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Going back to air cooling


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To explain myself a bit: I was rebuilding my WC loop last night, got frustrated, said screw it (edited) and now I have come to the conclusion that I want to go back to Air cooling.


My question is if the Zulman CNPS9700 capable of cooling an I7 with a mild overclock of no more then 3.40-3.80ghz. I have not been in air cooling for a while so I really have NO idea what modern day air coolers are capable of.


Please let me know if you think it will be sufficiant and if you have recommendation please feel free to say away... Although I do not want to use a large Magahelm, or a D14 like cooler. I'm looking for it to be of decent size though that is a contradiction as the Zalman CNPS9700 is large.


Thank you in advance, Boinker Boink.

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Lol, yes, it is a hassle watercooling. I hate taking apart everything on small cases (bigger cases I don't mind at all). Yes, the Zalman CNPS9700 can cool an i7 up to 3.8GHz no problem. Not any higher, though. You'll probably see temps in the high 70's on max load.

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Well its not that so much. I just think I need a break from that kind of cooling. That is why i'm looking to go this route as for one to take a break with water cooling and two I am always disappointed with stock cooling...


/rant can you blame me... come on Intel, Even AMD has a heat pipe cooler for the Stock HSF. /end rant


Only thing I hope is that My Corsair dominator GT will fit under it. They are kind of tall. :lol: Plus I have always liked the look of the Fan itself. :D

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the ram should not even be close to the 9700....I have several of them in service and its my all time favorite cooler...I have an extra still NIB


I bought 20 right from Zalman all at the same time....lol

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Aww come on don't give it up just yet... it's so much fun and frustration and irritating and aggravating and oh so lovely when it works...


Its not the Water cooling thats the issue. Its the cases that we attempt to put them in. Its like stuffing a Semi's radiator in a Neon. :rofl:

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I'm guessing you already have the 9700 ready to install, and it should be adequate for your overclock.


Ever thought about only stepping back half way from WC and going too a closed loop H50 or H70? You'll get that little bit extra cooling with a push/pull fan config strapped on the rad, without the full WC frustration.

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