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Where will monitor resolutions go in the next few years?

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yeah lower quality video files that I have on the computer dont look the best blown up to full screen, however...I can have OCC open and snapped to the left side of the screen and my excel workbook open on the right side and get a pretty damn good size on both...(to be exact its 1280x1570 on both windows with the taskbar always on top)

I'm sure that works well for some people but I think I'd rather have my three monitors instead. :D

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I'm sure that works well for some people but I think I'd rather have my three monitors instead. :D


dont quite have the desk space for 3 monitors on my main rig though :(


It i somewhat cramped with the 30" and the 26"

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I hate that the standard for high end gaming monitors has been reduced to 1920x1080, I will hold onto my 1920x1200 as long as I can (until I'm rollin in dough and get can get a 2560x1600 30")


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A lot of people actually use less than their lcd-resolution, for example my mom uses 1024x768 on her 1280x1024 screen because she thinks it looks so small.


Im still not sure if i liked the move from my 1600x1200 CRT to my FullHD LCD (regarding resolution and widescreen) for general useage, but i like the smaller physical footprint.


I would definitely like to have larger resolutions instead of multiple screens, just to be able to read entire web pages and still have room over for other stuff.


I hope (but i dont believe it to be likely) that screens move into 4M+ pixels soon.

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Once we get single cards that have the performance of an HD 6990 in the $200-250 range resolutions and monitor sizes will increase. Right now it costs too much for the general public to be able to game with good quality and fps at high resolutions.

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I appreciate the extra space of 1920 x 1200, and will go 2560 x 1600 sometime soon, but it's a crazy ~$1,100 price.


The mainstream gamers seem to have gone down to 1920 x 1080, and mainstream users as far as laptops go, are still at 1024 x 768.


Do you guys think it will stay this way for quite a long time, or will we evolve to 3200 x 2000 within 2-3 years?



I think we are stuck here for a while. People like cheap and the lesser well know resolutions are just that...Cheap. Even TVs in the retails store mostly have 720p and 1080 still mostly in 60hz marks as Standard Viewing.....there arent many 120hz or even less 240hz TVs out there. In reality when shopping for a TV most wont pay the premium for the better unit. So now it all boils down to what the market will handle and as of the last few years the market only wants the cheaper end of the line.


It's really sad because the top end still carries and good price premium......

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I think we are stuck here for a while. People like cheap and the lesser well know resolutions are just that...Cheap. Even TVs in the retails store mostly have 720p and 1080 still mostly in 60hz marks as Standard Viewing.....there arent many 120hz or even less 240hz TVs out there. In reality when shopping for a TV most wont pay the premium for the better unit. So now it all boils down to what the market will handle and as of the last few years the market only wants the cheaper end of the line.


It's really sad because the top end still carries and good price premium......

The market also likes 3D. Everyone I know wants a 3D TV ever since they started seeing movies that way in theaters. Personally it's not a feature that I'm interested in.

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The market also likes 3D. Everyone I know wants a 3D TV ever since they started seeing movies that way in theaters. Personally it's not a feature that I'm interested in.


Well you now know someone that does not. 3D has been rushed to market and does not offer any real benefit to consumers right now for the level of premium paid.

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I for one wont buy a 3D TV....just dont need it. The regular is fine with me. Heck I dont even own a Blu-ray player and I have no plans on buying one anytime soon....


I watch blu ray DVDs on my living room TV @ 720p through my comp and the difference between blu ray 720p and std 480 is HUGE



LG Supermulti DVD...best 30 or 40 bucks I ever spent!

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