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So, when does the NDA run out?????


Usually a few weeks before product availability?


http://lenzfire.com/...inalised-24475/ Speeds for the non 4 module processors...


http://lenzfire.com/...ybridge-e-cpus/ Intel E series? Reporter says more than $999?


http://www.fudzilla....nm-gpus-in-2011 7000 series


http://www.fudzilla....-than-phenom-ii Wow not very interesting... 4 years is a long time... how much faster will Desktop ones be or lappy ones...


http://www.fudzilla....an-core-i7-990x I thought the 2600 was faster too? I guess Intel's answer to faster processors is having more memory channels??


Anybody want a new socket *cough* FM2? Guess next year is a time for an upgrade... at least we won't need different motherboards for FX and the APU processors...

Edited by Dan The Gamer

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  • 2 weeks later...
<br>I would enjoy a stock LCS but again, it doesn't seem reasonable given the extra price associated and the fact that warranty claims would go through the roof.<br><br>On an unrelated note, the trolling in the comments section of that website made my head explode  <img src="http://forums.overclockersclub.com/public/style_emoticons/default/whoa.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":whoa:"><br>
<br><br>I know I laughed my head off considering the Bulldozer thing can reach 5.2 Ghz on air which sorta tells us that it isn't that hot....

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I know I laughed my head off considering the Bulldozer thing can reach 5.2 Ghz on air which sorta tells us that it isn't that hot....


A friend of mine can reach 5.7GHz on a Sandy 2600k on air cooling . Its stability and degradation due to voltage that you have to look out for .

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