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QBU-88 (first)

20 kills with Sniper Rifles

5 Laser Designations


L96 (second)

50 Headshots

50 Spot Assists

5 Knife takedowns


You need B2K expansion. You can check your status on Battlelog -> Assignments.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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Discussion of BF3 Weapon Accessories, and their Futures! by Demize99 (Balancing Dev for BF3)

Some interesting things in there, but the changes in the front grip makes me unsure if i'm to use it or not. :unsure:

I primarily play as Assault using the AN-94, in my opinion by far the best suited weapon for me in the game. Seeing as they want to make the Foregrip decrease base accuracy, which is the main advantage for the AN. So far I have used the foregrip to reduce the severe recoil allowing me to tap the bursts faster, killing in short to medium distances better. However I wouldn't want to loose my absurd sniper-killing-accuracy to be lost. The alternative is to change it up for the Heavy Barrel that if the changes comes through looses its main drawback which was the increase in recoil, now the only negative with it is the -25% penalty to base accuracy from the hip which isn't that bad, the odds in the extreme close quarter fights are against you anyway.


The more I write and think about this I feel like changing to the heavy barrel is the best alternative of the two. Having to adjust to horizontal recoil is going to be a pain, but it seems like the best overall strategy. :cheers:



I'll post my current Assault build which i've played with for about 30-40 hours and i'm doing great with.




Medkit - It's the greatest thing ever, having the ability to regain the health you loose after every single firefight is unbeatable. Also it is great for your team. Even if I was playing alone on a team I would use it, the pros of using the M320 is laughable when you compare it to the advantage of the Medkit.



Pistol: MP433 Tact. - The "Grach" as any avid BC2 player would know it as, is awesome. The accuracy is great for short to medium range. In close quarters there's no pistol to beat it. I hate feeling hindered by the maximum firerate of a pistol, even if you trade it for decreased damage. Really when you pull out the pistol you are probably in the midst of it, out of ammo in your rifle and don't have time to reload it. If you then can sling out a mass of bullets and half of them hit is way better then you having to aim and slowly fire with your M1911 or revolver. Even if you're up against 2 opponents it is way better to have 18 bullets that have slightly less damage then to have 7 really damaging ones, especially considering that you can probably empty both clips in the same time. The main limitation to it is really the speed of your trigger finger.

The taclight is just because you mostly use it in close quarters where stealth isn't of concern and any moment of hesitation in your opponent is of value. at longer ranges I always turn it off.



Rifle: AN-94 - Hands down the greatest rifle in the game.. for me that is. As of now, I have 4k kills with it, 2k of which is since the B2K release. It is a rifle that gets easily overlooked since it has low firerate and high recoil, but the accuracy is absurd. My favorite hobby in-game has been challenging snipers, on their terms, and winning. For me there is no reason for me to ever use a sniper rifle since the effective range is basically the same. There is rare that there is a sniper that I can't engage. And then there is so much distance between us that he's probably not good enough to hit me if I sprint and dodge until I break line of sight.

So, I use the AN with:


The russian 3,4 scope - Versatile, zoom enough to engage at long range, and not obscuring enough to ruin your short to mid range game.


Foregrip - Simply to counter the horizontal recoil that I hate.


Laser Target - Makes the gun viable in close range when hip firing, without it my survival rate would not be as good on Metro and Grand Bazaar.


So, the way to use the gun is to use the 2-shot burst mode, before the B2K changes to the autofire I used the fully auto mode since the 2-shot had no advantage over it. Now the 2-shot is the way to go, the autofire is no longer as accurate, and the burst is really, really accurate. Both bullets hits the guys head at medium range, not often a gun on burst mode can boast such accuracy. This is also the only gun which with I feel I can aim for someones head effectively, getting results when I do it. It is also, for me, the quickest weapon to kill someone with. It really packs a punch, especially at range.

The AN-94 makes taking out people in good positions to a joy since it's the simplest thing to burst their heads off, as well as taking out guys running horizontally across streets.

The power of the AN is only limited by the accuracy of the player wielding it. It's not for everyone but I suggest that you at least try it out and get a couple of hundred kills with since it takes some getting used to, it's really special.



Specialization: I go for SQ ammo unless someone else in my squad has it, then it's SQ sprint or SQ cover (which I really think is underpowered, if you're giving up a spec slot, it should negate more suppression then it does! :yucky: )



Defibrillator - A winner, makes everyone in a game go positive which makes no one sad. There's never a reason not to ress someone, unless it would endanger yourself or if he'd get instantly killed again. He get's a choice if he wants to get resurrected anyway so if he doesn't want to rise he can kill himself. Personally I spamm the spacebar so i can get up as soon as possible when I die in an area with other Assault in. Wish they would make it easier to kill people with it though. :evilgrin:



I just realized I wrote an essay about the glory of the AN-94, congratulations if you actually read it all! My 2 cents on playing assault anyway, it's working out for me. :thumbsup:


Any feedback?

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QBU-88 (first)

20 kills with Sniper Rifles

5 Laser Designations


L96 (second)

50 Headshots

50 Spot Assists

5 Knife takedowns


You need B2K expansion. You can check your status on Battlelog -> Assignments.


Oh I need to unlock another one first... thanks :) Any tips for Laser Designations?

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yup what F13 said I am 5 knives away from the L96 every chance i get to knife somebody i end up tossing a grenade instead then shooting them in the back of the head my my pistol before the grenade blow me to smithereens :dunno:

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I LOVE when people drop SOFLAMs, if you're going to snipe you might as well do something useful :whistling:


What about the Squad +Suppr?

Edited by ekiM

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So I just had the most absurd game ever, being the gunner in a Havoc on Sharki Peninsula with my brother as the pilot.


70 - 4 in a regular length game, 64 players. :biggrin:


Link to image of scoreboard


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FXAA = Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing. Developed by Timothy Lottes (who I believe is or was an nVidia employee). FXAA injector enables the technology for games that support it. Some versions even allow you to tweak other visual parameters for HDR, Bloom, Color Saturation etc.


I played around with it last night. Turning off MSAA and using FXAA instead results in approximately 3-5 frames per second improvement in most BF3 maps. I downloaded a pre-configured injFX configuration file yesterday afternoon instead of messing with creating my own. And all I can say is that the performance is slightly improved - but the in-game colors really come to life. I'll post up some screen shot comparisons soon.

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