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Well I mean, yeah if they want to, anything can really be cracked but it deters some users to just buy the game. It's better than nothing right?

And I guess it does piss some people off, but then they don't have to buy the game.

The bottom line is, no DRM is secure but we can't all just be mad at Blizzard for it, come on.

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Regardless of which side of the fence we fall on I think we can all agree on the same thing...

We all have our own personal limits.


We decide those limits on a variety of factors so it is not hard to see why there are so many differing opinions on this issue. I think we forget that many times so we can't understand why everyone else doesn't see our point of view. There are things I am willing to put up with that other people will not, just like there are things I won't put up with that others have no problem dealing with.



One thing is clear though, as PC Gamers we are in an era where it is no longer Black & White. Before we only had to worry if the game was fun or not. Now we have to find out what restrictions our games impose upon us and decide if we think they are ok, or if the PROs outweigh the CONs, or if they are flat out unacceptable. Console games are going through growing pains too as game developers try and figure out ways to reduce/remove/profit from the used gaming market. We are going to be the old grouchy farts sitting on a couch saying, "I remember back in muh day the only DRM we had to worry about was making sure we didn't lose our CD Key!" Little kids will look up to us and go, "WOW! What's a CD Key? ...and what's a CD? ...and why do you need a key?" Then we will go off rambling about some topic that has nothing to do with games ...or even CDs for that matter.

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You guys are still going on about this DRM thing? Seriously? Thought I made it clear that with the success of MMO's, this is a step in that direction. Anyone who thinks WoW isn't popular is ignorant of the facts. So can you blame Blizzard for semi-copying a model of WoW? No. The game is going to be what they want, and your bitching about it won't do a thing.


I know it sucks you won't be able to play if you have a bad connection, but that is life. I wasn't always able to play CS or any of the other online portions of games when I only had 56k. Just mean I didn't play those games. Complaining does nothing. Now can we get back to the actual game and what it will be instead of this repetitive DRM talk? That's what this thread should be about, NOT DRM.

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Ok so back to some D3 discussion...


What I really want to know (and hoping) is if the "gold" will be worth anything. I pray they have some kind of stable in-game currency!!!


Me too. Gold just had no value in D2 because it essentially did nothing and you could gather lots of it. Maybe they can have a similar "chance" buying system like they had before, but this time it's like 93% chance of a magic item, 5% chance of a rare, 1% chance of a set item, and 1% chance of a unique. Make the cost to play very very high so you could only do it like once every few days if you grind non-stop for gold.


Obviously this was just brainstorming, more tech details and it could be a good idea! Lol

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Sure there is. You can not buy the game.


Buying it just reinforces the fact that you're willing to be inconvenienced by DRM even though DRM clearly doesn't stop piracy. What's the point??? You act like there's no piracy on consoles as well...



Then don't buy it, I am not forcing you to buy it... Why complain about something you know your already not going to buy. Obviously this game doesn't interest you because you will not be buying it...



I don't support DRM, and I know there are ways to get around it. But seriously, how would you like it if someone came into your work and walked out with a widget you spent months making, and not getting a dime in return?


The fact that you say that your not buying this game because of DRM, leads me to believe that you are going to download the hacked version of the game, which makes you no better then a petty thief, if that is your intentions.

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Then don't buy it, I am not forcing you to buy it... Why complain about something you know your already not going to buy. Obviously this game doesn't interest you because you will not be buying it...

I was interested in it. I no longer am. How is my frustration hard to understand?


I don't support DRM, and I know there are ways to get around it. But seriously, how would you like it if someone came into your work and walked out with a widget you spent months making, and not getting a dime in return?

If they stole something I would be pretty pissed (please don't try to equate stealing with copying...it's just a trainwreck anytime anyone does).


Everything I work on is open source...so yeah, I wouldn't mind someone downloading it.


People choose to pay for things that they enjoy/like/etc.


The fact that you say that your not buying this game because of DRM, leads me to believe that you are going to download the hacked version of the game, which makes you no better then a petty thief, if that is your intentions.

Are you really implying that because I choose not to buy something because of DRM that I'll simply pirate it? :glare:

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I was interested in it. I no longer am. How is my frustration hard to understand?



If they stole something I would be pretty pissed (please don't try to equate stealing with copying...it's just a trainwreck anytime anyone does).


Everything I work on is open source...so yeah, I wouldn't mind someone downloading it.


People choose to pay for things that they enjoy/like/etc.



Are you really implying that because I choose not to buy something because of DRM that I'll simply pirate it? :glare:


I've come to realize you are just a thread crapper Waco. Can we not just get back on the subject about Diablo 3 GAMEPLAY and stop arguing about DRM and whatever? We all made our points and obviously no one will change their opinions.


So what one thing are you most looking forward to about Diablo 3?

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I've come to realize you are just a thread crapper Waco.

I'm sorry that I like to discuss things. :rolleyes:


I was totally looking forward to Diablo 3 in every way. The new graphics, gameplay, etc were all things I was extremely excited about. The word of no LAN play saddened me, but didn't discourage me. I expected it after SC2's release. With any luck they'll drop the online-only requirement at some point...


Class specific quests are pretty neat too. :)

Edited by Waco

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I think it's totally fine to discuss DRM and such since it is totally relevant to Diablo 3, and is the hot topic of the game at the moment.


As for the DRM issue in general, it's not designed to stop piracy, because that can never be done. It's designed to:


1) Stop Day 1 releases on torrent sites (in which case it is mostly successful.

2) Discourage casual thieves - same as a lock on your door. It's easy to break into but presents added risk when present, and in turn discourages many people who would have otherwise walked through a completely open door and taking something out of the house.

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I think it's totally fine to discuss DRM and such since it is totally relevant to Diablo 3, and is the hot topic of the game at the moment.


As for the DRM issue in general, it's not designed to stop piracy, because that can never be done. It's designed to:


1) Stop Day 1 releases on torrent sites (in which case it is mostly successful.

2) Discourage casual thieves - same as a lock on your door. It's easy to break into but presents added risk when present, and in turn discourages many people who would have otherwise walked through a completely open door and taking something out of the house.

And its unintended side effects:


1. Sometimes breaks, yielding useless games (or worse, useless computers).

2. Validation servers, content servers, etc can go down and leave you without the ability to play the game. This is especially true if the company goes out of business...

3. Internet connection issues (or lack of a connection entirely) restrict who can play it and when they can play it.

4. Pisses off consumers who buy the game and experience any of the above.

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