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picture rant on the liberal art majors and half of the Occupy Wall Str


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There are a bunch of college students in the US that attend school for free. Just because you have to find the funding, put some effort into it yourself, and qualify one way or another doesn't make it any less free.....................


Hell, even in today's college environment only a portion of those enrolled go on to graduate, and that includes those that are going for "free", or those paying for it themselves, or those who have parents footing the bill. I can't imagine the graduation rate "cough"

if everyone were entitled to a "free" college education.


We'd have a lot of grads with degrees in psychology, human history, liberal arts and my favorite........... hospitality services. And many more that started and never finished. One thing I know for sure, something life has taught me, the more vested interest someone

has in something, the more likely they are to succeed and finish.

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I don't think those things are what the movement is all about those request sound like they are coming from a radical part of the movement which I doubt represents everyone protesting




High school is hardly an education years ago you use to be able to get out of high school and get a decent job nowadays all a high school degree is just a key to get into college

It's been my experience that knowing the right people gets you a decent job anymore, I have friends that went to college, got out, had just as much trouble finding work as everyone else. I also have a friend who dropped out of high and makes decent money doing DJ work. People really shouldn't put much emphasis on college, it's just another piece of paper, it doesn't guarantee dream jobs.

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I'm not trying to sound harsh here, but not everyone should go to college whether it is free or not. It is a lot of work, and some people just aren't willing to do the work and won't get anything out of it. I knew several people in my time in college that never went to class, failed all of their classes, drank and did drugs all the time and ended up dropping out. Whether they couldn't handle the work or just didn't want to do it, I don't know. Just like wev said, I don't want to imagine how many more people would do just that if they didn't have to pay for school.


And as far as OWS wanting free everything no matter how much it costs, the government can't afford to pay its bills as is. That money has to come from somewhere, and there just isn't any of it.


With regard to health care, I think it would be best to somehow try to get costs down. Just like college tuition, it continues to climb every year. I don't know how much my health care premiums are going up next year, but I do know they are going up.


Also, I think Tea Partiers are crazy, and hope that Michelle Bachmann gets nowhere near the White House. The government needs to start compromising for the good of the entire country and not just the special interests that line their pockets.

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It's been my experience that knowing the right people gets you a decent job anymore, I have friends that went to college, got out, had just as much trouble finding work as everyone else. I also have a friend who dropped out of high and makes decent money doing DJ work. People really shouldn't put much emphasis on college, it's just another piece of paper, it doesn't guarantee dream jobs.


In my previous post I was suggesting that the government should change the current education system so that there are two paths one for college bound students and another for people that are meant to go directly into the work force rather than suggesting that the government should pay for everyone's college


It's probably a good idea that people have to pay for there college because in my experience it seems like a lot of young people today get out of high school and just don't have the maturity and or life experience to go to college. They typically sign up for classes they don't take it seriously because there use to just sliding by like they did in high school or having there parents give them everything they want and when they get to college all of that changes and some change while others quit thinking life will be like what is was like in high school for the rest of there life


As for the college thing I'd have to disagree with you there although getting a degree doesn't guarantee a good job it does greatly increase your chance getting one assuming that the degree is a valued type of work. Based on what I've seen if you don't get a degree or trade or some other type of high education it just makes things tougher and you often regret it. While I do agree there are people who have the right connections or start and business or work there way from the bottom up and end up ok the most common trend I've seen is you just end up getting a low paying job with little to no benefits you have to live a very froogle lifestyle or struggling to pay your bills and often you realize when your in your 40s that you have to do something to change your life and you end up going back to college and it's usually a lot tough on you because you usually have added responsibilities like a family and more bills to pay then you were 18

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The reason I'm for a free college education for everyone is that an education should be about more than just trying to get a good job. People should be able to go to college to enrich their minds. If you want to go learn about something that you think will enhance your life, you should be able to without having to worry about paying for it. If a small business owner wants to go take some econ classes, they should be able to without question. If a contractor wants to go take some basic engineering courses, they also should be able to. I know that people are going to say that this is the place for self-education, but teaching yourself about a subject can leave a lot of holes in your knowledge that would be covered in a typical university course.


I don't know, maybe I'm just one of those liberal elitists who believes that education has a value regardless of other factors.

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The moment that a college education becomes free, degrees won't mean anything anymore. They'd become little different from what a high school diploma means now.


If you want to get into college, work your ass off in high school to get the funding that you need in a major that's worth a damn. If you want to stay in college and continue receiving grants/subsidized loans, continue working your ass off.

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The moment that a college education becomes free, degrees won't mean anything anymore. They'd become little different from what a high school diploma means now.


If you want to get into college, work your butt off in high school to get the funding that you need in a major that's worth a damn. If you want to stay in college and continue receiving grants/subsidized loans, continue working your butt off.

Price has nothing to do with it. It's who the college chooses to accept. I'm not proposing that anyone should be able to get into any college. I'm saying that if you can get into a university you shouldn't have to pay for it.

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I'm not trying to sound harsh here, but not everyone should go to college whether it is free or not.
100% agreed.



In fact, even if you get good grades in highschool and can even afford college I think it should be seriously thought over before you jump into it.


Pushing kids directly[i/] from HS to college is ridiculous.

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I don't understand OP, do you think liberal arts majors are all unemployed or working at starbucks when they finish school?

Seems we would have a problem if that were the case wouldn't we?

no i dont think that. How is that even possible? Whats wrong withyour comprehension skills? Where do you think the people that are majoring in philosophy are learning? At a starbucks? Do you really think that???






See what i did there? Maybe i should not have included the words rant in the op.....i like to laugh, sue me. (no this particular post is not intended to make you laugh. Im just pointing out the obvious that this is a thread for lulz. Cause apparently i have to explain myself or else people get sand up there ****

Edited by damian

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Maybe i should not have included the words rant in the op.....i like to laugh, sue me. (no this particular post is not intended to make you laugh. Im just pointing out the obvious that this is a thread for lulz. Cause apparently i have to explain myself or else people get sand up there ****

The problem with trolling Majors is that plenty of people believe what you posted is the truth. Additionally you were minimizing the people of OWS which is the same thing that FOX and other news stations are doing. I realize OWS has problems (like the people in it with real communist agendas) but minimizing them by saying they're all just stupid liberals and so their opinion doesn't matter is ridiculous.


But whatever your just a 19 year old so your opinion doesn't matter (see what I did there). And don't think just because your beginning a hard major doesn't mean you'll stick with it. I've seen a lot of teenagers start university as a engineering major and then not stick with it.

Edited by xchrissypoox

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