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If you take guns out of the equation, I don't think you would have a problem with this. The amount of times you reference it makes me think that is why you think what he did was an overreaction. If he had simply sold it, the end effect would be no different. Remember, it's his laptop, he can shoot/sell/blow up/urinate on it if he wants to.

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AMEN brother....


The Point of a Parent is to teach our Children Values and Morals... most of which children have none these days...


Fact of the matter is that children that are "Lost" in society and in trouble lacked Discipline in the home which in turn teaches one Self-Discipline...


these kids get the thought in their head that Thank God when I become of age and I dont have to follow rules any more as I will be my own person.... which is WRONG... even after you become of age there are still rules and people who make sure you follow those rules (Judges) and you WILL follow them...


I am currently going thru that with my oldest Sons Mother... she is one of these kids that lacked discipline and lacks any kind of self-discipline and just figures she is her own boss and can do as she pleases...even when the judge tells her no she cant...LOL she is learning she cannot...LOL


You guys also lack any sense of what values and morals are for.


When we had the hippie movement, NONE of those kids you thought had any moral or values. When in reality they had better ones than any of the adults had. The adults were strict, totalitarian, harsh, and rigid.


But guess what happened, those same kids with no morals were also the ones who were able to get along with each other. All of you guys cling to your morals and sometimes kill other men for having morals dissimilar from yours.


Sometimes the kids with no morals are the ones who can get along with each other and actually create something beautiful. I mean the hippies embraced the African community as their brothers and sisters while the people with their self proclaimed morals were still racist.


Quite literally the people with no morals at that time had more morals than the people who said they had moral to begin with. How ironic.


Morals and values are an abstract idea. So is right and wrong.


I think the most wrong thing you can do is murder another human being. However, the ancient Japanese would kill dishonorable people, out of honor. Now that is wrong in my book, but does that make it wrong in their book? No.


This can go on throughout history. To include the current treatment of women in Iran.


What you mean to really say is that children need to conform to what you believe in otherwise you will hurt them, and you don't really care to hear or think what they themselves believe is right and wrong.


Which is a shame considering the human race used to be really good about that during the Roman Empire (pre Julius Ceaser)

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If you take guns out of the equation, I don't think you would have a problem with this. The amount of times you reference it makes me think that is why you think what he did was an overreaction. If he had simply sold it, the end effect would be no different. Remember, it's his laptop, he can shoot/sell/blow up/urinate on it if he wants to.


To give is to relinquish, to relinquish is to reposes, to reposes is to move to a new owner, the new owner was his daughter. It was his daughters laptop. Now if he used fancy wording like, I am letting you use this laptop, that would be one thing.


Secondly, screw this. The entire problem shouldn't have been a problem. I guess you all are too totalitarian to care one way or another aren't you?

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To give is to relinquish, to relinquish is to reposes, to reposes is to move to a new owner, the new owner was his daughter. It was his daughters laptop. Now if he used fancy wording like, I am letting you use this laptop, that would be one thing.


Secondly, screw this. The entire problem shouldn't have been a problem. I guess you all are too totalitarian to care one way or another aren't you?

No, that's wrong. A minor cannot own property unless emancipated. It doesn't matter if he says "here, this is yours" then never sees the kid again, in the US (at least where I live) a minor cannot legally own that. That's why everything has to be cosigned by an adult. I don't know where you get this wrong information but coupling it with your attitude of yours isn't going to win any hearts and minds.

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I think you need to understand the differences in Punishment... there is Nothing wrong with spanking as long as it isnt the first option always...


now the boy leaving his sister in the car and leaving... you dont see an issue with that? I am sure it Humiliated her and while some see that as fine that tends to lower ones Self-Esteem and that is worse than any Spanking can ever do....


Now I ask you this do you really think spanking is bad...


you know as well as I do there are some kids talking doesnt reach and a little pain must be endured to get the point across...


Like this...


Ever tell a child something was hot and tell them not to touch it and yet they didnt believe you only to touch it anyways and get burnt...? like a toatster or pot that was on the stove or something....


same thing... only you are telling them to do or not to do something and they dont listen and a spanking may have been the last resort after continually talking and they dont understand...but yet one swat and all of a sudden they get it... they understand if they do it again... thats what will happen again...



I will tell you I am that Parent who has 10 children.... 5 girls and 5 boys and like I previously stated Spanking is an option in my home after we have exhaust all forms of other punishment... the children all know the steps and like I also previously stated they CHOOSE their own punishment... they can either get in line after a talk or onward to the next level the choice is always theirs....


if it makes sense I run a very Lax but strict home...the sky is the limit as long as they stay within the set guidelines I set forth for them... once they get out of line I enforce the rules... they alone and only them make that choice...


As wevsspot said... parenting is not a Democracy...it is a Dictatorship and I am the Dictator as I am teaching them those Values and Morals I was taught when I was a Child...


I will tell you here and now that Spanking IS NOT Illegal and prolly will never be... when i got my first Divorce the Girls mother told CPS I spanked the children, which I agreed... I got a letter to Appear in Court for Spanking... I got a "Good for You"

from the Judge with a nice talk about the difference between Spanking and Abuse... and the case was thrown out...


Bring back the Spanking Judges...(thats where the parents used to take their kids to court and the Judge Spanked them LOL)

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What a jerk. She is a teenager. Between the two I would say he is the one that need disciplining. I hope social services looks into him


Dude, can I do you a huge favor? Can we pretend I said that? Everyone already hates me for saying the same thing. Can you just let me be your juggernaut and save you from their wrath?

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Dude, can I do you a huge favor? Can we pretend I said that? Everyone already hates me for saying the same thing. Can you just let me be your juggernaut and save you from their wrath?

TJ, don't flatter yourself, you aren't a martyr

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Dude, can I do you a huge favor? Can we pretend I said that? Everyone already hates me for saying the same thing. Can you just let me be your juggernaut and save you from their wrath?

No, if you intended to say that, then you should have said it. What you said was not the same. You were insulting, confrontational and a general butt. If you want to make a point, learn from his example.

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No, that's wrong. A minor cannot own property unless emancipated. It doesn't matter if he says "here, this is yours" then never sees the kid again, in the US (at least where I live) a minor cannot legally own that. That's why everything has to be cosigned by an adult. I don't know where you get this wrong information but coupling it with your attitude of yours isn't going to win any hearts and minds.


Uhhhhhhhhhhhh. Then what do you call me owning stock at 14? Owning an acer of land at 15?


I guess that is just some black magic?

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