets would fix it right up :pfp:



Dryer: Whats wrong with that? My dad did that all the time it was fun! Kidding...proof that some people are too stupid to have kids but don't say it was in response to the laptop shooting. Some people will take that serious and try and justify it in saying the laptop shooting was wrong lol

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What's so bad about chicken nuggets? I mean sure it's not the healthiest thing in the world but I would say it's a step up from serving ravioli or salisbury steak. Which were common lunches at my school.


I'm guessing what they considered to be missing from that lunch was vegetables? That's the only real difference I can see between the two lunches anyway. I wouldn't consider either of those lunches any healthier than the other though, you'd really have to know the specifics of each item, but we obviously can't know that.

Edited by Deathmineral

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I'm too honest to ever hold political office.

I did inhale

I did have . with that woman

I have spent a few nights in jail sleeping one off

I've lied

I've cheated

I've stolen

I hate homosexuality - although I have gay friends, both male and female - love the sinner and hate the sin

Abortion - my views have changed on this as I've gotten older

EVERY American who hasn't been convicted of a felony or suffering from mental illness HAS the right to bear ARMS, as many as they want, auto, semi-auto, single shot, pistol, rifle or otherwise

The legal drinking age should be 18 - old enough to fight and die for our country, old enough to vote = old enough to make a decision about alcohol consumption

Pot should be legalized

The war on drugs is a failure

The USA needs to quit policing the world and concentrate on issues right here at home - if it doesn't specifically affect national security on our shores or at our borders we should just stay the hell out

The Keystone Pipeline should be constructed as quickly as possible

The only two world hot spots that I think immediately affect the security of the US and her citizens are Iran and North Korea

Space based weapons - HELL YES!


My mini-manifesto :)


I will either get shot, clubbed, or assassinated for saying this, but here is MY manifesto.


Drugs are wrong period. I never have done drugs or will do drugs. Even the pain medication they tried to give me when my bone was sticking out of my arm I refused. I thought about killing myself instead at one point, but I don't like the idea of anything that alters my state of mind.


I have had chances to have ., but I have always turned them down. I do believe in only having . after marriage (Yes I am a guy, and no I am not gay. I am just a gentleman when it comes to women)


I volunteered at a jail once, that is about it. I believe when you mention jail you are talking about being too drunk? Which brings me to my next point.


Alcohol should be made illegal. It makes too many people stupid, and it ruins too many lives. It is just such a dumb way to "have a good time".


I have lied too


But I have never cheated or stolen anything. I have had the great need to at some points in my life, but I have too big of what some might call a "goody goody two shoes" complex.

The war on drugs is not a failure, it is just run by complete and total morons :pfp: If we had some people with an actual agenda that aren't spending all day in the evidence room ;) then maybe we could actually get something done.


The US should force the UN to police the world. Is it the US's responsibility NOOOOOOOO but then again who else will? I my mind America either needs to start getting the world as a whole to address problems, or we should just come straight out with it and become a full on empire.


Homosexuality is protected by the constitution. No where in the does it say marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not fond of it myself, but our country should figure out what it means to separate church and state, and stop voting like Christians and start voting like people who represent human beings. At the same time, I think we should give gays the rights of any married couple, but if they want to have the big ceremony in a church that is up to them and their church and that is that.


Key stone pipe line should be replaced with nuclear energy that actually works well. We have a plant not too terribly far from here, and my food isn't glowing..........soooooo why not think green?


Religious freedom for all including kids. Parents by law should be forced to let kids decide religious preference. No human in our country should be dragged or forced to go to church since that is a direct violation of the first amendment. Of course I have no god, so I might be too bias to make that call, so I am expecting people to not agree with me there. (and honestly I think you all saw that coming a mile away).


Equal flat tax for every one and no sales tax.


Higher taxes AND cut spending to balance the budget. Yes higher taxes suck something terrible, but we need to balance the budget. We can't keep giving out stimulus money when crowding out makes the multiplier .7 and we end up with more debt than economic growth.


Too many people have taken advantage of the second amendment WAYYYYYY too much. Hunting riles and self defense weapons maybe, but I went into gander mountain yesterday and that were selling a .50 caliber sniper riffle for 5K. :pfp: Some guy bought it for deer hunting :pfp: :pfp: :pfp: :pfp: What is he going to eat? Deer mush? Too many stupid people are buy too many overpowered weapons for the current gun laws to be a smart idea. Case in point the guy in the video. Seriously exploding hollow point rounds?????? What are you trying to defend yourself from? An elephant? A simple USP .45 with normal rounds can work just fine.


No space weapons. They are a waste. We don't need them because at any given point we can have an air strike delivered to any location in under ten minutes (I.C.B.M.). For a space weapon to be effective, you would have to have spent BILLIONS of dollars just to get it up there, and then our government wouldn't even use it because of some weird UN code. Just have a missile defense system and sit along the coast and laugh at the Iranians as their missiles get shot down by a 50 mega watt lasers.

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Drugs are wrong period. I never have done drugs or will do drugs. Even the pain medication they tried to give me when my bone was sticking out of my arm I refused. I thought about killing myself instead at one point, but I don't like the idea of anything that alters my state of mind.


Be thankful you can have that opinion. I've been on numerous medications for nearly 15 years now (that's 3/4 of my life) because of what essentially amounts to bad genes. I've had more surgeries in a week than both my parents have had in their entire lives. I don't like drugs. Never been high and only had alcohol once, but as someone who is facing the prospect of having their stomach removed and eating nothing but applesauce for the rest of his life, I can fully see the need for them.

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