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Agree with Computer Ed. These Industries get on a roll with us consumers and they then expect the Snowball to keep on rollin if only for profits sake. Its a Computer Tech Bubble and at some point its going to deflate for the very reason Ed states. Well,, thats my opinion. Its one of the problems with our ecomony. Some industry gets rolling and they expect it to keep on rolling at amazingly verticle rates and they plan their future that way and then BOOM or should I say BUST?

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I think this is a great point. We have seen a lot of so called imprvements that at the end of the day have been farily yawbers in hardware. SATA 3.0 gives a nice boost in benchmarks but with the exception of the top end SSDs the speed boost is not really anything in real world usage and even then it is really only impressive in benchmarks. USB3 was suppose to be the second coming that would make USB into something incredible and yet again we see in the real world only a modest change to the computing experience and then only in large file transfer times. Look at your keyboard, or USB headset, mouse or even printer, USB 3 did nothing for what they deliver in real use.


My foil hat theory on this is pretty simple and fits the events as they have unfolded. Look at the hardware we have seen over the last few cycles. The CPU while faster for sure has not really done anything that drastically changes the computing esxperience. New chipsets have given us a bunch of new features hut really a yawn when we look at them in the light of what the real world usage experience is. Video cards have made great strides with some amazing features and yet look at the fact that DX9 games still look great even when compared to DX11 and while we have gotten more pwoer for less money there has been little in any real change in the way they work or what they offer. The truth is hardware has far outpaced software and we still so no sign of things coming to balance in the future. There is less and less compelling reason to upgrade every scycle and hardware companies are scared by that. So they pull a new standard out of the hat or create a new platform and they package in a few neat sounding extras and sell us a whole new build.


I would like to see them put a little more effert into software, and knock off the bloatware.


Agree with Computer Ed. These Industries get on a roll with us consumers and they then expect the Snowball to keep on rollin if only for profits sake. Its a Computer Tech Bubble and at some point its going to deflate for the very reason Ed states. Well,, thats my opinion. Its one of the problems with our ecomony. Some industry gets rolling and they expect it to keep on rolling at amazingly verticle rates and they plan their future that way and then BOOM or should I say BUST?



That’s the general business model.. each year they need to make bigger profits then the last, or they are considered stagnate and not profitable. I Know several people with core2 quads that are perfectly happy with them and see no reason to upgrade. The only reason I build a new computer every year (or less) is I like to building them, not because I need an upgrade (and if im going to build one might as well use the latest tech). Heck, in most games I cant tell when I when I SLI enabled or not on my GTX580's but it looks impressive :)

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Core 2 is really the last end user computation experience changer. before that you had to wait for some things to finish, now most things where instant (which has been helped further by ssds). SSDs and GPUs are really the only things not relevant from 3 years ago (if you look at real world experience), sure most benchmarks has gone up, but most of those number is irrelevant. DDR2/DDR3 is maybe 5-10% difference in real world, on cpus we are talking seconds of difference between different tasks (and still very few programs using multiple cores, software is behind on multithreading since 2003), HDDS have gotten bigger but most people are more than fine with 250GB, pcie 1.0/2.0 is no real difference as 1.0 x16 = 2.0 x8 and that is like 2.0 x16 in the real world (every one with sli/CfX on sandy bridge is really still using tech from before 2006 performance wise)... the list could go on practically forever...

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http://news.softpedi...rt-230330.shtml New cooler again...


http://news.softpedi...rt-229850.shtml Hopefully this won't cost the same as a fully fledged laptop...


http://news.softpedia.com/news/AMD-Bulldozer-B3-Revision-Is-in-the-Works-228347.shtml Yay...


All old articles...

Edited by Dan The Gamer

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Thanks dan for posting these! Can't wait for the 7950, or should I get a 6970? I will let the benchmarks decide. :evilgrin:

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Thanks dan for posting these! Can't wait for the 7950, or should I get a 6970? I will let the benchmarks decide. :evilgrin:


I'm guessing thee 7950 will cost the same as a GTX580? So it would be slightly slower than a 6990 :lol:



Edited by Dan The Gamer

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I really hope it doesn't cost 500+ If it does I will be like...



The Rambua XDR2 might drive the price up... still half the power consupmtion of a 6970? with 6990 performance in one chip is great... love GPU technology... if only AMD was as good in the CPU division as it was in the GPU....

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