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Who are the most annoying fanboys?



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  1. 1. Who are the most annoying fanboys?

    • Apple
    • Anti-Apple
    • Google
    • Microsoft
    • Motorola
    • HP
    • Research in Motion
    • Linux
    • Intel
    • AMD
    • Nvidia
    • Xbox
    • Playstation
    • Nintendo
    • All Consoles (General)
    • All PC (General)
    • All fanboys are equally annoying

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Apple 1st, then console fanboys, they can both live in their ignorant little worlds ;) Also want to agree with Death about immortal's post though! I am very anti-apple, but he did make some very valid points on why he bought apple. Which most apple fanboys don't do! They just think that mac is superior with very little knowledge of why they think that! The only question I ever ask an over-the-top apple fanboy is, "wtf do you do when your mac stops working, can you determine what component has gone bad and run out and grap a replacement part" I just don't like how apple has basically pigeonholed their users into having to deal with them on all repair issues! And once that warranty is up it will cost!!! I like being able to find the problem and fix it myself with a reasonably-priced replacement part, and not have to deal with the apple BS! However, I would want to be the owner of that company that makes you pay out the A for everything ;)



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All fan boys annoy me in general. Its one thing to like one brand more than other, when you flaunt it every chance you get, that's what annoys me.


Apple is the worst with all the hard core, own every apple product ever people.

Next would be console fanboys in general. The ones that do nothing but talk about how much better console X is over console Y and get in stupid arguments over it any chance you get.


Then there's the anti-microsoft/pro-linux people. I know some guys who at every mention of windows go on about how linux is better, they never have problems with it, and just wont stfu.

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I didn't know HP even had fanboys lol.

Who would have guessed that.



In the business world HP is king imo, a lot of people are fans of HP because of the service agreements, its nice to have HP send you a new part or replace a device overnight. I have had amazing experiences with HP in a professional level. There consumer products I think lack that same care...




As for Apple I agree there are a few nuts out there, but that dosen't take away from the fact that Apple has quality products that have emerged from a level of compliance to a strict "code" of using sometimes proprietary technology, to make a product that in my opinion is some of the best technology crafted today. With PC's you have so many vendors from China and elsewhere producing cheap butt products and floating them off as good. I have never had a DOA Apple product. I have had tons of DOA PC components. While most everything is made in China (including most of Apple's Products), all of Apples products are designed here in the US. I would like to think that here in the US we have a sense of quality when it comes to the things we buy. However recently due to the "Walmart" factor where we can get cheap butt products we have lost a sense of that quality and pride of the things we buy.


Think about it this way, back in the 1970s my dad bought a brand new Camaro. He worked his butt off for two summers to be able to buy that car for a few thousand dollars. He spent endless time caring for that car, and making sure it was the same car as the car he drove out of the showroom when he bought it.... American's don't have that sense of quality, or the value of something these days. With Apple the products are expensive, but you feel much more satisfied when you own one, then you would with something that is half the price. I saved for two months to buy my first iPhone, it was money well spent imo... I think that is why you get passionate people when it comes to Apple, its because they feel proud that they spent the little extra for something that truthfully is better crafted and is of better quality then other devices.


With the switch to Intel with the new Macs, there really isn't much difference between a Mac and a PC architecture wise. Back in the day you used to need special ram, specially formated hard drives and disks, and all that stuff.


I put it like this for a friend the other day. You get what you pay for, its like buying a Chevy over a Toyota. Sure the Chevy might be fun for a while, but in the long run the Toyota is going to run a lot longer, and have a higher resale value. You can say the Chevy has better performance, which in all likelihood it dose, but in the end the Toyota will last longer.


The thing I have noticed with Apple in general is that due to their refresh cycles, the product you buy generally holds its resale value longer. I sell G5 Mac Pros at work for $400 still, 4 year old Mac Cinema Displays for $400-600, old iPhones for $100-$300 depend on model. The products just seem to hold a resale value better. I think thats partially because of the large cost to buy new yes, but it is also I think because Apple makes quality products.


For me the worst Fanboys out there right now are the Droid Fanboys, Droid is an amazing piece of software I am not denying that. However there is so much hardware out there, and no real standards for manufactures to follow that you are getting tons of phones that are purely crap. What makes me upset is that the Droid fanboys think that their phone is amazing just because of the software on it... There are some phones out there that are good droid phones, but alas the majority of them are crap.



Some people might call me a Apple Fanboi, I don't really think so. In fact I use my PC most of the time. Sure I got a iPhone,a Macbook Pro, and will be buying a new iPad this week, but I would hardly say I am a fanboy by any means.

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I've never run into a really hardcore linux fanboy. I like Linux, and dual boot 7/Mint on my laptop, but using Wine for everything that needs to be run on windows gets tiring.


I've had the misfortune to run into a few HARDCORE MS fans at my school, while I was on Linux. I didn't hear a single reason WHY 7 is better than Linux, but I heard that it IS many, many times.


And while I have no problem with Macs, I have issues with the fanboys.


Frankly, I dislike all fanboys, and even brand loyalty in PC components bothers me. A friend of mine refuses to buy anything other than XFX (if they make the part) or Gigabyte (motherboards). He refuses absolutely to buy anything other than Seagate hard drives, and scoffs at me using BFG as my 680i manufacturer.

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Apple fanboys. They're just like Jehova's witnesses, always trying to make you think the same way as them.




All I understood is you're an apple fanboy. :rolleyes:

I own 4 apple products. I own maybe 15 PCs. I just like what works for me and have a good spread of hardware from A TON of manufacturers (although, what isn't made by Foxconn these days lol). I guess my rant was more geared towards fanboys in general, but it's really the people who have the opinion that apple products suck for no reason other than they don't want to pay for them that get on my nerves.

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The best feeling is when you have an Apple Macbook for work (djing/music stuff/using my drawing tablet)

My desktop PC for gaming/folding/media.

An iPhone/Android for mobile gaming/work/email/etc


and everything works for you the way you need it to.


I've had a few issues with my Macbook (250gb hdd died during a set, had to dip outta the gig..)

I've had a few issues with my PC.


I sold Apples for a living at one point in my life, and the biggest reason I hate the "stigma" of Apple is the "sense of entitlement" that people attach to their shiny new toys.


Macbook= BMW of the computer world is something I've heard a few times.



I prefer my PC due to the fact that I CHOSE the parts inside it, if something breaks/dies I can replace it cheaply and quickly.

With Apple (as in the case of my HDD) It would have been an almost $300 repair/part fee. (I replaced my HDD 500GB WD sata 2.5inch $70.00)

It's the super high costs of everything, not saying it isn't pretty (the inside of the mac pro tower is GORGEOUS) it's just simple.


(read on my iPhone, posted from my Macbook.)

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