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Noctua Nh-D14, Thermaltake Frio, Zalman cnps10x Extreme or Scythe Muge

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Ok guys, so I'm tired of the stock AMD cooler... It's SO NOISY!! I have a CM storm sniper and I deliberately turn up the fan speeds to max to not hear the high pitched stock cooler >:( So as you may have guessed, I'm not a fan of noise. Therefore I can't decide between the noctua, the thermaltake, the zalman and the scyhe plz help!!! (Sorry for english)

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Ok guys, so I'm tired of the stock AMD cooler... It's SO NOISY!! I have a CM storm sniper and I deliberately turn up the fan speeds to max to not hear the high pitched stock cooler >:( So as you may have guessed, I'm not a fan of noise. Therefore I can't decide between the noctua, the thermaltake, the zalman and the scyhe plz help!!! (Sorry for english)

The NH-D14 is the most silent of the lot and is a beast of a air cooler.thermaltake frio is a great cooler for much cheaper but is bit more noisy

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Ok guys, so I'm tired of the stock AMD cooler... It's SO NOISY!! I have a CM storm sniper and I deliberately turn up the fan speeds to max to not hear the high pitched stock cooler >:( So as you may have guessed, I'm not a fan of noise. Therefore I can't decide between the noctua, the thermaltake, the zalman and the scyhe plz help!!! (Sorry for english)


The Frio is a great cooler but you need to dial in the fan speed. The fan spped controls are knobs in the case. Crank the fans to high and then dial back to find the noise level you can live with.


I would also consider an enclosed cooling system like an H50 or 620. These cool really well, are near the same price point and are very quiet, especially since they actually remove a fan from the cooling system.

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The D-14 remains the premier air cooler and pwns the Frio. Another one to take a look at is the Prolimatech Genesis that cools you memory. The Ziggy Darknight is another to look at.

Edited by Drdeath

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For least amount of noise I would look to the Noctua or any of the other 120mm heatsinks that noctua offers.


Sorry to deviate a little from the selection above but If you want a cheaper solution The egg has the Coolermaster Hyper 212 plus for 30 dollars. Great deal to say the least and it is a great cooler to boot. Not the quietest BUT its silent compared to a stock HSF.

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The noise level on the the 212+ is totally dependent on what fans you strap to it, my buddies got a pair of Ultra Kaze's on his to cool his 3.2GHz Q6600 and it's pretty loud, the fan it comes with isn't too bad though.


If money isn't really an option go for the NH-D14 though

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If it's only an AMD chip then the Coolermaster 212+ shall be plenty!



Save yourself some money over the Noctua. I have a 92mm Xigmatek and it keeps my OCed 1055T under 30C. The 212+ should keep any OCed AMD processor nice and cool :)

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